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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900) - Contents
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    Lt 128, 1900

    Kress, Brother and Sister

    St. Helena, California

    October 16, 1900

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Brother and Sister Kress:

    I must write you a few lines this morning. I understand that you are going to Australia. I feel that this is the will of God. We wish you to come here as soon as possible, and spend a little time with us before you leave. Probably Brother and Sister Burden will go to Australia when you do. You should all be there as soon as possible, for now is the critical time for those who are engaged in the sanitarium work there. Dr. Merrit Kellogg has charge of the building. Your experience in the sanitarium at Battle Creek will be essential. They will need your suggestions and advice. We are much pleased because you are going to help in Australia. All are expecting you. But we desire to counsel with you in regard to some matters before you go. Please call upon us here at St. Helena as soon as you can, and let us have the pleasure of a visit from you. This is all I need to say now.15LtMs, Lt 128, 1900, par. 1

    May the rich blessing of God rest upon you as you begin your journey, and may it continue with you during the voyage across the broad Pacific, is our earnest desire and prayer.15LtMs, Lt 128, 1900, par. 2

    In much love.15LtMs, Lt 128, 1900, par. 3

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