Lesson Four—Nature Teaching
Reading assignment: pages 99-120Ed-SG 15.1
1. “For all the _____________________ of His _____________________ the condition is the same—a life _____________________ by receiving the _____________________ of God, a life _____________________ in harmony with the Creator’s _____________________.” (99, 100)Ed-SG 15.2
2. One of the best sources of learning for a little child before the printed page can be read is __________________________________. (100)Ed-SG 15.3
3. Evil can be seen in what things in nature? ________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 15.4
The love that restores can be seen in what other things in nature? (101) _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 15.5
4. “Only in the _____________________ that shines from _____________________ can nature’s _____________________ be read aright.” (101)Ed-SG 15.6
5. Jesus’ teaching “drew illustrations also from the _____________________ of _____________________, _____________________ of _____________________ familiar to the hearers.” In what way did this make for a long-lasting impression upon those who heard? (102) __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 15.7
6. “All things both in heaven and in earth declare that the great law of life is a law of service.” Provide several illustrations of this statement. (103, 104) ____________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 15.8
7. What can we learn from the parable of the growing seed regarding: (104) (a) Man’s part __________________________________________ (b) God’s part __________________________________________Ed-SG 15.9
8. “The germination of the seed represents the _____________________ of _____________________, and the development of the plant is a figure of the _____________________ of _____________________.” (105)Ed-SG 15.10
9. Explain the following statement: “At every stage of development our life may be perfect; yet if God’s purpose for us is fulfilled, there will be constant advancement.” (106)Ed-SG 15.11
10. “Parents and teachers should aim so to _____________________ the _____________________ of the youth that at each stage of _____________________ they may represent the _____________________ appropriate to that _____________________, unfolding _____________________, as do the plants in the _____________________.” (107)Ed-SG 16.1
11. What every day miracle does the feeding of the 5000 illustrate? (107) _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.2
12. What does the following statement mean? “It is in appearance, not in reality, that evil succeeds.” (108,109)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.3
13. What lessons can we learn from a single grain of wheat? (109) _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.4
14. Explain the following statement: “The lesson of seed sowing teaches liberality.” (109, 110) ___________________ _______________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.5
15. What is the lesson in casting grain into the earth? (110) __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.6
16. The seed dies to spring forth into new life. What is the lesson? (110, 111) ___________ _________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.7
17. What is the lesson in the tilling of the soil? (111) ______________________ ____________________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.8
18. The special needs of every variety of plant must be studied. How does this apply to teaching? (111, 112) __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.9
19. Illustrate how God’s healing power runs through all nature. (113) _______________________________________________Ed-SG 16.10
________________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.11
20. What is the spiritual application of the healing power of God? (113, 114) ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.12
21. When we “examine under the microscope the smallest and commonest of wayside blossoms,” what can we learn? (114) ______________________________________________________Ed-SG 16.13
22. “As the _____________________ in the cloud results from the _____________________ of sunshine and _____________________, so the bow above _____________________ represents the _____________________ of His _____________________ and His _____________________.” (115)Ed-SG 17.1
23. What lesson can we learn from the stars? (115, 116) ______________ ____________________________________________________________Ed-SG 17.2
24. What is the lesson of the palm tree? (116) _________________________ _______________________________________________________________Ed-SG 17.3
25. What is the lesson of the “wide, deep river” and the “little rills?” (116, 117) ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________Ed-SG 17.4
26. What lessons can the children learn from the creatures of God? (117, 118) _____________________________________ _______________________________________________________Ed-SG 17.5
27. What does the eagle of the Alps teach us? (118, 119) ________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 17.6
28. How can we learn from the tree and the water lily? (119) _______________________________________________________________Ed-SG 17.7
29. Answer the following question: “Why was not all colored a somber brown?” (119) _______________________________ ______________________________________Ed-SG 17.8
30. The objects in nature are to be searched out to illustrate Bible teachings. Provide illustrations from personal observation. (120) ________________________________ _________________________________________________Ed-SG 17.9