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March 8, 1891
THE second meeting of the Conference was held Friday, March 6, at 10:30 A. M. Prayer was offered by Elder J. N. Loughborough. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.1
H. E. Robinson of the Atlantic Conference; F. M. Wilcox of New York; I. H. Evans and Eugene Leland of Michigan; H. F. Graf of Minnesota; W. H. Thurston of Wisconsin; I. N. Williams of Pennsylvania; and C. M. Kinney of the Southern field having arrived since the last meeting, took their seats as delegates in the Conference.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.2
On motion, the Chair was authorized to increase the Finance Committee to nine. S. H. Lane, R. C. Porter, R. S. Donnell, and H. W. Decker were subsequently named by the Chair as the additional members called for on this committee.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.3
The Committee on Credentials of Delegates, made the following report:-GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.4
Inasmuch as there are no delegates present from Australia and New Zealand; and as Elder S. N. Haskell has lately returned from these Conferences, and it was designed by them that he should act as their delegate; therefore, -GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.5
We recommend, That he be accepted by this Conference as their representative; and, -GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.6
Whereas, Brother S. F. Reeder was selected by the West Virginia Conference, to act in place of Brother Stone, to represent said Conference in this body, but has received no credentials; we therefore, -GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.7
Recommend, That he be accepted as a delegate from that Conference.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.8
The report was referred to the General Conference Committee.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.9
The regular business of the day - reports from district superintendents - was then taken up.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.10
Since my appointment as superintendent of District No. 1, I have attended fifteen general and State meetings, outside of my own home Conference. These meetings, six of which were camp-meetings, were in the following Conferences; Atlantic, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. The district embraces the above-mentioned Conferences, also the New England Conference (composed of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut), in which Conference I have labored quite a portion of the time in local Conference work; also the Canada Conference, and the Mission Field, composed of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edwards Island, which I have not visited. It will thus be seen that in this district there are thirteen States, and quite a portion of the Dominion of Canada.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.11
By way of adding to the importance of this field, we might note the fact that while the territory comprising these thirteen States is only about one twelfth of the area of the United States, it contains about one third of its population. Of the fifty-eight cities in this country, with a population of over fifty thousand, twenty-eight are within the limits of this district. The fact that besides the thirteen State Legislatures, there is also the capital of the nation, makes this, in some respects, the most important division of our home field. As I have traveled from State to State, I have realized something of the magnitude of the work to be done, and would emphasize, at this point in my report, the importance of a man being placed in charge of the work in this district who can devote his entire time to district work.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 17.12
There are sixty-four ministers laboring in the district, divided as follows: Atlantic, five; Canada, two; Maine, seven; New England, eleven; New York, eleven; Nova Scotia, one; Pennsylvania, fifteen; Vermont, eight; Virginia, two; and West Virginia, two. This is the same number of laborers as was reported at the time of last General Conference, although of those reported at that time, three have been sent to foreign fields, two have removed to other fields in this country, one has fallen in death, and two have given up the ministry, making eight in all, whose places have been filled by others who have entered the work of the ministry. The present number of churches in the district is 169, being an increase of 11 over last year. The present membership is 4,302, being an increase of 347 over last year. The increase in membership is divided as follows: Atlantic Conference, 98; Canada, 7; New England, 67; New York, 24; Pennsylvania, 136; and Nova Scotia, 15. The amount of tithe raised last year was $34,700.21, being $6,547.28 more than was raised last year. The total amount contributed for the support of foreign work the past year was $6,430.55. The Christmas offerings for the present year, were $4,050.80, an increase over the amount so raised last year, of $1,495.55.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 18.1
The Atlantic Conference was organized in September, 1889. The work in this new Conference is now in a very encouraging condition. They have a regularly organized tract society, and Sabbath-school Association, which are in a flourishing condition. As has already been noticed in this report, the membership has nearly doubled during the past year, and there has also been a corresponding increase in other aspects of the work. The tithe paid the past year was $3,789.42, an increase of $3,105.69 over the amount paid last year; and there has also been an increasing liberality manifested in the support of the foreign mission work.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 18.2
The General Conference has manifested a liberal policy toward strengthening the work in this new field, and we believe that the general good of the cause demands that such support be continued, as the Atlantic Conference is destined to be the theater of action in the fulfillment of the events which the sure word of prophecy has assigned to this nation. Through the work of the National Religious Liberty Association, in its efforts to defeat certain measures which have been brought before the United States Congress, our work has been brought to the favorable notice of many men of influence in the nation, and God has raised up friends for our cause. The question of Sunday legislation has been brought up in several of the States in this District during the past year, and has resulted in bringing our special work more or less into prominence.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 18.3
Through the efforts of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, of Vermont, a joint resolution was recently introduced in the Legislature of that State, asking the commissioners to close the World’s Fair on Sunday. This measure passed the House without discussion, but met much opposition in the Senate, some of the senators having become much interested in the literature of the National Religious Liberty Association which our brethren distributed quite liberally among them. But the bill finally passed the Senate, and three days later another bill was introduced, to amend the statute in regard to Sunday observance, to prohibit all assemblies, other than for religious purposes on Sunday, etc. Elder Purdon secured the promise of two of the most influential members of the House, to oppose the bill if it should be introduced. He also spoke an hour before the committee to whom the bill was referred.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 18.4
+ In addition to the amount given as total support of Foreign Missions, $164.35 has been donated by individuals.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 18.5
The bill was soon after reported to the House, with the decision of the committee that it ought not to pass.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.1
A day or two ago I received intelligence that a committee of leading ministers in the city of Boston have petitioned the Massachusetts Legislature for a strict Sunday law. The N. E. secretary of the N. R. L. Association has had an interview with the chairman of the committee before whom the hearing is to be held, who promised to notify him when the hearing is to be.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.2
The work in New York is in quite a prosperous condition. The plan of work in that Conference, of late, has been to work among the churches, spending some time with each church in a sort of revival effort, which is reported to have been a success in every instance, not only in building up the work in the churches so visited, but in accessions to their numbers, even in places where a strong prejudice had existed. The heavy indebtedness which has been carried by the Conference and Tract Society for some years in the past, has been reduced to a nominal sum, with a good prospect that in a few months it will be entirely wiped out.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.3
We have not received any very recent report of the work in Pennsylvania, but from the knowledge gained of that field, by attending three general meetings, since the last General Conference, I am impressed that the work is moving forward in a prosperous condition. Pennsylvania, although one of the more recently organized, has become both numerically and financially the strongest Conference in the District, and I see no reason why the work will not continue to grow in that State.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.4
There are many encouraging omens in our work in the New England Conference, of which I might speak. Some of the same line of work to which I have referred in speaking of the work in New York, has been carried on during the winter, with very satisfactory results, especially during and since the week of prayer. We note one point of special interest, which is the work in our cities. It has long been a difficult problem, as to how the truth was to be introduced into our large cities, especially Boston and the cities adjacent thereto. But we regard this problem as in a fair way of being solved by several companies of canvassers who have located in these cities, and are making a thorough and systematic effort to place our books in the homes of the people.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.5
The attendance at the South Lancaster Academy has greatly increased within the past two years, and the present accommodation for students is crowded to the utmost capacity. The several Conferences in the district are quite well represented by students in attendance at the present time.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.6
The Canvassing Work in the District. - Considerable advancement has been made in the canvassing work in our district since the last General Conference, and especially during the past year. The work has been more thoroughly organized in the Maritime Provinces and in Maine, Vermont, and the Virginias; so that we now consider it on a good healthy basis in all parts of the district. Elder Miles, our district agent, has labored faithfully to bring the work up to the highest possible degree of efficiency. He has attended some twenty State meetings and institutes, besides making many efforts of a more local nature.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.7
Individuals and companies in various places are reported as having embraced the especial truths for this time by the reading of the books thus furnished them by the canvassers, and several of these persons are now connected with the work, as canvassers or in some other capacity. We have been at a loss to know how to follow up and develop the interest awakened by the books, as our ministers and Bible-workers are so few. I am glad that a committee has been appointed by this Conference, who will give careful thought to this question.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.8
The retail value of orders taken in the district during the year 1890, so far as given in the reports published from week to week, is $127,746.77. According to the reports, more than ninety per cent of the orders taken have been delivered, and probably if full reports had been received, the above amount would represent not far from the actual sales of the year. This result is very gratifying, as compared with what was done in this line two or three years ago, when the entire book sales of the denomination did not exceed this amount.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.9
The tabular report on the previous page shows a summary of the numerical and financial standing of the cause in District No. 1.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.10
District No. 2 embraces nine southern States, as follows: Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, with a population of over 12,000,000. There is but one organized Conference in the district, the Tennessee River Conference, which embraces those portions of the States of Kentucky and Tennessee lying west of the Cumberland mountains. The eastern part of these two States form the Cumberland mission field. All the other States in the district are also mission territory.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 19.11
Since last General Conference five ministers have been laboring in these mission fields. Six new churches have been added, making at present an aggregate of twenty churches and 394 members, who have paid tithes to the amount of nearly $3,000, making an increase of tithes above that reported last Conference of $1,500. Adding to these figures the statistics showing the standing of the Tennessee River Conference, we have a total in the district of seven ministers, two licentiates, twenty-seven churches, 556 members, and tithes paid, $4,500.49.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.1
At the general council held at Atlanta in November, 1890, the district was organized by forming the following departments, operative under the General Conference; viz., The Southern Tract Society, with twelve local societies, and 70 members; the Southern Sabbath-school Association, with 29 schools. Treasurers have also been appointed for the different States, to whom the tithes are to be sent, and by them the same is forwarded to the treasurer of the General Conference.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.2
In the district, three tents have been operated the past season, one in Kentucky, one in Tennessee, the other in Georgia, each with a good degree of success. By these efforts, together with other meetings held in school-houses, halls, and churches, more than 100 members have been added to our numbers. One camp-meeting in the Tennessee River Conference, and a general council and institute held at Atlanta, Ga., constitute all the general meetings held in the district.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.3
There have been about 30 canvassers engaged during the past year, who have sold our subscription books to the value of $24,621.35. In order to supply the demand, the Review and Herald have had to ship books by the car-load to the Atlanta repository. An open door is offered in District No. 2, for a large number of canvassers to engage in the work of scattering the seeds of present truth, with assured success as a missionary work, and with remunerative financial returns to all who will work with zeal and love for those who are in the darkness of error.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.4
The State of South Carolina has not yet been supplied with even a canvasser; and so far as we know, there is not a soul in the State who is heeding the message. But little is being done in Mississippi and Alabama. The wants of these States in this respect cannot be fully appreciated or understood by those who have not been on the ground. To say that they are destitute does not express it. There is a crying need for willing, devoted, courageous canvassers, who will enter these fields with our books, plant the seeds of truth, and thus prepare the way for the living preacher. Something must be done to set the truth before these people.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.5
We can truthfully say that there is a good degree of courage manifested on the part of all the workers in the district. Those who were laboring in this district at the time of the last General Conference, are still hopeful, and God is blessing their efforts. Elder Purdham, of Louisiana, has been enabled to organize some new churches, and add to those already existing. He has, however, met with some severe opposition. At one place the enemies of good order and religion forbade water in the public stream for baptism, and subsequently burnt one of our meeting-houses. Elder Crisler has been engaged again in the work, during the past year, and is much encouraged with the success attending his labors. Some new companies of believers, and among them some very interesting cases, have been brought to the deciding point through his efforts.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.6
Elder G. T. Wilson and wife, by the recommendation of the General Conference Committee, about one year ago, were removed from the West Virginia Conference to Georgia, where they have labored successfully the past year. They are very much interested in their work, and devoted to the people of this mission field. D. T. Shireman and wife have recently been located in North Carolina, where they are now laboring with hope and courage. Some success is attending their labors. The former occupant of this field, Elder J. W. Bagby, is now laboring in Illinois. We have now one colporter, who is just entering upon the work in the State of Georgia, and will give his whole time to it.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.7
There are some things that this Conference should consider, which have a bearing upon the interest of the cause in District No. 2.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.8
1. The death of our lamented brother, Elder E. E. Marvin, who has filled so well the office of president of the Tennessee River Conference the past year or more, has created a vacancy to be supplied, and this Conference should consider well the situation, and recommend an efficient minister to fill the place.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.9
2. There should be a sufficient corps of laborers supplied in those fields where the work is opened up, to successfully carry forward their tent meetings without endangering the lives and health of the workers thus engaged.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.10
3. Those States which are not supplied with ministerial laborers, should have some provision made for them.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.11
4. To what extent shall we extend the colporter work in the South?GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.12
5. Some provision must be made for the support of medical, or health and temperance missionary workers in this district.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.13
6. What shall be done for the cities of the South and to supply ship missionaries for such cities as New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Jacksonville, Savannah, Charleston, and Wilmington?GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.14
7. The greatest call and most imperative demand of all for the advancement of the third angel’s message in the southern field, is for a school where workers may be developed on southern soil to labor in this field. The circumstances which meet us in this section of the country are peculiar, and to make rapid the advancement of the cause in this field, it is necessary that this Conference should take immediate steps to set on foot some measure which will provide for relief in this direction.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 20.15
I would call the attention of this Conference to the fact that in all the educational work connected with the denomination no provision has been made for the development of workers to labor especially among the colored people. Here is one race of people within our own borders, for whom we as a people, have done very little.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 21.1
We therefore urge upon this Conference the consideration of this matter, and ask this body to make some provision for the training of workers from the rank and file of this people, to labor effectually with those of their own race. We repeat, that in no section of the country can there be a more pressing demand, or a louder call for school advantages, than that which comes from this portion of our land.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 21.2
In closing, I will refer to another want which I think, if supplied, would not only advance the work in this southern field, but would also be a great blessing to those who engage in it. I refer to the demand for experienced men and women who are dying spiritually in some of our churches, because they find no field of usefulness in which they can devote their ability to helping others. Cannot something be done to call out this latent talent in our churches, and locate these brethren and sisters in different places, where like beacon lights they may be the means, in the hands of God, of bringing the light of the last warning message to many cities, towns, and neighborhoods where churches may be raised up, and sustained through their instrumentalities?GCDB March 8, 1891, page 21.3
There is indeed a loud call, an open door, throughout the South, to many of our devoted and conscientious brethren and sisters; and we ask, Why cannot Battle Creek, and others of our large churches, be prevailed upon to supply some of this demand? Some who have gone are now doing good work, and are greatly blessed. We are certain that others who will go with proper motives, and labor with wisdom, will be richly rewarded for the sacrifice they might make in this direction.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 21.4
This District is composed of the Conferences of Michigan, including Ontario, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. There are no specially marked features to report in the work in this district. The camp-meetings were good and generally well attended. Michigan held three camp-meetings, the other States had one each. Other State and general meetings have been held with good results.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 21.5
Michigan - Michigan is our largest Conference. We have here nearly one hundred and fifty churches and unorganized companies, with a membership of 5,000; but our ministers are very few. Michigan is a destitute field. Your district superintendent has not been able to do justice to the work in this State, nor the work in the district. Michigan is a good field for labor. The tent meetings held last season were quite successful. Ontario, a part of the Michigan Conference, is a very important field. Two tents were run in Ontario last year. Elder Eugene Leland has been in charge of the work there the last year, and he reports encouraging advancement. Michigan has great resources in a large number of young people; these should be looked after with more care, for many of them can and ought to be developed into efficient workers in the cause. The canvassing work has been very successful. The past year a much larger number of canvassers were in the field than at any time before.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 21.6
Michigan needs attention from the General Conference. In times past she has furnished many and efficient laborers to many other parts of the field, until the work has been severely crippled at home. Occupying a central position in our work, having our most important institutions located in her midst, and having resources capable of great developments, Michigan should not be left as destitute of needed help as she has been for a while in the past. We have a few faithful laborers, but we cannot begin to meet the wants, neither in our labor for the churches nor in new fields. The Michigan Conference has donated to the General Conference since its last session, $13,000, besides paying her tithe.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 21.7
Illinois. - The district superintendent has not been able to give as much attention to Illinois as ought to have been done. The president of the Illinois Conference, Elder Kilgore, being the superintendent of District No. 2 at the same time, has been taken away from the State much of the time, and has given comparatively little time to the Illinois Conference. This is also a very important State, and it demands more than passing attention. The government having decided to hold the World’s Fair at Chicago will make this a very important center for the next few years. Steps have already been taken to station men to work in this connection in Chicago. The Illinois Conference has also begun work in several important cities, which has involved a great outlay of means. All this means needs a careful looking after, and if the General Conference still insists upon taking the president away for other work, Illinois must be furnished experienced and competent help. The canvassing work is in a prosperous condition.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 21.8
Indiana. - The district superintendent has attended three meetings in Indiana during the last year, besides the camp-meeting. The work has been making steady progress in this Conference. We cannot say that this field has suffered from a lack of laborers. Indiana has been better provided in this respect than any other Conference we know of. The canvassing work has been gaining, and a larger number have been out in the field than in any previous year. We do not know that we have any special request to make for Indiana.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 21.9
Ohio. - We have attended three State meetings in this Conference, and one camp-meeting. Here, too, we can report progress in the work. In this Conference there is a great scarcity of laborers. Ohio is a good field, and the truth is steadily gaining ground. The Lord has blessed Brother Irwin, the president of this Conference, in his work. The Bible work in Cleveland has resulted in bringing many people into the truth. During the last year work has been opened in Cincinnati. Elder W. H. Saxby has been stationed there, doing some canvassing and Bible work. He reports most excellent success. On the whole, we feel much encouraged for the work in Ohio. Here, too, the canvassing work is making advancement. The district canvassing agent has given more attention to Ohio and Indiana than to any other part of the district, and this has been much appreciated.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 22.1
Above we give a statistical report of District No. 3, which will give something of our standing; all of which is respectfully submitted.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 22.2
[As Elder Farnsworth was absent in Colorado caring for his sick wife, the secretary read the following report furnished by Elder Farnsworth, for publication in the Year Book:-]GCDB March 8, 1891, page 22.3
This District embraces the Conferences of Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and South Dakota. There are 7,894 Seventh-day Adventist church-members in these Conferences, according to their returns the present year; showing that 570 have been added in Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and South Dakota during the past twelve months.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 22.4
There are forty-one ordained ministers and thirty-seven licentiates. They have five ministers less than last year, and two licentiates more. Much greater care has been exercised in recommending candidates for the ministry, than formerly, and several have been removed to other Conferences, which in part accounts for the loss.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 22.5
Ten new men have been licensed and three removed. Seventeen Bible workers are employed by these Conferences, and on an average about 154 canvassers have been at work. The retail value of the books sold by the canvassers is as follows: Iowa, $11,650; Wisconsin, $9,761.32; Nebraska, $7,072.30; Minnesota, $30,000; South Dakota, $4,470.18, making a total of $62,953.78. The whole amount of denominational literature sold in this District is $80,991.94. The total amount of business done by the tract societies amounts to $100,379.54. The aggregate net worth of the tract societies is $37,230.65.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 22.6
There have been eighteen camp-meetings held the past summer, and eleven other general meetings not included in the camp-meetings. Nineteen tents have been in active operation in the District, and they have been pitched in twenty-eight different cities and villages.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 22.7
The aggregate amount apportioned to these Conferences, for Union College, including $5,000 voluntarily assumed by Wisconsin, was $29,488.88. Of this amount there has been secured by good pledges, $27,034.41. The amount paid in and sent to the College the past year, is $12,435.22.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 22.8
There are 725 subscribers to the Review and Herald, in Iowa; 529 in Wisconsin; 313 in Nebraska; 443 in Minnesota; 183 in South Dakota; total, 2,100. The Sentinel has 1,675 subscribers, and the Good Health has 481.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 22.9
The different societies have kept up a healthy activity in most of the States. The Sabbath school Associations have held several meetings and conventions, at which there has been a thorough discussion of the Sabbath-school work, and a great amount of good instruction given. The Sabbath-school work has greatly improved during the year. The health and temperance societies have done more the past year than ever before. Health and temperance meetings and cooking schools have been held in connection with all the larger camp-meetings and many of the smaller ones. We think a general interest has been awakened in this important branch of the work.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 22.10
The canvassing work has met with some serious obstacles in several of the States, which have somewhat hindered its rapid growth. Yet there has been a gradual increase in this line of work, and a large amount of literature has been circulated through this means. It has been a year of profitable experience. The workers are learning better how to work, a better class of workers is being developed, and thus the work is being settled on a more permanent basis. We look upon the canvassing work as one of the most potent and influential means for advancing the third angel’s message.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 23.1
The foregoing represents, so far as a few dry facts and figures can, a part of what has been done in the District during the past year. But there are great currents of influence that have been carrying forward the truth, which cannot be represented by figures, nor expressed by statements. They can be felt only by those whose hearts beat in sympathy with it. There is, generally speaking, a spirit of courage and faith in the hearts of the people, and a disposition to press forward, being thankful for the blessing of God in the past and anxious for his guiding hand in the future.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 23.2
NUMBER FIVE, J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH, SUPERINTENDENT 1Elder E. H. Gates, superintendent of district No. 5, was appointed to take charge of the missionary ship, “Pitcairn,” and sailed from Oakland, California, October 20, 1890. Elder Loughborough was appointed to fill out the unexpired term of Elder Gates, as superintendent of district No. 5.
Not having opportunity to labor in this district since my appointment as superintendent, most of the facts given below have been gathered from reports published in the Review, or statements furnished by the officers of the respective Conferences in the district.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 23.3
District No. 5 contains five State Conferences; namely, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Colorado, and Arkansas. The territory comprised in each State Conference is that of the State named, except Colorado and Arkansas, the former being composed of Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico, the latter of Arkansas and about one-fourth part of the Indian Territory.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 23.4
These Conferences were organized as follows: Kansas, 1875; Missouri, 1876; Texas, 1878; Colorado, 1883; Arkansas, 1888. Each of these Conferences has a well-organized tract and missionary society, a State Sabbath-school Association, and a Health and Temperance Association.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 23.5
The territory of the District has an area of 731,692 square miles, in which are 8,074,596 inhabitants, exclusive of the fourth part of Indian Territory, of which the exact population is not known. The number of organized Seventh-day Adventist churches in the District is 124, with a membership of 3,803. The report of membership given in the General Conference Year Book of 1890, shows a decrease in membership of 165. It appears, from present information, that in making up the report last year there was some mistake in the number of members given for one of the Conferences, which the present numbering corrects.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 23.6
While the comparison of figures would show a decrease, the facts are that there has been a marked increase in numbers in the district. The members paid into the treasury of the district, for the support of the cause, as tithes, the past year, the sum of $22,027.03, being an increase over the previous year of $552.80. In some parts of the district there is a complaint of scarcity of funds and a shortness of crops, while some of the officers in other parts express a doubt whether all are faithful to pay an honest tithe. We trust this difficulty will be removed, and that there shall not have to be a curtailing of labor in any part of the district, because any are unfaithful in rendering to the Lord his due. The tithe is not ours; “it is the Lord’s.” Let us all willingly render to the Lord that which is his own.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 23.7
The number of tract and missionary members in the District is 1,552, and the business of the State societies for the year was $40,589.64. The value of subscription books sold by the societies was $20,322.03. The number of subscribers obtained for periodicals was 2,367. The net worth of the societies, above all indebtedness is $14,090.05. In most parts of the District the canvassing work is reported to be in a prosperous condition, with prospects of an increase of work in the spring. Many of those who were canvassing the past summer, are attending school during the winter. Canvassing institutes were held the last season, in various parts of the District, which did much to make the canvassing work more effective.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 23.8
The number of Sabbath-schools in the District is 211, and the number of scholars 4,853, being an increase of sixty schools and 609 scholars over the previous year. These scholars contributed for the support of foreign missions during the year, $1,314.34, being an increase of $445.15 over the preceding year.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 23.9
The Christmas offerings made in the District the past year amounted to $1,665.41, being $958.51 less than the previous year. The first-day offerings to foreign missions amounted to $1,132.52, which exceeded the previous year by the sum of $281.13. In addition to the above, in one of the Conferences of the District (Colorado) there was donated to the General Conference, for the aid of foreign missions the sum of $500.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 23.10
The number of ministers in this District is twenty-five, and the number of licentiates is twenty-four, being two ministers and five licentiates less than last year. These seven laborers have not apostatized from the faith, but the difference in figures is occasioned by the removal of laborers to other fields. There were no new ordinations to the work of the ministry in this District during the year.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 24.1
There was one camp-meeting held in each of the five Conferences. Beside this, each State had a spring meeting, and in some of the States a canvassers’ institute in addition. At the camp meetings much instruction was given on the subject of health and temperance, and considerable attention was given to the theme of healthful cookery. A number of tent meetings were also held with good results.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 24.2
While there is reported throughout the District “confidence in the truth and in the means employed for its advancement,” with a commendable zeal on the part of many to push on the work, there is a plea for a higher state of spirituality to be developed among the members, that the work in every part of the District may bear more and more the impress of the divine, and less and less of the human. May the Lord grant to all to realize the truth of what he has said respecting the forwarding of his work, that “it is not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord.”GCDB March 8, 1891, page 24.3
In some parts of the District the health and temperance work has suffered from the ill health of those appointed to take charge of the work, or from the removal of such officers to other fields of labor after their appointment. In Colorado the president, Dr. H. Stearns, died during the year. On the whole, the health and temperance work is reported as on the advance.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 24.4
The cause of education is a subject which has received much attention in this District during the year. The Conferences composing this District are five of the nine that entered into a compact to build Union College, at Lincoln, Neb. The State Conferences in the District have accepted by vote the sums apportioned to them of the $14,500.40 assigned to the District as their part of what the nine Conferences were expected to pay for the enterprise. Of this sum, this District has paid (up to Dec. 1, 1890) $3,384.40, and promises to pay the balance as soon as possible in the coming summer. Not only are they contributing of their means for the erection of the buildings, but they are planning to send their sons and daughters to receive the benefits of the instruction at Lincoln College. In two of the State Conferences in this District there are schools under the control of Seventh-day Adventists, and there is a call in some places for church schools to be established, where those may receive instruction who are not able to go to the Battle Creek and Lincoln Colleges, or who are not, as yet, far enough advanced to enter these schools.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 24.5
District No. 6 has three organized Conferences and one mission field, comprising the following States and Territories: The California Conference extending over the States of California and Nevada, and the Territories of Utah and Arizona; the North Pacific Conference embracing that part of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia lying west of the Cascade Mountains; the Upper Columbia Conference embracing the State of Idaho and all of Oregon and Washington lying east of the Cascade Mountains; leaving Montana a mission field, to be supplied with laborers by the General Conference.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 24.6
It was in the month of August, 1868, at Petaluma, California, that the first series of tent-meetings was held by Seventh-day Adventists in the territory now known as General Conference District No. 6. Elders J. N. Loughborough and D. T. Bourdeau were the laborers who conducted the meetings. At this time less than a score of Sabbath-keepers could be found on the Pacific Coast.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 24.7
It is a matter of the deepest interest to note the progress of the third angel’s message since that time, not only on the Pacific Coast, but throughout the entire world. At that time it was a greater undertaking to open up a mission on the Pacific Coast, with the facilities then at hand, than to now enter some untried foreign field. Then it took Elders Loughborough and Bourdeau five weeks to reach California from Michigan, via Central America, instead of five days, as now, by railroad.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 24.8
Then we had one small publishing house, printing only one denominational paper, the Review. We had but few Conferences; no tract and missionary societies; no bound books, published in an attractive form, to offer the public; no canvassers; no Bible workers; no colleges to train laborers to go forth to stand by the few ministers burdened with the weight of the solemn message of God for this generation. Now, by the blessing of God, there are nearly 4,000 believers of the third angel’s message in this District, co-operating in its aims and objects.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 24.9
Important institutions have been planted on the Pacific Coast, which demand the attention and support of this Conference, so far as it is possible to render them its aid. First in importance I speak of the Pacific Press, the second largest publishing house among us as a people. In the last two years this office has established branches, at considerable expense, in New York City, and London, England. The establishment of these offices, though much to the advancement of the cause, has been up to the present time, a financial loss to the institution.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 24.10
The delegates will remember the earnest calls they have made in the past to have the Signs of the Times, our pioneer paper, published at such a price that our tract societies could handle large clubs for free distribution. Now this has been done, and we trust that the tract societies will appreciate this by placing the paper in the houses of the people everywhere.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 25.1
The Healdsburg College and the St. Helena Health Retreat are important institutions. As there will be a separate report given of the workings of the Retreat, I will not take the time to speak of this, only to say that the past year has been one of prosperity in its history. The faculty of Healdsburg College report a good interest in their school work. The educational secretary will doubtless speak quite fully of educational work in this district.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 25.2
I have spent considerable time in the North Pacific and Upper Columbia Conferences the past season. The educational work, and the locating of a union school for the northwest has been live questions for the past few months in that field. After considering the question from all stand-points, our brethren in these Conferences and Montana have decided to unite in establishing one school centrally located. Our brethren propose to have the property deeded to the General Conference Association. They also ask this body to elect a board of trustees, and to render them such substantial aid in establishing this College for the northwest as this Conference may be able to provide.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 25.3
The Milton Academy is in a prosperous condition, with an attendance of about one hundred and fifty students. There is another school controlled by our people in District No. 6, an academy opened by Prof. W. H. Bunch, with four assistant teachers, in Coos County, Oregon, last fall, which at the present time has an attendance of 140 students. Only eighteen or twenty of this number are children of Seventh day Adventists. From all accounts of this school, it seems to be doing good work, and commanding the respect, as well as the support, of the people in that part of Oregon.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 25.4
Coos county is separated from the rest of the world by dense forests and mountains on three sides, and the Pacific Ocean on the other. It is seventy-four miles from the nearest railway station to Coquille City, the location of the Academy. The road is through dense forests and over mountains, and can only be traveled on horseback during the winter season of the year. Their only means of communication with the world during this time (excepting the mail carried on horseback through the mountains) is by a line of steamers which run from Coos Bay to San Francisco, Cal. This isolation from the rest of the world was sufficient reason, in the minds of a few of our brethren in that county, for their starting a school controlled by our people. There has been $3,500 already invested in the Academy.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 25.5
Since the last General Conference, the California Conference has opened the work in Utah and Arizona. At Phoenix, Ariz., a church has been organized with eighteen members, and a good work started. To Utah, perhaps the hardest field for labor in the United States, Elder G. H. Derrick was sent to open the work as he might deem best after a study of the people and the best means of reaching them.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 25.6
The Congregationalists have expended more than $250,000 without accomplishing hardly anything in Utah. The Methodists and others have tried the work with a similar experience, it being almost impossible to reach the people by means of preaching or teaching.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 25.7
The canvassing work was thought to be the most practical way of placing the truth in the homes of the people. The work started hard. One year ago this month, when I visited Elder Derrick and company of four or five workers at Salt Lake City, the outlook was not at all flattering; but having faith in the work, and that the “battle is the Lord’s,” our brethren toiled on, God giving them more and more success each week, until up to the present time there have been fully $20,000 worth of our publications placed in the homes of the people in Utah, and eighteen persons are rejoicing in the truth. At present there are twelve active canvassers at work there, ten of whom have entered from other fields, and two who have embraced the truth by means of the books sold.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 25.8
The work in Montana is very encouraging. At a meeting recently held at Livingston, a State tract society was organized, and also a church with twenty-six members. Several have embraced the truth in that field the past season. On account of an interest near Boseman [Bozeman], Elder J. W. Watt is prevented from attending this Conference. The canvassing work is also an encouraging feature in Montana. Six active canvassers are now at work. This mission field is at present self-supporting.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 25.9
The business of the tract societies in the district for the year ending June 30, 1890, was a little over $25,000. In this report the book sales in the California Conference are counted only from April 1 to June 30. Prior to April 1, 1890, the book business was handled by the Pacific Press. At that date the tract society took charge of the canvassing work, and appointed a State agent to look after its interests.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 25.10
Up to this time the agents had been selling less than $1,000 worth of books per month. In two months’ time they had more than doubled their sales. In August they sold $4,645.70 worth, and since that time their average sales have been about $4,000 worth per month.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.1
The amount of tithe paid in this district during the past year was $45,695.89; first-day offerings, $1,890.61; Christmas offerings, $3,627.92; Sabbath-school donations to foreign missions, $4,717.17; Donations of State Conferences, $4,500. This is divided among the several Conferences as follows:-GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.2
California - Membership, 2,171; tithe, $28,426.28, per capita, $13.09; first-day offerings, $1,372.74, per capita, $0,63; Christmas offerings, $2,549.63, per capita, $1.13; Sabbath-school donations to foreign missions, $3,554.09, per capita, $1.17; donated by State Conference to General Conference, $2,000, per capita, $0.91; total per capita to foreign missions, $3.84.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.3
North Pacific - Membership, 700; tithe, $11,718.08, per capita, $16.74; first-day offerings, $364.19, per capita, $0.52; Christmas offerings, $822.19, per capita, $1.19; Sabbath-school donations to foreign missions, $809.22, per capita, $1.15; donated by State Conference to General Conference, $2,500, per capita, $3.57; total per capita to foreign missions, $6.43.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.4
Upper Columbia - Membership, 443; tithe, $4,599.48, per capita, $10.38; first-day offerings, $153.68, per capita, $0.34; Christmas offerings, $256.10, per capita, $0.57; Sabbath-school donations to foreign missions, $340.36, per capita, $0.76; total per capita for foreign missions, $1.67.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.5
Montana - Membership, 50; tithe, $952.05, per capita, $19.04; Sabbath-school donations to foreign missions, $13.50, per capita, $0.27; total per capita to foreign missions, $0.27.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.6
It will be seen from this that the North Pacific Conference is largely in the lead of the other Conferences in this district, in tithe and offerings to foreign missions. From what I know of the field I am persuaded that this is largely due to the faithful labors of Father Dickinson, as we call him, the State treasurer of this Conference. He tells me that he never receives tithes or offerings from a church, company, or an isolated individual, without sending them a good personal letter of thanks in behalf of the cause of Christ, and an admonition to faithfulness in this important branch of the Lord’s service. If we had more State and church treasurers who felt the burden and responsibility of their office as does Brother Dickinson, our treasury would be largely increased.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.7
A sample of these good letters sent throughout the North Pacific Conference, has fallen into my hands lately, which I take the liberty to read, omitting the name of the person addressed.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.8
SALEM, OREGON, FEB. 25, 1891
Mrs.————.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.9
MY DEAR SISTER: Yours with fifty cents tithe for the North Pacific Conference, is at hand, and set to your credit. Many thanks for the same. I am glad to receive this token of love to Christ, and from one whom I have never seen, but whom we fondly hope will soon dwell among us, and add her song with ours to the blessed one who walks among us, and whom we hope to see not long hence in his beauty. May God’s loving favor rest upon you and your husband, and may the gentle, softening, subduing influence of which you speak, rest upon you both, and prepare you to come to this Conference with large measure of good to this people.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.10
Tell our beloved————to take my life text for his own through all future life, and he may be assured, if he does, that he will find it never to fail. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding: in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift. Your brother, in love, O. DICKINSON.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.11
I am satisfied that a close investigation would show that many of those chosen to fill the responsible place of tithe treasurers in our Conferences have only a dead faith in the tithing system. Many of our church, and perhaps some of our State, treasurers regard themselves elected simply as receivers of what may be paid to them; but that they have a solemn duty to discharge by faithful example and earnest exhortation in person or writing in the proper spirit to their brethren to be faithful in the payment of the Lord’s means, for the support of the home and foreign work, - has never dawned upon their minds. It is about as consistent to choose such persons treasurers as to send out men to preach the burning truths of the gospel who have never known its transforming power. Have not we, as ministers and Conference officers, been greatly at fault in failing to properly instruct the treasurer in regard to what is his whole duty in the faithful discharge of his office? Brother O. Dickinson, of the North Pacific Conference, spends a large share of his time in correspondence with the churches and isolated families in his Conference. He feels that this kind of work is the best missionary work he can do.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.12
There were seventeen tents used in the district, in which series of meetings were held. Most of these were more or less successful in bringing companies into the truth. Besides the tent efforts, there were something like seventy-five brought into the truth by means of Bible work.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.13
Eight camp-meetings were held in the district. These meetings were seasons of instruction and spiritual revivals. Several important general meetings were held in each Conference, in addition to the camp-meetings. The season of prayer and humiliation appointed by the General Conference Committee, for October 3-5, also the week of prayer in December, were seasons of earnest seeking of God by many, the results of which we trust will be shown by the fruits of individual consecration.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.14
In conclusion I wish to say, there is a large and fruitful field in District No. 6. Important institutions are already in operation there, which need consecrated talent connected with each and all. We have twenty-nine ministers, twenty-three licentiates, twenty-two Bible workers, and fifty canvassers, in the field. When this Conference shall consider the removal of laborers from one field to another, you should remember that you have drawn heavily of late from California. May the Lord guide the delegates in the important questions before them, that the one great cause of Christ may be best served by your decisions.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 26.15
The Conference adjourned, to meet Sunday, Mar. 8, at 9 A. M.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.1
THE first meeting of the thirteenth annual session of the International Sabbath-school Association was called Friday, March 6, at 3 o’clock P. M., with the president, C. H. Jones, in the chair. The meeting was opened with Hymn No. 1261. Prayer was offered by Elder J. H. Durland. The reading of the minutes of the last annual session was waived. The president then read his annual address.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.2
We are glad to welcome so many delegates to this the thirteenth annual session of the International Sabbath-school Association. Nearly a year and a half has elapsed since our last annual meeting, and many are the changes that have taken place both in the work and the workers. Some of those who met with us one year ago have since been called to distant fields of labor; and some have been laid away in the cold grave to await the coming of the Life-giver. While faithful laborers have been taken away, others have been called to fill the places thus made vacant, and still the work goes on. We have no discouraging word to bring, for we feel that the Lord has been very kind and merciful, and that he has blessed the Sabbath school work in a special manner during the past year.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.3
We have come up to this meeting, not out of mere idle curiosity, or simply to please ourselves, but as the servants of God with an earnest desire to know and to do his will.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.4
Grave responsibilities rest upon you as delegates, and we trust that every question will be carefully considered; that God will bless the committees that may be appointed; that he will be with them as they counsel together, and that every plan that is laid may be such as will meet with God’s approval.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.5
In order that you may understand the situation and thus be better able to plan for the future, we will take a brief review of the work of the past year.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.6
Immediately following the last annual session, the Executive Committee held several important meetings. At that time the question of more thorough work was considered; and in order to secure closer attention to all parts of the field, it was decided that the territory now covered by the association in this country should be divided into six districts. This was done by adopting the same division as that of the General Conference.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.7
District superintendents were appointed to take a general oversight of the work in these districts, as follows:-GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.8
Dist. No. 1, Atlantic. - Superintendent, A. E. Place; assistant, O. O. Farnsworth.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.9
Dist. No. 2, Southern. - Superintendent, R. M. Kilgore.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.10
Dist. No. 3, Lake. - Superintendent, A. O. Tait; assistant, J. H. Durland.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.11
Dist. No. 4, Northwest. - Superintendent, M. H. Brown.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.12
Dist. No. 5, Southwest. - Superintendent, E. H. Gates; assistant, L. J. Rousseau.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.13
Dist. No. 6, Pacific Coast. - Superintendent, Roderick S. Owen; assistant, W. W. Sharp.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.14
In response to an appeal to the General Conference to give us financial assistance in this work, the following communication, dated at Battle Creek, Jan. 16, 1890, was received:-GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.15
“At the late meeting of the General Conference Committee the following action was taken in reference to district Sabbath-school superintendents for the six General Conference districts into which the territory embraced in the United States and Canada is divided:-GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.16
“1. We recommend, That each district Sabbath-school superintendent be authorized to spend four weeks each year in each Conference in his district, at the expense of the General Conference.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.17
“That he be authorized to visit each Conference in his district, once each year, at the expense of the General Conference.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.18
“That this work be done in harmony with the plans of the one having charge of the General Conference work in the district, so as to incur no unnecessary traveling expenses.”GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.19
This was doing even more than we anticipated, and we feel that the General Conference is deserving of a vote of thanks for its liberality.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.20
We believe that the plan of thus dividing the territory was a good one, but we are sorry to say that it has not been fully carried out. Unfortunately, most of the men selected as district superintendents already had their hands full of other work, and were not able to give that time and attention to the Sabbath-school work which it deserved, and which they desired. Nevertheless, encouraging reports have been received from nearly every district, and we trust that some good has been accomplished. But we are confident that our schools will never reach that standard which we desire until more thorough instruction is given to each. How to give them this instruction is one of the important questions to be considered at this meeting. We think that our plan of labor should be modified, somewhat, and only such persons selected to fill important positions as can and will give their whole time to the work.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 27.21
The Sabbath-School Worker is the official organ of this Association. Up to the first of January, 1890, it had been published as a quarterly. But at that time, in harmony with the vote of the Executive Committee, it was changed to a sixteen-page monthly, and is still published in that form. Mrs. C. H. Jones and Mrs. Jessie F. Waggoner were appointed editors. Many words of commendation and appreciation of this journal have been received, and we think there can be no question about having it continued. We are sorry that the subscription list has been so small, and that in consequence there has been a financial loss. We trust that some plan may be devised at this meeting to secure a larger circulation of the Worker.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.1
Early in the season the International Association issued two little pamphlets, one containing lessons and suggestions for those conducting young people’s meetings at camp-meetings, and the other containing lessons and suggestions for those conducting children’s meetings. Both have been used at our camp-meetings this year with profit.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.2
In response to the call of the Executive Committee the Pacific Press publishing company has commenced the publication of a paper especially adapted to the little ones. It is entitled, Our Little Friend. This paper is a four-page weekly, and besides other interesting reading matter, it contains Sabbath-school lessons on the Life of Christ for the primary division. The first number was issued in July. It supplies a long felt want, and we are glad to know that it meets with a hearty reception.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.3
In this connection we cannot refrain from calling your attention to another publication issued by the same company, viz., the “Young People’s Library.” For a long time some of our leading Sabbath-school and missionary workers have felt that all was not being done that should be done for the instruction of our youth. “The lack of suitable reading matter for the young, calculated to arouse an interest to read on the part of those who have little inclination, and educate the taste of all for wholesome literature has been the subject of much thought and much anxiety.”GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.4
We think that in this series of books one step has been taken toward solving the problem. We speak of this here on account of the fact that this library was started at the request of the Executive Committee. It is a monthly publication, and six numbers have already been issued.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.5
Since our last annual session two new associations have been organized. One at Truro, Nova Scotia, Jan. 26, 1890, embracing the Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. This is called “The Maritime Provinces” Sabbath-school Association. It embraces six schools with a total membership of about seventy-five.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.6
The other association was organized at Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 16, 1890. It embraces the eastern portion of Kentucky and Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. This association absorbed the North Carolina and South Atlantic Associations, and comprises thirty-four schools, with a total membership of 496. It is called the Southern District Sabbath-school Association.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.7
Immediately after the close of our last annual meeting it was our privilege to visit England. We found quite a large and interesting school in London, but outside of this very little was being done in that field for want of organization. At one time there had been a regular Sabbath-school organization, but we found that all the officers had moved to this country, and thus things were left with no one to feel any special responsibility. We called a meeting of leading workers and re-organized the British Sabbath-school Association. Frank Hope was appointed president, and Mrs. L. S. Hope, secretary. Since that time several new schools have been organized, and the membership and interest are increasing. The report for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1890, shows eighteen schools with a total membership of 278.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.8
The Central European Association embraces twelve schools in Switzerland, thirteen in Russia, six in France, four in Germany, one in Algeria, and one in Italy, - thirty-four schools in all, with a total membership of 769. This is according to the report for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1890. It shows that during the year, fifteen new schools have been added to the Association, and the membership increased over 400. This is certainly very encouraging. Elder Conradi, who recently returned from a trip through Russia, states that a Russian Sabbath school Association has recently been organized, and that there are over five hundred scholars in Russia and Germany. We shall be glad to receive a report from this association and welcome it to our number.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.9
The reports from Australia are also of an encouraging nature. This association embraces eighteen Sabbath-schools and one Sunday-school, with a total membership of 749. This shows an increase in membership during the year of 127.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.10
New Zealand also sends us an encouraging report, showing an increase in the number of schools, and also in the membership.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 28.11
The South Africa Association was admitted into the International Association at our last annual session. The last report from this field is very encouraging. It shows that there are six schools with a membership of 154.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.1
We have just received our first report from the Scandinavian Association, although it was organized some time ago. This association embraces Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. The report is for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1890, and stands as follows: membership, 666; average attendance, 448; number of schools, 26; donations to missions, $120.50.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.2
All of these foreign associations have adopted the plan of donating a part of their class contributions to missions, and manifest much interest in this line of work.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.3
For quarter ending Sept. 30, 1890, we had reports from isolated schools in Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Montana, Hawaii, and Pitcairn Island.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.4
The work of organizing family Sabbath-schools has been pushed forward energetically by nearly every State Association, and the results are very encouraging. Scores of families have thus been brought in connection with the work, and have been led to a systematic study of the Scriptures, and feel that some one had an interest in them. The good accomplished in these schools in helping to hold families together and in keeping the children from going into the world cannot be overestimated. We trust that this work will still be carried on until every isolated family of Sabbath-keepers is organized into a Sabbath-school.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.5
Another important movement has been inaugurated in some States, and that is the organization of what is called a “State school.” This school consists of isolated individuals, or persons who are traveling from place to place and have no permanent residence. The object of such a school, the way to organize, etc., were fully set forth in the January and February numbers of the Sabbath-school Worker. Those who have entered upon this line of work feel greatly encouraged, and we hope that every State will give it a trial. This school is not to interfere with, or take the place of, family schools, but simply to embrace those individuals who cannot join either a regular or a family school.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.6
Our Sabbath-school lessons have been especially interesting the past year. The first six months of 1890 the senior division completed the study of the book of Hebrews. The last six months of that year were devoted to the study of Old Testament History. At the present time this division is studying the book of James.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.7
Beginning with January, 1891, lessons were prepared for the intermediate division on the same subject as those for the senior. These lessons are now being published in the “Youth’s Instructor.”GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.8
The primary division has been studying lessons on the Life of Christ, found in Our Little Friend, also lesson books, Nos. 1, 2, and 3.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.9
Aside from these lessons, the International Association has published three series of lessons for use in tent meetings, as follows: seven lessons on the “Life of Christ,” eight lessons on “Prophecy,” and seven lessons on “Sin and Righteousness.” These will also be found useful in mission Sunday-school work, etc.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.10
The plan of donating a part or all of the class contributions to some missionary enterprise has been quite generally adopted, and the results for the past year are very encouraging.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.11
According to the recommendation of the International Association, the contributions for the first six months of 1890 were to go toward building and equipping our missionary ship. The schools responded nobly, and as the result, nearly ten thousand dollars was raised. The last six months of 1890 the contributions were for the purpose of opening up the work in South America. The report for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1890 (the last one received up to date), shows that $4,235.95 was donated to this enterprise.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.12
The total amount donated to missions for the year ending Sept. 30, 1890, was $16,604.99. This exceeds the amount donated the previous year by $5,157.42.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.13
The increase in membership is no less encouraging. On Sept. 30, 1889, 1,114 schools reported a total membership of 28,778 scholars. On Sept. 30, 1890, 1,383 schools reported a total membership of 33,475 scholars, showing an increase of 269 schools and 4,697 members. It is very evident that faithful labor has been put forth on the part of some at least.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.14
Of necessity a few changes have been made in the officers of the Association. On account of other duties Sister Jessie F. Waggoner resigned her position as corresponding secretary, and Sister Vesta J. Olsen was appointed to fill the vacancy. Elder M. H. Brown, superintendent of District No. 4, tendered his resignation, and Elder J. M. Willoughby was appointed to take his place.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.15
The secretary’s report gives the standing of each association in regard to membership, donations, etc. It also contains a comparative statement between the years 1889 and 1890. It will be noticed that there has been an increase in nearly every item, and that the work is in a very prosperous condition. We trust that this will tend to stimulate us to new energy and zeal, and that the coming year may show still more satisfactory results.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.16
The corresponding secretary is in correspondence with every State association, as well as isolated schools, and will be able to present a very interesting report, showing what has been done, and what needs to be done, in different parts of the field.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 29.17
The treasurer’s report shows the association to be in a very good condition financially. According to the balance sheet which will be handed out at this meeting, it will be seen that the surplus, Sept. 30, 1889, was $1,497.29, but that at the present time it is only $1,355.71. This shows a loss of $141.58. From the report it can be readily seen where the losses were sustained; but we might say just a few words by way of explanation.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 30.1
It will be remembered that during the year 1890, Sabbath-school lessons in the foreign languages were published in pamphlet form. Previous to this they had been printed in connection with the regular periodicals, but the change was made because it was thought it would be more convenient. Before the close of the old year we found that we were not only losing money, but that the new plan was not giving as good satisfaction as the old, therefore after considerable correspondence and consultation with members of the General Conference Committee and others, we decided to return to the old plan of publishing the lessons in connection with the foreign periodicals. This was done, beginning with January, 1891. But it will be noticed that during the year 1890 the association lost $197.55 on account of publishing the foreign lessons in pamphlet form. This was a rather costly experiment, but it was tried because we thought it would give better satisfaction, and would also give more room in the foreign periodicals for other matter.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 30.2
It will be noticed that there has also been quite a loss on the Sabbath-school Worker, but the loss is not as much as we had feared, considering the small subscription list. The average number taking the Worker has not been over 2,000. According to this, not one half of the officers and teachers have taken the journal. In proof of this statement we offer the following:-GCDB March 8, 1891, page 30.3
Sept. 30, 1890, we had reports from 1,383 schools. Allowing only two officers to each school it gives us 2,766 officers. The same quarter the reports showed that there were 5,006 classes, and of course just that number of teachers. This would give a total of 7,772 officers and teachers. Thus it will be seen that only about one quarter of the officers and teachers were subscribers to the Worker. We hold that the subscription list of the Worker should at least equal the total number of officers and teachers, which as we have seen, is 7,772. But had only one half of the officers and teachers taken the journal, there would have been no financial loss. We would not say so much about this, but we consider it an important question, and trust that means will be devised at this meeting to place the Worker in the hands of every officer and teacher.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 30.4
Aside from the heavy losses in this direction, the association has furnished supplies to quite a number of destitute schools, including Pitcairn and South America. It has also spent considerable money for stationery, etc., the officers having done so much more work by way of correspondence this year than ever before. Over two thousand letters have been sent out from the president’s office alone. But we believe that this money has been well spent, and we do not think that any will regret it.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 30.5
Notwithstanding all this, it will be seen that the surplus has been reduced but very little. We have still a good working balance.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 30.6
Thus far we have but briefly called attention to the working of the association during the past year. In looking at the report and comparing it with previous years we certainly find much to encourage us, but we must not dwell longer upon the past. The future is before us, and the fields are white ready for the harvest. It is the work of this convention to examine the field carefully, and lay plans for carrying forward the work during the coming year. With your permission we will call attention to a few questions which we think should receive your careful consideration.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 30.7
1. The selection of officers. This is always an important question, but it seems to be more so this year than ever before. The work is enlarging, and demands more thought and closer attention. The time was when the officers of the International S. S. Association could be selected from among those who already had several lines of work in hand; but not so now, that is, if we hope to see the work prosper. The leading officers should be persons who can and will devote a large share of their time to the Sabbath-school work. We trust that the Committee on Nominations will consider this carefully.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 30.8
2. Sabbath-school Lessons. No more important question than this can come before the Association. While the final decision rests with the Executive Committee, yet we know that this committee will be glad to have suggestions offered. Lessons for the senior, intermediate, and primary divisions should be planned for two years ahead. Lesson writers should then be selected and requested to furnish the lessons for examination as soon as possible. Considerable inconvenience has been experienced in the past on account of not getting the lessons in time.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 30.9
3. The Sabbath-school Worker. - According to a resolution adopted at our last annual meeting, this journal “is now recognized as a necessary factor in the Sabbath-school work,” and we believe it is true. We know that it has had a molding influence on the work during the past year; and notwithstanding the disadvantages under which it has been published, we believe it has been the means of doing much good. The question of editors, and how frequently and in what shape it shall be published, will come before you for consideration. We trust that its field of usefulness may be increased during the coming year.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 30.10
4. Sabbath-school Contributions. To what object shall they be donated the coming year? This is also a question that will interest all, and should be carefully considered. These contributions have come to be quite an important item in carrying forward the foreign mission work. The General Conference looked to the Sabbath schools to furnish the money to build the missionary ship, and they were not disappointed. There is also quite a fund in the treasury for the purpose of opening up the work in South America, and now our donations are going toward the running expenses of the “Pitcairn.”GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.1
During the past year the International Sabbath-school Association has turned over to the General Conference over twenty-seven thousand dollars. Some of this was left over from last year, but $16,604.99 was raised during the year, or from Sept. 30, 1889, to Sept. 30, 1890.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.2
The Nominating Committee will no doubt bring in a resolution touching this point, and we would suggest that they consult the General Conference Committee and the Foreign Mission Board.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.3
5. We would also suggest the propriety of having our Sabbath-school lessons for the senior division published in the form of a regular Sabbath-school lesson quarterly, instead of in connection with the “Bible Student’s Library.” They would still be in pamphlet form, the same as now, but issued as a regular quarterly periodical, thus securing the pound rate of postage.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.4
6. Laborers for the coming year. As before stated, the plan of appointing district Sabbath-school superintendents has not been very satisfactory, not because the plan was not a good one, but because we were not able to find persons who could give their time to the work. In many instances men were selected who were already overburdened with other work. It was the best we could do, but still they could not give their time to this work. And the prospect for the coming year is no more encouraging. We think it would be better to ask for a less number of laborers, and then demand that they be allowed to give their whole time to the work rather than to have a larger number who can give but little, if any, time. Therefore we suggest that for the coming year we ask for only three general workers who shall give their whole time to the work at the expense of the General Conference. These three should be the president, the recording secretary, and the corresponding secretary.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.5
In addition to this, State Conferences should be urged to employ at least one person to devote his whole time to the Sabbath-school work and in labor for the young. We are glad that the president of the General Conference has spoken so favorably of this plan.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.6
This person need not necessarily be the president of the association or an ordained minister, though where it is possible, it would be better to have the president attend to this work. But one should be selected whose heart is warm with the love of God, who feels his dependence upon him, who loves the study of his word, and who will throw his whole heart and soul into the work.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.7
It is not preaching that is wanted so much as teaching - some one to meet the people right where they are and show them how to study and how to labor for the salvation of souls. This person should be allowed to visit every school in the State, spending at least one week with each school. We know of two States that have tried this plan during the past year with most encouraging results. It not only resulted in creating an interest in the Sabbath-school work in the churches, but all branches of the work were benefited and built up. And this is the way it will always work.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.8
We also suggest that Sabbath-school conventions, or institutes, be held in each one of the General Conference districts during the coming year, and that all the State officers be urged to attend. This institute should not be held in connection with any other meeting; but five or six days should be set apart and wholly devoted to this line of work, the president of the International Association being present to give instruction.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.9
We fear that our people take altogether too narrow a view of the Sabbath-school work. It means more than simply meeting together and going over the lesson on the Sabbath. That is a very small part of the work. Our Sabbath-schools should be so conducted as to educate and develop workers for the service of God. An effort should be made not only to interest our children and young people in the study of the work of God, but also in missions and missionary enterprises. This can be done if the proper effort is put forth.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.10
7. Changes in the Constitution. In view of the fact that hereafter the General Conference is to meet only once in two years, it may be best to so change the constitution of the International Sabbath-school Association as to conform to this plan. It may also be necessary to make some other changes. We would therefore suggest that the question be referred to the Committee on Resolutions, or that a special Committee be appointed to take this matter into consideration.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.11
We have but briefly called your attention to some of the important questions that are to come before you for your consideration. No doubt but what these will suggest others to your mind equally, if not more important. We trust that in all our meetings there will be free interchange of thought, but that no strife or contention shall appear. We are here as the servants of God, to do his will, and we trust that plans will be laid at this meeting which will greatly advance the work.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 31.12
There is great danger of our schools becoming cold and lifeless, and of the work degenerating into a mere form. Our only hope lies in having officers and teachers thoroughly consecrated to God, - men and woman who realize their dependence upon God, and who can exercise living faith, for without faith it is impossible to please him. We trust that at this meeting we may all receive a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit, and that as we separate and go to our various fields of labor, we may take that Spirit with us, and that through our efforts and the blessing of God, we may see the work advance. Let us be strong and of good courage, for we shall reap if we faint not.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 32.1
Following the president’s address, was presented the following report of the recording secretary, Mrs. C. H. Jones, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1890:-GCDB March 8, 1891, page 32.2
For quarter ending Sept. 30, 1890, 141 schools failed to report. These schools, when last heard from, had a membership of 2,213, divided into 359 classes. This would make a total membership of 35,668.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 32.3
The number of associations belonging to the International Association, Sept. 30, 1889, was thirty-five; at the close of the year ending Sept. 30, 1890, the associations numbered thirty-six. During the year the Kentucky and Tennessee associations were combined and are now known as the Tennessee River Sabbath-school Association, and two new associations were added, one called the Sabbath-school Association of the Maritime Provinces, embracing Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and composed of five schools with a membership of ninety-six; the other, the Scandinavian Sabbath-school Association, comprising Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. This association has twenty-eight schools with a membership of 819.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 32.4
Of the isolated schools reporting during the year there were six in Louisiana, and one each in Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Montana, Honolulu, H. I., and the Sabbath-school at Pitcairn Island.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 32.5
The following is a comparative statement between the year ending Sept. 30, 1889, and that ending Sept. 30, 1890:-GCDB March 8, 1891, page 32.6
An interesting report of a Sabbath-school held on the island of Pitcairn, Dec. 6, 1890, found in the March number of the Sabbath-school Worker, was read by Elder Durland.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 32.7
It was voted to extend a hearty welcome to the Maritime Provinces and Scandinavian Sabbath-school Associations, which had reported during the last year and thus become members of the International Association.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 32.8
The president being authorized, by vote, to appoint the committees, the following were named:-GCDB March 8, 1891, page 32.9
Nominations - M. C. Wilcox, A. T. Robinson, L. C. Chadwick.
Resolutions - J. H. Durland, E. J. Waggoner, W. A. Spicer.
Auditing - W. H. Edwards, Harmon Lindsay, T. A. Kilgore. Constitution and Future Work - A. E. Place, O. O. Farnsworth, H. P. Holser.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.1
THIS book is one of the most wonderful in the Bible. In the sixteen possible lessons before us, we shall be able only to touch, in the briefest manner, upon the general outline of the book. We shall expect to find things we cannot understand, even as we cannot understand how the infinite God upholds the universe by the word of his power. We believe that which we cannot understand, because God says so. Approaching the study of the Bible thus, we place ourselves where God can unfold and explain to us the mysteries of his word.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.2
Chap. 1:1-15. These fifteen verses are introductory, the first seven comprising the salutation, the remaining eight being personal explanations. Yet in these verses are some of the richest passages in the Bible; as in verse twelve, wherein Paul states that he expected not only to minister to the church on his visit, but to be ministered to by it. Both were to be comforted by their “mutual faith.” This does not contemplate a condition of the church in which the minister must spend his energy in combating error, and settling differences between brethren.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.3
Verses 16 and 17. Here we have the text of the epistle. The entire book is but an expansion of these verses.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.4
In the remaining verses of the chapter, we have a statement of God’s justice in punishing wicked men, and of the consequences of a separation from God. We are liable to get an idea something like this; namely, that we have the third angel’s message, consisting of a system of truth comprising such subjects as the law, the Sabbath, nature of man, advent, etc., and that to this we have superadded a little gospel, the idea of justification by faith. There is but one doctrine we have to preach, that is the gospel of Christ. Mark 16:15, 16. This commission is to us. Those that believe the gospel will be saved. Is there nothing besides the gospel to teach? - “It is the power of God unto salvation.” What do we want besides salvation? What more can we ask for?GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.5
The gospel brings righteousness. The righteousness of God is what God does, it is his way. To be in harmony with him is to make his way our way. The gospel reveals this way to us (Romans 1:17), and not only this, but it is the power of God to work out his way in us. The Bible is a statement of God’s way, and this is summed up in the ten commandments, which are a declaration of his righteousness. Isaiah 51:6, 7. In Matthew 6:33, Christ declares this righteousness to be the one thing needful. Why? - Righteousness is life: and the man who has God’s righteousness has everything in this world, and in the world to come.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.6
Verse 17. Here we have righteousness by faith. “The just shall live by faith.” Nothing else? By faith and works? “Add not thou unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” To be just is to be righteous, and a righteous man will do righteous acts. That is the fruit of righteousness. But how does he do these works? - By faith. John 6:28, 29. “This is the work of God, that ye believe.” Possibly we have had a narrow idea of what faith is.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.7
“The just shall live by faith.” Here is the whole thing. Nothing can be added to the preaching of the righteousness of God by faith of Jesus Christ. What about these doctrines, as the Sabbath, immortality, etc.? - Since the “kingdom of God and his righteousness” is the one thing needful, and since there is nothing unimportant in the Bible, all of these doctrines are simply divisions, lines depending upon that one thing, - all summed up in the doctrine of righteousness by faith. We can preach nothing else; for everything outside of this is sin.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.8
Verse 18. Wrath is revealed against those who “hold (or restrain) the truth in unrighteousness.” Connect this verse with chap. 10:3. God is a living God. His throne is a living throne. There is the water of life, and the tree of life, - everything is life. Therefore his righteousness is active, is life. Some men, ignorant of this righteousness, refuse to submit themselves to it, and resist it. God will punish men. Why? - Because they identify themselves with unrighteousness. They are permeated by it, and, when that is gone - for sin must be destroyed - it takes them with it. It means simply that God is no respecter of persons.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.9
Verses 19 and 20. Is God unjust? - No; for ever since the creation his works have testified of him. Many do not know that the world could not create itself, but it “may be known.”GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.10
Verses 21-32. How does it come that men do not know? - They know so much. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” The most unreasonable thing in the universe is human reason. It is utter foolishness with God. 1 Corinthians 1:19-31.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 33.11
Paul says those who do the things described in the latter part of the chapter under consideration, know that they are worthy of death, and you cannot find a people who do not know it. The heathenism Paul was speaking of, as represented at Athens and elsewhere, was not ignorance of things of this world. It embraced men whose work in the arts and sciences is studied to-day. A man may know without God, just as the beast may know; and where is the difference, save in degree? There is no wisdom apart from God. This is what Paul means when he says, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy ... after the rudiments of this world, and not after Christ.” So also in 1 Corinthians 1:18, and Colossians 2:3.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 34.1
We hear a good deal of “natural morality;” and “scientific morality,” - morality common to all men. This is what Paul is describing. It is heathenism. The popular idea of heathenism is an incorrect one. The heathen is the man who doesn’t know God. He may be a religious man, but God is not the source of his wisdom. In Mark 7:22, 23, Christ describes the source of “natural morality.” The hearts of all are alike; we are made of one blood to dwell upon the earth. The heathen are the people who do the things spoken of in Paul’s first chapter, wherever they live. Men who in the United States or in England follow the leadings of the natural heart (Galatians 5:19-21) are no better than those who do the same things in China.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 34.2
Compare 2 Timothy 3:1-7 with the latter part of Romans 1. They are almost identical. It means that men in the last days shall be open heathen - giving themselves up to the works of the flesh. This helps to explain many references in the Old Testament in which God speaks of judging the heathen. It means that all who will be destroyed will be heathen. Who are the heathen? Romans 2:1. “Thou that judgest doest the same things.” Did we ever do anything we would be ashamed to speak of? Wherein were we different from the heathen? Here is broad enough ground for the gospel. It is a shame to speak of those things that have been done by us all in secret, but “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.”GCDB March 8, 1891, page 34.3
SPEAKING Sabbath morning from Mark 13:26, Elder Haskell dwelt upon the universality of the gathering of the elect. As in the apostolic age the gospel was proclaimed in its purity, with a power which carried it into all the world (Colossians 1:5, 6), so in the last days God is to bring out every ray of light in the everlasting gospel, and send it with the power of his Spirit into all the earth. (See Matthew 24:14; Revelation 14:6; Isaiah 49:12; 66:15, 16, 19; 42; 10-12.) Men may differ as to the location of these lands, but somewhere they exist, and God will send his message to them. Jeremiah 16:16.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 34.4
At 2:30 P. M., Sister White spoke with freedom and power about the dangers, duties, and privileges of our time. She dwelt especially upon the danger of leaving our first love, and of the importance of all, especially those connected with our leading institutions, having a vital connection with Christ, the true vine. Patterning after the world, and adopting a worldly policy by withholding or suppressing the plain and important truths for our time, for fear of arousing prejudice are dangers which must be guarded against. Men in responsible positions should go to God in earnest supplication for divine help as often as did Daniel. All the people should pray for those upon whom great responsibilities rest that God may guide them by his unerring counsel. A deep solemnity rested upon the congregation as the Spirit of God sent these things home to the heart.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 34.5
BY oversight, the Committee on Finance, of the International Tract Society, was omitted from the list of committees found on page fifteen of the BULLETIN. The committee is as follows: D. T. Jones, W. C. White, R. C. Porter.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 34.6
On account of having a larger amount of other matter to present in the first two numbers, a report of some interesting talks by Elders S. N. Haskell and H. P. Holser given last week, are deferred until some future number of the BULLETIN.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 34.7
The addresses and reports all coming at the beginning of the Conference, have made the first two numbers of the BULLETIN exceptionally large. Future numbers will not, perhaps, contain so much matter.GCDB March 8, 1891, page 34.8