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    Lesson Three—The Master Teacher

    Reading assignment: pages 73-96Ed-SG 11.1

    1. It would be helpful to make a listing of the principles of good teaching as illustrated by Christ from the two chapters in this section. Many of these will be dealt with as the study progresses. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 11.2

    2. “In the _____________________ sent from God, _____________________ gave to men its _____________________ and _____________________.” (73)Ed-SG 11.3

    3. When Christ appeared on this earth in person, “_____________________ had taken the place of divine revelation. Instead of the heaven-given _____________________ truth, men had accepted a standard of their own _____________________.” (74)Ed-SG 11.4

    4. List some of the wrong ideas of God that men had when Christ was here. (75, 76)________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 11.5

    5. Christ came to restore the knowledge of _____________________. (76)Ed-SG 11.6

    6. List four things that God’s law is designed to do for human beings. (76, 77)
    a). __________________________________________
    b). __________________________________________
    c). __________________________________________
    d). __________________________________________
    Ed-SG 11.7

    7. What were some of the conditions and surroundings in Christ’s early life? (77) _________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 11.8

    8. The education of Christ was gained from:
    (a) __________________________________________
    (b) __________________________________________
    (c) __________________________________________. (77)
    Ed-SG 11.9

    9. What Christ taught He _____________________. (78)Ed-SG 11.10

    10. How can we explain that though Christ was a faithful reprover and denouncer of wrong, yet He drew people to Him? (79) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 11.11

    11. “Looking upon them with hope, He [Christ] inspired _____________________. Meeting them with _____________________, He inspired _____________________. Revealing in Himself man’s _____________________, He awakened . . . both _____________________ and _____________________.” (80)Ed-SG 12.1

    12. The everyday experience of Christ was “an outpouring of His life.” How did He do this? What lesson is there in this for us? (80) _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 12.2

    13. Why didn't Jesus’ teaching deal with mysteries and scientific lines and abstract theories? (81) ________________________ _________________________________________________Ed-SG 12.3

    14. What did Jesus teach instead of theories? (81) _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 12.4

    15. “Never can there be a _____________________ of life, a _____________________ in human _____________________, which has not been _____________________ in His _____________________.” (81)Ed-SG 12.5

    16. Jesus spoke “to the little child in the _____________________ of _____________________; to the _____________________, _____________________ heart of youth; to men in the _____________________ of their _____________________, bearing the burden of _____________________ care; to the aged in _____________________ _____________________ and _____________________ .” (82)Ed-SG 12.6

    17. Where is the most complete illustration of Christ’s methods as a teacher found? (84) ___________________ __________________________________________________Ed-SG 12.7

    18. The first pupils of Jesus were “unschooled in the _____________________ and _____________________ of the _____________________, but trained by the _____________________ of _____________________ and _____________________.” (85)Ed-SG 12.8

    19. “In the _____________________ walks of life there is many a _____________________ patiently treading the _____________________ of his daily _____________________, unconscious of latent _____________________ that, roused to _____________________, would place him among the world’s _____________________.”(85)Ed-SG 12.9

    20. Give a one-line characterization of each of the following disciples: (85, 86)
    Levi Matthew __________________________________________
    Simon __________________________________________
    Peter __________________________________________
    Andrew __________________________________________
    Judas __________________________________________
    Philip and Thomas __________________________________________
    James __________________________________________
    Jude __________________________________________
    Nathanael __________________________________________
    James and John (Sons of Zebedee) __________________________________________
    Ed-SG 13.1

    21. Consider the character of John. (87, 88) _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 13.2

    22. Consider the character of Peter. (88, 89) _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 13.3

    23. What finally accomplished the total conversion of Peter? (89) _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 13.4

    24. Which disciple, until near the end, never had direct reproof from Christ? Why? (91, 92) __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 13.5

    25. What are the reasons that Judas never totally committed himself to Jesus? (91, 92) _________________________________ ________________________________________Ed-SG 13.6

    26. Though the heart of Judas was never won to Christ, what was accomplished for the rest of the disciples as a result of Jesus’ treatment of him? (93) ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 14.1

    27. What three events swept away the self-sufficiency of the disciples? (94) _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 14.2

    28. Though Jesus personally taught His disciples, how did they receive their final preparation for their lifework? (95) ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________Ed-SG 14.3

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