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EGW Extras
April 13, 1891
THE General Conference which has just closed, was the largest, and in many respects, the most important one ever held by our people. The General Conference proper began March 5, and continued until the 25th. The three weeks previous to the beginning of the Conference was devoted to preparatory work. The canvassers’ institute was held from February 22 to March 4. The Council of Presidents of Conferences and Tract Societies began February 25 and continued to March 4. There were six meetings of this Council, of an hour and a half each, in which many important questions relating to the work in home and foreign fields, were discussed, but more especially the matters relating to the education and development of laborers. The Council of Presidents was harmonious throughout, and did much to prepare work for the Conference, as well as to prepare the minds of those who were to take the leading part in the Conference for the work before them. One hundred and twenty-five delegates were present, representing thirty-five Conferences, and five mission fields.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 251.1
During the session of the General Conference proper there were twenty-five meetings of the Conference; ten of the International Tract and Missionary Society; six of the International Sabbath-school Association; four of the International Health and Temperance Association, and twenty meetings devoted to Bible study. The latter were especially interesting and profitable. The themes dwelt upon were the inspiration of the Scriptures, the three messages, and justification by faith. The theme of justification by faith was based upon the first eight chapters of the book of Romans, which were taken up in consecutive order. The Bible study was much appreciated by all present, and was a very profitable feature of the Conference. Plans were laid for the holding of institutes for Bible study, in the different General Conference Districts in the future, which all the laborers in their respective Districts will be expected to attend.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 251.2
Another interesting feature of the Conference was the early morning meetings, which were held each morning from 5:30 to 6:30. These were specially marked by the blessing of God. The spiritual awakening that marked the Conference from the beginning to the close was its most interesting feature. But few who came went away without feeling that they had received a special blessing from God, and that they could go out to their fields of labor with the assurance that more of the power of his Spirit would attend their labors in the future than in the past. It is evident that God is waiting to greatly bless his people, that as soon as they place themselves in right relations to him, such showers of divine grace will fall upon them as will make the heart tender and give power in proclaiming the truths of the gospel.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 251.3
It will now be two years before another session of the General Conference. This will be an interval of great importance in the work of the third angel’s message. There was never a time when the evidence that God is in this work and with this people, was clearer than now. Prosperity has attended the work since the Conference of 1889. A large number have been added to those who believe in the present truth. The standard of laborers has been raised by encouraging education and training for all departments of the work. Some new fields have been entered. The institutions already established in the interests of the third angel’s message have increased in strength and usefulness. The people and work of God have become more widely and favorably known than ever before. The openings for new missionary operations were never so numerous as at the present time, and the calls for help never more imperative. There is among the laborers a spirit to seek after God, and to connect with him by a living experience. All this we may take as evidence that God is leading, and that he is preparing his people to do an important work in the earth.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 251.4
Every year brings us nearer to the coming of the Lord and the perils of the last days, and every year brings greater burdens and responsibilities. The Conference term upon which we have just entered is one of peculiar interest and importance. Those upon whom responsibilities have been placed will need wisdom from God and much of his blessing to qualify them for discharging the duties laid upon them. The ministers who go out into the field, should be sustained by the sympathies and prayers of the people of God everywhere, and the efforts of the ministry should be seconded by the efforts of the people, every one of whom can do something for the advancement of the Lord’s work. If the people of God will consecrate themselves fully to him, and humbly and faithfully do the work which he has given them to do, his blessing will be upon them, and they will prosper; but if they should fail to consecrate themselves to God, and to follow in the way which he has marked out for them, disappointment will be the inevitable result.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.1
A NUMBER of meetings were held by the General Conference Committee during the ten days following the close of the General Conference. Below are given the principal matters considered and actions taken by the Committee in these meetings.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.2
At a meeting of the General Conference Committee with the Pennsylvania and New York delegations, March 25, 1891, the chairman, Elder Olsen, stated that the object of the meeting was to notify the New York and Pennsylvania delegations of the decision of the Committee in reference to transferring the five counties of the Pennsylvania Conference, which are in the State of New York, to the New York Conference. It is the unanimous opinion of the Committee that the counties referred to should be transferred to New York according to the understanding when the Conferences were divided. The following was written out and subscribed to as indicated:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.3
We think the transfer should neither be made at once nor delayed too long. The Committee thinks that at the end of two years would be about the proper time. Great care should be taken that no feeling is engendered on either side. At the time when the transfer is made, the laborers living in the territory should be transferred with it; provided, that, if the President of the Pennsylvania Conference shall live in New York at the time when the transfer is made, he shall not be transferred to the New York Conference.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.4
It is agreed between the two delegations that the transfer of territory should be made Jan. 1, 1893, the tithe for the first quarter of 1893 to go to the Pennsylvania Conference.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.5
Signed by -
J. W. RAYMOND, Pres. Penn. Conf.
S. H. LANE, Pres. New York Conf.
O. A. OLSEN, Pres. Gen. Conf.
W. A. COLCORD, Sec. Gen. Conf. Com.
At a meeting held March 26 the question of district superintendents was taken up, and the following men elected as superintendents of the different districts:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.6
Elder A. T. Robinson, Superintendent of District No. 1.
Elder J. N. Loughborough,” ” ” 3.
Elder O. A. Olsen, Superintendent of District No. 4, with Prof. W. W. Prescott as alternate.
Elder R. A. Underwood, Superintendent of District No. 5.
At meetings held March 28 and 29, the question of the time and place of holding the Summer Normal Institute was considered. (See BULLETIN, pp.81,92.)GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.7
Prof. Prescott stated that he desired, to have as many of the teachers in our schools attend as possible, especially those who are expected to take a rather leading part. The first three or four days of the Institute he thought should be especially devoted to the interests of our schools and school work. He was of the opinion that the time has come for quite a radical change to be made in the course of instruction in our schools.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.8
Different places were talked of for holding the Institute, and it was thought that the General Conference Committee might hold its summer council at the same time and place. It was voted:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.9
1. That the Institute be held in the northern part of the State of Michigan, beginning July 15, 1891, and continue six weeks.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.10
2. That the General Conference Committee’s summer council be held at the same place that the Summer Normal Institute is held, from August 4-17.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.11
3. That Prof. Prescott, W. C. White, and W. A. Colcord be a committee to look up the location for the Summer Normal Institute.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.12
4. That the Institute be under the direction of Prof. Prescott; and that Prof. E. B. Miller, Prof. G. W. Caviness, Elder A. T. Jones, and Dr. E. J. Waggoner assist him in the work of teaching.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.13
In regard to the holding of Bible schools in the different General Conference Districts (see BULLETIN, pp.81,92), it was recommended, subject to such changes as circumstances may make necessary:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 252.14
1. That for the coming year each school should continue four weeks.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.1
2. That the schools for the different Districts should begin on the following dates:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.2
The General Conference Committee and the Committee on the James White Memorial Home met in joint session, March 30 and April 2. (See BULLETIN pp.206,238.)GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.3
Dr. Kellogg, chairman of the latter committee, stated that this committee had held two meetings, and had appointed three committees: (1) On Organization; (2) on Location; (3) on Plans for Raising Money for the Institution.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.4
The Committee on Organization found that there is a law well adapted for the organization of an institution of this kind.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.5
The Committee on Location decided that the institution should be located within two miles of Battle Creek.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.6
The Committee on Raising Funds reported $14,000 already promised, and several thousands more in view.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.7
Dr. Kellogg thought it would be well to have one or two collections during the year for the benefit of the Home. It should be made self-sustaining, or as nearly so as possible.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.8
Eld. Olsen asked how much they had in mind to expend on the institution.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.9
Dr. Kellogg replied that they thought it would require from $30,000 to $40,000 to build and furnish the institution. He thought also that there should be a farm of from 60 to 100 acres connected with the institution. The amount of land was afterwards raised to 160 acres. He thought that quite an income might be realized to the institution from the friends of some that might be cared for at it. He cited instances of some cases which had come to his knowledge of late, wherein persons stated that in case of their death or other circumstances, they would like to have their children brought up at the institution, and would leave property for the purpose, to the amount of from eight or ten thousand to one or two hundred thousand dollars. There are several such institutions in the land, and a number even in the State of Michigan.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.10
The following actions were taken by the joint committee:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.11
1. It was voted, That J. H. Kellogg, O. A. Olsen, A. R. Henry, W. C. White, J. Fargo, L. McCoy, G. E. Tyszkiewicz, J. R. Palmer, and L. C. Chadwick be a temporary board of Trustees of the James White Memorial Home until the incorporation of the institution, with full power to act in carrying out the resolutions of the General Conference by which this joint committee was created.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.12
2. That the James White Memorial Home be located within two miles of Battle Creek, Mich.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.13
3. That steps be at once taken to raise the sum of $50,000 to purchase a site for, and erect, furnish and equip the James White Memorial Home.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.14
4. That the Committee of seven of the James White Memorial Home, be authorized by the joint committee to proceed at once to raise the money for the carrying forward of the enterprise.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.15
5. That no steps be taken for the erection of the building until two-thirds of the $50,000 are secured.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.16
6. That the same committee be authorized to at once open a fund for the maintenance of orphans.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.17
7. That the James White Memorial Home Committee of seven be authorized to proceed to the collection of data and statistics in regard to orphans in the denomination.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.18
In a meeting held April 1, Elder Haskell spoke of a plan which he had in mind of working up a correspondence with missionaries in foreign countries. When in India he wrote a series of Bible readings, which a missionary is now having printed, and expects to introduce into the mission schools as the basis of Bible study. He read one of the Bible readings to show their nature, and promised some financial assistance in getting these readings printed. He stated that he had already received some donations from different individuals in some of these foreign countries for helping to start this line of work.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.19
The question of purchasing a small press for missionary work in India, was considered. The committee did not decide to take definite action in the matter, but -GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.20
Voted to request the Foreign Mission Board to take up this line of work begun by Elder Haskell as far as practicable, and furnish the funds promised by him to assist in getting out the Bible readings in the Indian language.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.21
In considering the question of supplying help for different camp-meetings it was decided:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.22
1. That Elder A. T. Jones attend the camp-meetings in Dist. No. 1, and that Elder W. C. White attend the same meetings, if consistent.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.23
2. That Elder S. N. Haskell attend the camp-meetings in Dist. No. 4, the coming season.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.24
3. That Prof. W. W. Prescott attend the Upper Columbia and North Pacific camp-meetings if possible; but in case he cannot, that Elder J. H. Durland be requested to attend them.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.25
4. That Brother A. R. Henry be requested to attend the same meetings if he can arrange to do so, and that he be especially urged to do so, provided Prof. Prescott cannot.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.26
5. That we request Elder A. T. Jones to attend the Ottawa (Kan.) camp-meeting in May.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 253.27
The committee passed the following recommendations and requests:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.1
1. That Brother E. J. Harvey be recommended to labor in Ontario, under the direction of the Michigan Conference.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.2
2. That Miss Nellie Webber be recommended to engage in Bible work in Battle Creek.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.3
3. That Elder J. H. Rogers be requested to labor in the State of Missouri, provided satisfactory arrangements can be made with the Missouri Conference.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.4
4. The Committee approve of Elder A. T. Robinson’s suggestion of inviting Elder J. B. Goodrich to spend some time with him in the month of May visiting the Maritime Provinces.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.5
In addition to the list reported by the Committee on Licenses and Credentials and adopted by the General Conference (see BULLETIN pp.237,249,250), the Committee voted:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.6
1. That ministerial license be granted to Allen Moon and A. F. Ballenger.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.7
2. That missionary credentials be granted to W. C. Dalbey, Mrs. A. P. Heacock, Mrs. Grant Adkins, and Mrs. G. T. Wilson.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.8
The question of representation at the World’s Fair was brought up for a reconsideration of some of the names before appointed as a committee to look after the matter.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.9
On account of his not going to labor in Illinois in the future, Elder Kilgore tendered his resignation, handing in the following in writing:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.10
Elder O. A. Olsen, Pres. Gen. Conference:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.11
I hereby resign my position on the Committee concerning the World’s Fair, which please accept. R. M. KILGORE.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.12
April 2, 1891.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.13
Elder Loughborough, President of the Illinois Conference, was elected in Elder Kilgore’s place.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.14
O. A. OLSEN, Pres.
SIX meetings of the newly elected Board of Trustees of the General Conference Association were held after the close of the General Conference, and the following are selected from the minutes of the proceedings, as being matters of general interest to the readers of the BULLETIN.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.15
R. C. Porter offered his resignation, on account of his having been chosen to go to South Africa after his election as a member of the Board. L. C. Chadwick was chosen to fill the vacancy thus caused.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.16
The following trustees were elected as officers of the Board for the ensuing year:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.17
President - Ole A. Olsen. Vice-President - John N. Loughborough. Secretary - Lawrence C. Chadwick. Treasurer - Harmon Lindsay. Auditor - Archibald R. Henry.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.18
By a unanimous vote, the By-laws of the Association were amended to read as follows:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.19
SECTION 1. The trustees shall elect annually, from their number, a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and auditor, who shall hold their respective offices one year, and until others are chosen in their stead and appear to enter upon their duties.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.20
SEC. 2. The duties of said officers should be such as usually pertain to such offices.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.21
SEC. 3. The President and Treasurer (or the Secretary in lieu of either absentee), shall sign all instruments and obligations of the corporation; provided, however, that subject to the provisions of Section Seven of this Article, any seven of the Trustees within the legal quorum, as specified in Section Six of this Article, duly convened, may authorize a named Agent to sign the name of the corporation, and bind it to a named obligation or class of obligations.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.22
SEC. 4. At each session of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists, the Board of Trustees shall make to said Conference, or a duly appointed committee thereof, a complete statement of the affairs and business of this corporation.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.23
SEC. 5. The Board of Trustees shall meet on Thursday, the 15th day of December, A. D. 1887, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the office of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association in the city of Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Michigan, and said Board shall always be in session.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.24
SEC. 6. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of not less than nine trustees, of whom the President and Treasurer (or Secretary in lieu of either absentee) shall be two, and the concurrence of at least seven of said trustees shall be necessary to pass any measure coming before said Board.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.25
SEC. 7. Whenever more than thirteen trustees are present at any meeting, the concurrence of a majority of the trustees actually present shall be necessary to pass any measure coming before said Board.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.26
SEC. 8. The Presiding Officer shall always have one, and but one, vote on the question before the Board.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.27
The Board of Trustees shall provide a seal of the ordinary size and inscribed as follows: “General Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists,” the same to form an outer circle inclosing the word “Seal.”GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.28
These By-laws may be added to, amended, or repealed by the vote of any fourteen trustees actually convened.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.29
The following recommendations were presented by a committee appointed for the purpose, and were adopted by the Board:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.30
We would recommend, 1. That an Executive Committee of not less than five members be appointed by the Board. The Secretaries and Treasurer, though not necessarily members of this Committee, should attend its meetings, and communicate any information in their possession pertaining to their respective departments, and aid the Committee in its deliberations.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.31
The duties of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:- a. To cause a full report of all its proceedings to be kept at all times in the rooms of the Association, and open to the inspection of any member of the Board.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 254.32
b. To carry into effect all the orders given them by the Board, and to fill any vacancies occurring in other Committees of the Board, and to direct them in the discharge of their duties; to secure the publication of all works ordered by the Board; to make all needful purchases and contracts; to take charge of the Association’s property; to devise and execute plans for increasing the funds of the Association and meeting its pecuniary obligations; to determine the manner in which the accounts of the Association shall be kept; and to present an audited treasurer’s report together with a full statement of the financial condition of the Association semi-annually.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.1
c. To present to the Board semi-annually a complete statement of its doings, giving the Board information upon the condition and prospects of every department of the Association’s operations, also their plans for the future; and in general, to submit to the Board all such facts and statements in their possession as will enable the Board to judge correctly of its actions, and to give it instruction for the future.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.2
d. To examine into and report to the Board any State or local enterprise which may be of sufficient magnitude to largely affect the Association or any work that is entrusted to its care; to devise plans and make suggestions to the Board for the securing of legacies, donations, trusts, gifts, etc., and to take steps, if necessary, to secure the same in the absence of special instructions from the Board; to act as counselors or advisers with State Conference officers upon matters of finance.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.3
2. That a Committee of three on Publication be appointed, whose duties shall be as follows:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.4
a. To keep a corrected list of all the books, pamphlets, tracts, and periodicals, being published by the denomination.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.5
b. To recommend the preparation and publication of such books, tracts, or periodicals, as the interests of the work may require.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.6
c. To consider the matter of the translation of literature and the publication of periodicals in other languages, and to make such recommendations to the Board as they may consider for the interests of the work among the foreign nationalities.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.7
d. To recommend plans for the most judicious distribution of literature by means of canvassers, colporters, and missionary workers.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.8
e. And to oversee the publication of books, pamphlets, tracts, etc. (as to the matter which they contain), and the translation and publication of literature in the different languages.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.9
3. That agents be appointed to take charge of such special lines of work as may make the appointment of such agents necessary, and that the agents so appointed be provided with power of attorney, limited to the special work for which he is appointed.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.10
The committees provided in the foregoing recommendations were chosen by electing the following trustees to act as said committees:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.11
Executive Committee - O. A. Olsen, A. R. Henry, H. Linday, W. C. White, W. W. Prescott.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.12
Publication Committee - W. W. Prescott, W. C. White, L. C. Chadwick.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.13
The report of the special committee which was appointed to outline the duties of the general and district canvassing agents and present the nominations for the same, was unanimously adopted as follows:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.14
We recommend, That the Board of Trustees appoint a general canvassing agent, a district canvassing agent for each General Conference district in the home field, and such agents for books in foreign languages as may from time to time be deemed necessary, and that the jurisdiction and duties of said agents be outlined as follows:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.15
1. The General Canvassing Agent shall, under the direction of the General Conference Association, have the general supervision of the canvassing work of the denomination, and shall report the condition and progress of the work semi-annually to the General Conference Association. He shall direct the work through the district and foreign canvassing agents, whose duty it shall be to report the condition of the work regularly each month to him. As far as consistent, he shall attend State canvassers’ conventions and institutes throughout the entire field. He shall also recommend to the General Conference Association and the Foreign Mission Board the removal of canvassers from State to State, and to foreign fields, whenever such transfer of laborers is deemed necessary for the general advancement of the work.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.16
2. The district agent shall work under the direction of the General Canvassing Agent, and shall superintend the work in his district through the State agents, whose duty it shall be to report to him monthly. He shall labor impartially for the general interests of the work in all parts of his district. He shall hold canvassers’ conventions and institutes, and shall, whenever practicable, attend general State meetings in his district, where the canvassing work is to be considered.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.17
3. The State agent shall superintend the canvassing work in his territory, under the direction of the district agent, and in harmony with the plans of the Executive Committees of his Conference and tract society. He shall hold canvassers’ conventions and attend all general meetings where the canvassing work is to be considered or may be advanced.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.18
4. All General Agents in the United States and Canada for foreign works, shall labor under the direction of the District Agent in whose district he may be engaged, and in harmony with the State Agent and the Conference and Tract Society Committees of the State in which he is working.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.19
The following are the canvassing agents appointed for the ensuing year:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.20
The Board was not able at present to select a German Agent for Dists. 3, 4, and 5.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.21
O. A. OLSEN, Pres.
According to the Constitution of the General Conference, and the By-Laws of the Board of Foreign Missions, the officers of the Board of Foreign Missions for the coming term are as follows:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.22
Chairman, O. A. Olsen. Treasurer, Harmon Lindsay. Secretary, W. C. White.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 255.23
The Standing Committees were appointed as follows:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.1
On Europe and Asia - O. A. Olsen, C. Eldridge, A. T. Robinson, J. N. Loughborough, and W. C. White.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.2
On Africa, South America, Mexico, and the West Indies - L. C. Chadwick, R. M. Kilgore and L. McCoy.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.3
On Oceanica - S. N. Haskell, D. T. Jones, E. B. Miller.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.4
On Education - W. W. Prescott, S. N. Haskell, and U. Smith.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.5
On Finance - L. C. Chadwick, C. Eldridge, W. C. White, D. T. Jones, and H. Lindsay.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.6
On Appointments and References - J. N. Loughborough, O. A. Olsen, and R. A. Underwood.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.7
The Advisory Committees, superintendents, editors, etc., for each field for the coming year are:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.8
Superintendent - H. P. Holser.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.9
Advisory Committee - H. P. Holser, L. R. Conradi, Jas. Erzenberger, Joseph Curdy, and J. D. Compte.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.10
Book Committee - H. P. Holser, L. R. Conradi, Jas. Erzenberger, Joseph Curdy, and H. Revilly.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.11
Editor of Les Signes - Joseph Curdy.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.12
Corresponding Editors - Jas. Erzenberger, John Vuilleumier.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.13
Editors of Harold - L. R. Conradi, Jas. Erzenberger.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.14
Superintendent - L. R. Conradi.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.15
Advisory Committee - L. R. Conradi, H. P. Holser, J. T. Boettcher, Emil Severin, Wm. Fleck.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.16
Superintendent - L. R. Conradi.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.17
Advisory Committee - L. R. Conradi, H. P. Holser, Conrad Laubhan, Jacob Klein, Gerhard Isaacs.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.18
Superintendent - Lewis Johnson.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.19
Advisory Committee - L. Johnson, E. G. Olsen, O. Johnson, J. F. Hansen, and Emil J. Ahren.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.20
Editors of Tidende - N. Clausen, L. Johnson, and J. C. Ottoson.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.21
Editors of Harolden - G. O. Melin, Emil J. Ahren, and N. Clausen.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.22
Superintendent - D. A. Robinson.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.23
Advisory Committee - D. A. Robinson, W. A. Spicer, E. Piednue, John I. Gibson, and Ellery Robinson.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.24
Book Committee - John I. Gibson, W. A. Spicer, D. A. Robinson, Alfred Maxson, and W. D. Salisbury.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.25
Editors of Present Truth - D. A. Robinson and W. A. Spicer.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.26
Superintendent - Ira J. Hankins.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.27
Secretary and Treasurer - Mrs. N. H. Druillard.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.28
Advisory Committee - Ira. J. Hankins, Peter J. D. Wessels, J. H. Tarr, George J. Van Druten, and W. Robertson.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.29
Editor of Bible Echo - George C. Tenney.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.30
Book Committee - G. C. Tenney, A. G. Daniells, Miss E. J. Burnham, D. Faulkhead, and C. Michaels.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.31
Superintendent - E. H. Gates.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.32
Advisory Committee - E. H. Gates, J. M. Marsh, and John Tay.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.33
During the General Conference, Brother Ellery Robinson, who is our canvassing agent for Great Britain, selected a company of ten experienced canvassers, to labor in that field. The Mission Board has approved of the selection, and a part of the company intend to sail May 6.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.34
During the meetings of the Board it was voted:-GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.35
1. That Elder J. O. Corliss be sent to labor in the West Indies, with instruction to visit Raratan, Jamaica, and other islands.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.36
2. That a competent Bible worker be sent to South Africa, and that one of the company at work in London be selected to go, after the close of the London Biblical Institute.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.37
3. That Whereas, In our judgment it would be a great blessing to the cause in Australia and adjacent colonies for Sister White to visit that field; therefore, -GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.38
Resolved, That we hereby invite her to do so, as soon as the coming autumn, if her own judgment, and the light she may have in the matter shall be in accordance with this request; it being understood that W. C. White shall accompany her on this visit.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.39
4. That W. A. Spicer be invited to return to this country, after the Biblical Institute in London, to assist the secretary of the Board.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.40
W. C. WHITE, Sec.
O. A. OLSEN, Chairman.
OUR PRESENT DANGERS 1Delivered Tuesday evening, March 24, 1891.
BRETHREN and sisters, I appeal to you as Seventh-day Adventists to be all that this name signifies. There is danger of departing from the spirit of the message, and adopting measures that will imperil the work of God. As the Lord has presented these things before me at several times and in different places, I have been brought into your assemblies where articles were read and statements made which were false in principle and dangerous in their tendency. I was shown that those who advocated these sentiments were not following the counsel of God, but were bringing in that which would surely lead souls away from safe ground, away from the third angel’s message, into wrong paths, to a careless disregard of the injunctions of God, thus imperiling their own souls and the souls of others.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.41
In your councils, how little experience many of you have in humbling the heart before God! How little you know of striving in prayer that you may enter in at the straight gate! The question of highest importance to you is, “Do I have an experimental knowledge of God? Am I ready to believe what he tells me, to do what he bids, instead of following my own judgment? Am I drawing nearer to God?” The Scripture says, “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.” If your hearts are not fully surrendered to God, if you do not submit your will to his, you will devise and plan without the guidance of Him who is mighty in counsel. Some have manifested a spirit of Pharisaic prejudice and criticism. As soon as this is indulged, the holy angels depart from you; for they cannot administer to sin. You possess in a large degree the same spirit that was revealed in the Conference at Minneapolis. The deception that was upon minds there still exists. Some have not been willing to see and acknowledge their errors, and their blindness of mind remains.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 256.42
You who have been educating yourselves and others in a spirit of criticism and accusing, remember that you are imitating the example of Satan. When it suits your purpose, you treat the Testimonies as if you believed them, quoting from them to strengthen any statement you wish to have prevail. But how is it when light is given to correct your errors? Do you then accept the light? When the Testimonies speak contrary to your ideas, you treat them very lightly.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 257.1
It does not become any one to drop a word of doubt here and there that shall work like poison in other minds, shaking their confidence in the messages which God has given, which have aided in laying the foundation of this work, and have attended it to the present day, in reproofs, warnings, corrections, and encouragements. To all who have stood in the way of the Testimonies, I would say, God has given a message to his people, and his voice will be heard, whether you hear or forbear. Your opposition has not injured me; but you must give an account to the God of heaven, who has sent these warnings and instructions to keep his people in the right way. You will have to answer to him for your blindness, for being a stumbling-block in the way of sinners.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 257.2
“To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Even the work of the Holy Spirit upon the heart is to be tested by the word of God. The Spirit which inspired the Scriptures, always leads to the Scriptures.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 257.3
“Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” The True Witness says of the church, after enumerating many virtues, “I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.” The prevailing idolatry and iniquity have had a paralyzing, deadening influence upon piety and godliness. There is distrust, selfishness, and suspicion. A few hold fast their profession of faith. Others have been leaving the simplicity of the faith, and as the result they are now treading on the border-land of skepticism. They are spiritually beclouded; and thus many are holding serious errors. Some sit in judgment on the Scriptures, declaring that this or that passage is not inspired, because it does not strike their minds favorably. They cannot harmonize it with their ideas of philosophy and science, “falsely so called.” Others for different reasons question portions of the word of God. Thus many walk blindly where the enemy prepares the way. Now, it is not the province of any man to pronounce sentence upon the Scriptures, to judge or condemn any portion of God’s word. When one presumes to do this, Satan will create an atmosphere for him to breathe which will dwarf spiritual growth. When a man feels so very wise that he dares to dissect God’s word, his wisdom is, with God, counted foolishness. When he knows more, he will feel that he has everything to learn. And his very first lesson is to become teachable. “Learn of me,” says the Great Teacher; “for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”GCDB April 13, 1891, page 257.4
Would that the spiritual eyesight of all the workers might be clear to distinguish the sacred from the common. Blinded by self-love, many lose sight of the claims of others, and also of the glory of God. When you see yourselves as you really are, and see God as he wants you to see him, you will feel deeply your need of Jesus, and will seek him with contrite hearts. Then he will be found of you. You will seek for his heavenly treasure of graces as one seeks for precious pearls; and when you find it, there will be no doubt on the minds of your brethren but that you have found the pearl of great price. You will have the mind of Christ; you will work and speak as Christ did.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 257.5
The people of God are not to be guided by the opinions or practices of the world. Hear what the Saviour said to his disciples, “I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God; therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.”GCDB April 13, 1891, page 257.6
The word of God plainly declares that his law is to be scorned, trampled upon, by the world; there will be an extraordinary prevalence of iniquity. The professed Protestant world will form a confederacy with the man of sin, and the church and the world will be in corrupt harmony.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 257.7
Here the great crisis is coming upon the world. The Scriptures teach that popery is to regain its lost supremacy, and that the fires of persecution will be rekindled through the time serving concessions of the so-called Protestant world. In this time of peril we can stand only as we have the truth and the power of God. Men can know the truth only by being themselves partakers of the divine nature. We have need now for more than human wisdom in reading and searching the Scriptures; and if we come to God’s word with humble hearts, he will raise up a standard for us against the lawless element.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 257.8
It is difficult to hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end; and the difficulty increase when there are hidden influences constantly at work to bring in another spirit, a counter-working element on Satan’s side of the question. In the absence of persecution, there have drifted into our ranks some who appear sound, and their Christianity unquestionable, but who, if persecution should arise, would go out from us. In the crisis, they would see force in specious reasoning that has had an influence on their minds. Satan has prepared various snares to meet varied minds. When the law of God is made void, the church will be sifted by fiery trials, and larger proportion than we now anticipate, will give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Instead of being strengthened when brought into strange places, many prove that they are not living branches of the True Vine; they bore no fruit, and the husbandman taketh them away.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 257.9
But when the world makes void the law of God, what will be the effect upon the truly obedient and righteous? Will they be carried away by the strong current of evil? Because so many rank themselves under the banner of the prince of darkness, will God’s commandment-keeping people swerve from their allegiance? Never! Not one who is abiding in Christ will fail or fall. His followers will bow in obedience to a higher authority than that of any earthly potentate. While the contempt placed upon God’s commandments leads many to suppress the truth and show less reverence for it, the faithful ones will with greater earnestness hold aloft its distinguishing truths. We are not left to our own direction. In all our ways we should acknowledge God, and he will direct our paths. We should consult his word with humble hearts, ask his counsel, and give up our will to his. We can do nothing without God.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 258.1
There is the highest reason for us to prize the true Sabbath and stand in its defense, for it is the sign which distinguishes the people of God from the world. The commandment that the world makes void is the one to which, for this very reason, God’s people will give greater honor. It is when the unbelieving cast contempt upon the word of God that the faithful Calebs are called for. It is then that they will stand firm at the post of duty, without parade, and without swerving because of reproach. The unbelieving spies stood ready to destroy Caleb. He saw the stones in the hands of those who had brought a false report, but this did not deter him; he had a message, and he would bear it. The same spirit will be manifested to-day by those who are true to God. The psalmist says, “They have made void thy law. Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.” When men press close to the side of Jesus, when Christ is abiding in their hearts by faith, their love for the commandments of God grows stronger in proportion to the contempt which the world heaps upon his holy precepts. It is at this time that the true Sabbath must be brought before the people by both pen and voice. As the fourth commandment and those who observe it are ignored and despised, the faithful feel that it is the time not to hide their faith but to exalt the law of Jehovah by unfurling the banner on which is inscribed the message of the third angel, the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 258.2
Let not those who have the truth as it is in Jesus give sanction, even by their silence, to the work of the mystery of iniquity. Let them never cease to sound the note of alarm. Let the education and training of the members of our churches be such that the children and youth among us shall understand there are to be no concessions to this power, the man of sin. Teach them that although the time will come when we can wage the war only at the risk of property and liberty, yet the conflict must be met, in the spirit and meekness of Christ; the truth is to be maintained and advocated as it is in Jesus. Wealth, honor, comfort, home, - everything else, - is to be a secondary consideration. The truth must not be hid, it must not be denied or disguised, but fully avowed, and boldly proclaimed.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 258.3
The Lord has faithful watchmen on the walls of Zion to cry aloud and spare not, to lift up their voice like a trumpet, and show his people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins. The Lord has permitted the enemy of truth to make a determined effort against the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. He designs by this means to awaken a decided interest in that question which is a test for the last days. This will open the way for the third angel’s message to be proclaimed with power.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 258.4
Let not one who believes the truth, be silent now. None should be careless now; let all urge their petitions at the throne of grace, pleading the promise, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do.” It is a perilous time now. If this land of boasted liberty is preparing to sacrifice every principle which enters into her constitution, making decrees to suppress religious freedom, and for the enforcing of papal falsehood and delusion, then the people of God need to present their petitions in faith to the Most High. There is every encouragement, in the promises of God, for those who put their trust in him. The prospect of being brought into personal danger and distress, need not cause despondency, but should quicken the vigor and hopes of God’s people; for the time of their peril is the season for God to grant them clearer manifestations of his power. We are not to sit in calm expectancy of oppression and tribulation, and fold our hands, doing nothing to avert the evil. Let our united cries be sent up to heaven. Pray and work, and work and pray. But let none act rashly. Learn as never before that you must be meek and lowly in heart. You must not bring a railing accusation against any, whether individuals or churches. Learn to deal with minds as Christ did. Sharp things must sometimes be spoken; but be sure that the Holy Spirit of God is abiding in your heart before you speak the clear cut truth; then let it cut its way. You are not to do the cutting.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 258.5
There is to be no compromise with those who make void the law of God. It is not safe to rely upon them as counselors. Our testimony is not to be less decided now than formerly; our real position is not to be cloaked in order to please the world’s great men. They may desire us to unite with them and accept their plans, and may make propositions in regard to our course of action which may give the enemy an advantage over us. “Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy.” While we should not seek for controversy, and should not needlessly offend, we must present the truth clearly and decidedly, and stand firm to what God has taught us in his word. You are not to look to the world in order to learn what you shall write and publish or what you shall speak. Let all your words and works testify, “We have not followed cunningly devised fables.” “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place.”GCDB April 13, 1891, page 258.6
The apostle Paul tells us, “After that in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.” This was the carrying out of God’s plan for the conviction and conversion of men, who are constantly tempted to magnify their own powers. The Lord would make it manifest whether men by their own finite wisdom could acquire a knowledge of the truth, whether they could know God, their Creator. When Christ came to our world, the experiment had been fully made, and it proved the boasted wisdom of men to be but foolishness. Finite wisdom was utterly unable to come to right conclusions in regard to God, and therefore man was wholly incompetent to judge in regard to his law. The Lord has allowed matters in our day to come to a crisis, in the exaltation of error above truth, that he, the God of Israel, might work mightily for the greater elevation of his truth in proportion as error is exalted.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.1
With his eye upon the church, the Lord has again and again allowed matters to come to a crisis, that in their extremity his people should look alone for his help. Their prayers, their faith, together with their steadfast purpose to be true, have called for the interference of God, and then he has fulfilled his promise, “Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am.” His mighty arm has been stretched out for the deliverance of his people. God reserves his gracious interposition in their behalf till the time of their extremity; thus he makes their deliverance more marked, and their victories more glorious. When all human wisdom fails, the Lord’s interference will be more clearly recognized, and he will receive the glory that is his due. Even the enemies of our faith, persecutors, will perceive that God is working for his people in turning their captivity.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.2
What is needed in this, our time of danger, is fervent prayer, mingled with earnest faith, a reliance upon God when Satan casts his shadow over God’s people. Let every one bear in mind that God delights to listen to the supplications of his people; for the prevailing iniquity calls for more earnest prayer, and God has promised that he will avenge his own elect, who cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.3
Men are prone to abuse the long-suffering of God, and to presume on his forbearance. But there is a point in human iniquity when it is time for God to interfere; and terrible are the issues. “The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked.” The long-suffering of God is wonderful, because he puts constraint on his own attributes; but punishment is none the less certain. Every century of profligacy has treasured up wrath against the day of wrath; and when the time comes, and the iniquity is full, then God will do his strange work. It will be found a terrible thing to have worn out the divine patience; for the wrath of God will fall so signally and strongly that it is represented as being unmixed with mercy; the very earth will be desolated. It is at the time of the national apostasy, when, acting on the policy of Satan, the rulers of the land will rank themselves on the side of the man of sin - it is then the measure of guilt is full; the national apostasy is the signal for national ruin.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.4
God has thrust his people into the gap, to make up the hedge, to raise up the foundation of many generations. The heavenly intelligences, angels that excel in strength, are waiting, obedient to his command, to unite with human agencies; and the Lord will interpose when matters have come to such a pass that none but a divine power can counteract the satanic agencies at work. When his people shall be in the greatest danger, seemingly unable to stand against the power of Satan, God will work in their behalf. Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.5
Now is the time when the loyal and true are to arise and shine; for the glory of the Lord is risen upon them. It is no time now to hide our colors, no time to turn traitors when the battle presses sore, no time to lay aside our weapons of warfare. Watchmen on the walls of Zion must be wide awake.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.6
I am so thankful at this time that we can have our minds taken off from the difficulties that surround us, and the oppression that is to come upon the people of God, and can look up to the heaven of light and power. If we place ourselves on the side of God, of Christ and the heavenly intelligences, the broad shield of Omnipotence is over us, the mighty God of Israel is our helper, and we need not fear. Those who touch the people of God, touch the apple of his eye.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.7
Now the great question is, Are we Bible Christians, - doers of the word? I have been astonished beyond measure as light has been presented to me again and again concerning the difficulties and dissensions that exist in our churches. What does it mean? With the teachings of the Bible before them, how dare they be in such disunion, apparently not caring to answer the prayer of Christ that his disciples might be one, as he is one with the Father. How dare they set up their will, and imperil the cause of God in order to carry things on in their own way?GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.8
The spirit of self-sufficiency and selfish independence that has for years been coming into the hearts of our people is the work of the enemy, that he may cause our feet to slide; and we cannot afford to indulge it. May God help us to put it away! Begin right in your own homes; begin there to be truly courteous, as Christ was; be kind; live not to please yourselves. Then if you are Christians at home, you will carry the same spirit into the church. You will carry it into your councils, and will have evidence that Jesus is indeed your helper, your stronghold, your front guard and your rear-ward. The righteousness of Christ will go before you, and the glory of God will be your rear-ward.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.9
Brethren, will you carry the spirit of Christ with you as you return to your homes and churches? Will you put away unbelief and criticism? We are coming to a time when, more than ever before, we shall need to press together, to labor unitedly. In union there is strength. In discord and disunion there is only weakness. God never designed that one man, or four, or twenty, should take an important work into their own hands, and carry it forward independently of other workers in the cause. God wants his people to counsel together, to be a united church, in Christ a perfect whole. The only safety for us is to enter into the counsels of Heaven, ever seeking to do the will of God, to become laborers together with him. No one company is to form a confederacy, and say, “We are going to take this work, and carry it on in our own way; and if it does not go as we want it to, we will not give our influence to have it go at all.” This is Satan’s voice, not God’s. Do not obey such suggestions.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.10
What we want is the spirit of Jesus. When we have this, we shall love one another. Here are the credentials that we are to bear: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” We need to pray more; and when we have Christ abiding in the soul, his spirit in me will harmonize with his spirit in you; and he who controls our minds, controls also the heavenly intelligences, and they co-operate with us. Then in every council you will have the presence of One mighty in counsel. Jesus will be there. There will be no contention, no strife, no stirring up of the worst passions of the heart. What we want is to find refuge in Jesus. What we want is to be converted; and O, how I have longed for the converting power of God to go through our assemblies!GCDB April 13, 1891, page 259.11
I fear that some will never be converted. Not because God is not willing to convert them; but because they have eyes, and yet see not; ears have they, but they hear not; they have understanding, and yet understand not. They are too proud to acknowledge their errors, and in contrition of heart seek God in repentance. Now shall we put away this impenitent spirit? Shall we fall on the Rock and be broken? Jesus is soon coming in the clouds of heaven. What is he doing now? - He is testing a people here upon the earth, to see if they can live in harmony, without revolt, in heaven.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 260.1
Do you think he will take those who are indulging skepticism and infidelity, who, when he sends a message, stand back and refuse to accept it? Yet many have done this. When we speak of the grace of God, of Jesus and his love, speak of the Saviour as one who is able to keep us from sin, and to save to the uttermost all who come unto him, many will say, “O, I am afraid you are going where the holiness people go. I am afraid you are going after the Salvation Army.” Brethren, you need not be afraid of the plain teachings of the Bible. Do not fear to go where the voice of Jesus is heard saying, “Follow me;” for this will lead you right. Do not let any man or woman, or any council or party, lead you to suppress the precious light that God has permitted to shine from heaven in regard to the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus. You need more, much more, of the Spirit of Christ, to take the coldness and iron out of your hearts. Jesus humbled himself. His whole life was one of humiliation and suffering. He was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. And all this he bore, that sinners might be redeemed. This is the spirit that must dwell in our hearts.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 260.2
The object of our faith, hope, and love, should be Jesus, - Jesus always, Jesus only. A mere profession of faith will not save us; we must have real faith in Christ. Then the heart will be renewed; we shall be born again. Christ takes our sins upon himself, and imparts to us his righteousness.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 260.3
In the revival work that has been going forward here during the past winter we have seen no fanaticism. But I will tell you what I have seen. I have seen men who were so lifted up in themselves, and so stubborn, that their hearts were enshrouded in darkness. All the light that Heaven graciously sent them was interpreted to be darkness. When the enemy presents a device of his own, some are ready to accept that; but they have been so very cautious that they would not receive the light which would have made them wise unto salvation. The mission of God’s servants was to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. The bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness, if received, would have illuminated the soul-temple, and driven out the buyers and sellers, the pride of opinion and the lust of the flesh. But there are some who have criticised and depreciated, and even stooped to ridicule, the messengers through whom the Lord has wrought in power.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 260.4
But, thank God, there are many who have been listening to his word and feasting upon it. What does Christ say? - “Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.” Then let us feast upon Christ. Let us enjoy his love, and praise God for this great salvation. Then we shall come together, heart to heart. When we shall subdue our pride, when we shall pluck from the garden of the soul every fiber of the root of bitterness, our hearts will flow together as the heart of one. And the Saviour’s promise is, “If any two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” Then, I ask, Where is our power? - It is in the sincere prayers going up to heaven continually that Christ will reveal himself to us. And he will do it. The light and glory of God will rest upon his people. And then the world will see, and will say, “Behold, how these brethren love one another.” Then all this heart-burning and distrust will cease, and in place of it, there will be love and union, courtesy, kindness, and tenderness. The very countenances will shine with the glory of God. We shall all see eye to eye. We shall speak the same things, and be of the same judgment.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 260.5
Suppose we labor to this end the coming year. Suppose we try daily to have our hearts united in the bonds of Christian love. “I have somewhat against thee,” says the True Witness, “because thou hast left thy first love.” And he says, “Except thou repent,” “I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place.” Why? - Because in our separation from one another we are separated from Christ. We want to press together. O, how many times, when I have seemed to be in the presence of God and holy angels, I have heard the angel voice saying, “Press together, press together, press together. Do not let Satan cast his hellish shadow between brethren. Press together; in unity there is strength.”GCDB April 13, 1891, page 260.6
I repeat the message to you. As you go to your homes, be determined that you will press together; seek God with all the heart, and you will find him, and the love of Christ, that passeth understanding, will come into your hearts and lives.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 260.7
I tell you, we have enough to do. There is no time to lose in doubt and darkness and inactivity. Your attention has been called to the need of missionary work in almost all parts of the world. To-day I would present before you the Southern field. How many missionaries are now ready to take hold of the work to be done among the colored people in our own country? Where are the men and women who will go in among the thousands upon thousands of these people in the South, and in a patient, humble way, seek to educate and train them? O, there is so much to do! We cannot afford to spend our time in manufacturing yokes to put upon our own necks or the necks of others. We want to go out as missionaries for God. We want to awake from the dead, and Christ will give us life. There are souls to be saved for whom Christ has paid the purchase money of his own blood, and I want you to feel that if souls of the colored race shall go down, unwarned, to destruction, there are those who have the light and have feasted upon it from week to week and from year to year, who will have to give an account to God; for the blood of souls will be upon their garments. Brethren, we cannot afford this.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 260.8
May God help us to awake to our duty! If you have hold of the work of God, I beseech you, for Christ’s sake, do not let go. If God sees that your souls are in danger, he will send reproof to you. Do not rise up against it. Say, “I will seek God, I will find him, and will be converted.” The True Witness says, “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” Yes, repent. It is not for you to be jealous of the reprover. It is not for you to dissect or discount the message that God may send you. It is for you to receive it, and reform, and be thankful that the Lord has not left you to blindness of mind and hardness of heart. May God help you to be converted.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 261.1
I beseech you to take Christ with you as you go to your churches. “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.” Many are unwilling to have their way crossed. Now, it is not by following your own way that you will enter heaven; it is by choosing God’s way. Will you take it? It is not your spirit that is going into heaven; it is Christ’s spirit. Will you have it? Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Then I ask, How is it that so many of you are saying you do not know whether you are accepted of God or not; that you want to find Jesus? Don’t you know whether you have opened the door? Don’t you know whether you have invited him in? If you have not, invite him now. Don’t wait a moment. Open the door, and let Jesus in.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 261.2
There are important interests at stake in Battle Creek, where so many of our institutions have been planted. As we were planning for the establishment of these institutions, how we prayed, and sought God day and night. Before the College was established here, my husband would say to me in the night season, “What shall we do about establishing a school here? Let us get up and pray.” Long before this, we used to pray about establishing the printing-office. Then it was the Sanitarium. Prayer was interwoven with our very life experience. Day by day our petitions ascended to heaven, and God heard us. Now let us continue to pray. If we needed to pray about the establishment of these institutions, how much more do we need to pray for God to keep them as guardians of the truth. They are not to lift up any false standard. They are not to be false signposts for the people. Wherever you are, pray that God will keep these institutions. If your united prayers ascend to heaven in their behalf, God will hear; and if the men who are there prove unfaithful, he will remove them, and will put others there who will be true to him. God is not at a loss for means. If men will only respond to his call, all will be well.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 261.3
Now let us take Christ’s yoke upon us, and learn of him. He says his yoke is easy, and I believe it. He says the burden is light, and I believe that, too. When you are wearing Christ’s yoke, all your complaining and dissension will cease. When Christ’s disciples fell into controversy by the way, he asked them, “What was it that ye disputed among yourselves by the way? But they held their peace: for by the way they had disputed among themselves, who should be the greatest... . And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them, Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.” Now let us be like children before God. Let us be teachable, willing to learn, and then the Spirit of God will cement our hearts together, and we shall be one in Christ Jesus. Then the Father will love us, even as he loves his Son. Let this thought fill the soul with thankfulness, and go on your way to Zion, making melody in your hearts to God. You are called out of darkness to show forth his marvelous light. Go forward, rejoicing in the righteousness of Christ.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 261.4
At the morning meetings I have enjoyed hearing the testimonies of those who came here to learn, - testimonies of how they have learned to believe that Christ has forgiven their sins. It is very late - the eleventh hour - to learn that. But, thank God, it is not too late, even at the eleventh hour, for wrongs to be made right. If we learn what is to be the joy of our calling, we shall praise God with heart and soul and voice. And at last we shall have a glorious triumph when our captivity shall be turned, and our mourning and tears shall be forever past. What a shout of praise will then go forth from human lips! Shall we begin it here? God grant that we may! God help you to put away every fiber of the root of bitterness that has been planted in so many hearts. May you put it away, so that it shall never bud nor blossom from this time. Let Christ kill it by his Holy Spirit in every heart. God grant that the root of bitterness may die!GCDB April 13, 1891, page 261.5
WE wish to state to our late subscribers who have sent in for back numbers, that we have been filling their orders as complete as we were able to do at the time. We think that all of our people ought to have the BULLETIN, and are sorry that so many neglected to send in their subscriptions in due season in response to our request made at the beginning of the year. When going to press at the commencement of the session, 1200 copies more were printed than our subscription list called for, still, as stated before, owing to the great demand so late in the season, the stock of different numbers has been exhausted.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 261.6
An extra supply was printed of No. 11 of the BULLETIN, the contents of which are exceptionally well adapted for missionary work. We can furnish these as long as the stock lasts, at 2 cts. each or 1 1/2 cts. in large quantities. This number contains twenty pages.GCDB April 13, 1891, page 261.7