- The How and Why of this Book
- Respect the Aged Pioneers
- Vivid Memories of the Past
- The Dead Still Speak
- Deep Appreciation for the First Burden-bearers
- Reprint Articles of Pioneers
- G. I. Butler a Most Valuable Laborer
- Grow Old Gracefully
- Growing Older but Continuing to Testify
- Guard Memory of Pioneers
- Avoid Criticism of the Pioneers
- Let Us Encourage One Another
- Aged Workers Not Released From Service
- Older Workers Needed in Crises
- They Know How to Help Others
- Special Grace and Knowledge
- Older Ministers to Speak at Camp Meetings
- Experienced Workers Needed in the Home Field
- Old Age More Productive Than Youth
- Efficiency May Constantly Increase
- Last Days May Be the Best
- Age No Excuse for Relaxing Self-Discipline
- Be Content Where You Are
- Maintaining Personal Tidiness
- Shun Overwork and Distrust of Brethren
- “Be Not Accusers of the Brethren”
- Aged Not to Labor In Cities
- Avoid “Shut-in Religion”
- Childish Behavior in Senior Workers
- Danger of Accepting Infidel Sentiments
- Anxiety in Regard to Money
- Money Cannot Ransom Your Soul
- Place Affections on the Better Land
- During Prolonged Illness
- Prayer and Anointing—but Not Instantly Healed
- Jesus Knows Our Griefs and Pains
- “Make Me a Healthy, Fruit-bearing Branch”
- “Let No Unkind Words Be Spoken by Me”
- “I Will Not Complain”
- “The Lord Strengthens Me”
- No Thought of Beating a Retreat
- God Knows What Is Best
- Lessons From The Months Of Suffering
- Expect Short-Term Memory Problems
- Rest in His Love
- The Faith of Abraham
- David's Prayer
- David Planned Ahead
- How Peter Faced Death
- The Aged Apostle on Patmos
- The Best Time of John's Life
- Comfort From Experiences of Bible Characters
- Solomon's Life of Backsliding
- Solomon's Weakness a Beacon of Warning
- Worldly Renown versus Godly Integrity
- Influence for Good or for Ill
The Best Time of John's Life
The history of John affords a striking illustration of the way in which God can use aged workers. When John was exiled to the isle of Patmos, there were many who thought him to be past service, an old and broken reed, ready to fall at any time. But the Lord saw fit to use him still. Though banished from the scenes of his former labor, he did not cease to bear witness to the truth. Even in Patmos he made friends and converts. His was a message of joy, proclaiming a risen Saviour who on high was interceding for His people until He should return to take them to Himself. And it was after John had grown old in the service of his Lord that he received more communications from heaven than he had received during all the former years of his life.—The Acts of the Apostles, 572, 573.RY 176.1
In his old age John revealed the life of Christ in his life. He lived to be nearly one hundred years old, and over and over again he repeated the story of the crucified and risen Saviour. Persecution came upon the believers, and those young in experience were often in danger of losing their hold on Christ. But the old, tried servant of Jesus steadfastly maintained his faith.— The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:947.RY 176.2