In the list below, under each chapter in the current work are listed the source chapters in The Great Controversy that correspond to it:GrH_c 56.1
Chapter 1, “Why Is There Suffering?”GrH_c 56.2
The Great Controversy, chapter 29GrH_c 56.3
Chapter 2, “Hope for Triumph Over Evil”GrH_c 56.4
The Great Controversy, chapters 30, 31GrH_c 56.5
Chapter 3, “Dangerous Seductions”GrH_c 56.6
The Great Controversy, chapter 32GrH_c 56.7
Chapter 4, “Everlasting Life”GrH_c 56.8
The Great Controversy, chapter 33GrH_c 56.9
Chapter 5, “False Hope”GrH_c 56.10
The Great Controversy, chapter 34GrH_c 56.11
Chapter 6, “True Peace”GrH_c 56.12
The Great Controversy, chapters 7, 27GrH_c 56.13
Chapter 7, “Our Only Safeguard”GrH_c 56.14
The Great Controversy, chapter 37GrH_c 56.15
Chapter 8, “In Defense of the Truth”GrH_c 56.16
The Great Controversy, chapters 3, 25, 26GrH_c 56.17
Chapter 9, “Real Hope”GrH_c 56.18
The Great Controversy, chapters 1, 17, 36, 38, 39GrH_c 56.19
Chapter 10, “The Great Rescue”GrH_c 56.20
The Great Controversy, chapter 40GrH_c 56.21
Chapter 11, “Victory of Love”GrH_c 56.22
The Great Controversy, chapter 42GrH_c 56.23