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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900) - Contents
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    Lt 165, 1900

    Magan, P. T.; Sutherland, E. A.

    Sanitarium, St. Helena, California

    September [circa 21-27,] 1900

    Portions of this letter are published in 6MR 401-402.

    Brethren Magan and Sutherland:

    I wish to express to you some things that appear to me to be of large importance. As Brother Irwin leaves here at five o’clock a.m., I can write but a few words. I write you the cautions that I have received, that nothing in regard to disposition of school property should be engaged in—the matter of transferring the property, any part of it, into other hands—at the present time.15LtMs, Lt 165, 1900, par. 1

    The Lord has undertaken in your behalf. Let the Lord’s plan be fully and thoroughly worked out as it is outlined, and then after the Lord’s plan is fully carried out, He will let you understand what next.15LtMs, Lt 165, 1900, par. 2

    Keep your school up in all its elevated character, for much is involved in this. Consequences will follow hasty action which will spoil the plan of God’s devising. Can we not trust in the Lord, and wait prayerfully for Him to indicate duty at every step now, which means so much to the church in Battle Creek? Everything is to be carefully studied and prayerfully considered from cause to effect. There are issues that will—hasty moves that will—be regretted. We must not follow human wisdom now. We must look to God in humble contrition of soul, that we can be taught and led of God.15LtMs, Lt 165, 1900, par. 3

    There are many youth in Battle Creek that need to have every advantage to be prepared to stand with the whole armor on, fully and entirely awake as [to] the tremendous issues that are to be met, which will test and try every soul that has any knowledge of the present truth for this time.15LtMs, Lt 165, 1900, par. 4

    The education of the youth in the church school at Battle Creek is not to be left at haphazard or after a slack makeshift. God has His purposes to fulfill, and if we will learn of Jesus Christ day by day and hour by hour, His wisdom will become the wisdom of the true seeker. “Ask, and ye shall receive.” [John 16:24.]15LtMs, Lt 165, 1900, par. 5

    But do not make any movements now to change responsibilities that will create issues just at this time that will be unfavorable to the instruction of the youth, in the very lines that they need to be receiving instruction in [in] every grade. Attach the very best abilities to this class of school work, and make every effort to educate the youth to stand in truth and in righteousness. Leave not the field of battle as if you were defeated, and scar and mar the work of God which should stand, in presentation, symmetrical and elevated. Then when the cloud shall move, it will be your time to make your changes. Let your souls’ dependence be every hour upon God. When your school interests should be transferred, it will be at a time that will not mean defeat, but victory, climbing up the upward grade.15LtMs, Lt 165, 1900, par. 6

    There are now issues that are before us, and we must be careful how we treat them, and be sure we make no mistakes. Years ago, had the school been located as now looks to you the best thing to do, great advantages would have been the result. But now there is need of holding the fort, as you do not all see.15LtMs, Lt 165, 1900, par. 7

    The purity and stability of the material of the faith of every person will bear the test. God will know who are His. There needs now to be teaching in solid work to save our youth, to qualify them to do most earnest work. But tell every family and youth that their work is not in this line to be among the most depraved people, with a supposition that these young men and women can be workers in the worst, ungodly places. They are to be educated. The sight of the eyes, the hearing of the ears, is to be strenuously guarded; and they [should] not behold the Sodomitish practices that stain the purity of the soul. Guard the youth as to the place and associations and character of the work. They are to keep as far out of Sodom as possible.15LtMs, Lt 165, 1900, par. 8

    I close here, to finish tomorrow this subject.15LtMs, Lt 165, 1900, par. 9

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