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March 9, 1891
THE third meeting of the General Conference was held Sunday, March 8, at 9 A. M. Though the hour was early, there was a full representation of delegates, and a large number of visitors was present. Prayer was offered by Elder R. M. Kilgore.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.1
Elders H. A. St. John and Wm. Healy, delegates from the California Conference, having arrived since the last meeting, took their seats in the Conference. Elder W. H. Wakeham also took his seat as a delegate at large, to represent the health and temperance work.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.2
The General Conference Committee presented the following report on the matter referred to them at the last meeting:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.3
The General Conference Committee has carefully considered the report of the Committee on Credentials of Delegates, referred to it by this Conference, and would recommend that the report be adopted by the Conference, and that Elder S. N. Haskell be accepted as a delegate from each of the Conferences of Australia and New Zealand, and that S. F. Reeder be accepted as a delegate from West Virginia. Signed, GEN. CONF. COM.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.4
The report was adopted, and the delegates took their seats.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.5
The following memorial from the church at Washington, D. C., was presented to the Conference by the superintendent of District No. 1:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.6
To the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Battle Creek, Mich.:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.7
The undersigned, appointed a committee by the Seventh-day Adventist church of Washington, to memorialize and confer with your body upon the subject, most earnestly beg leave to invite your attention to the advisability and necessity of erecting a permanent structure in this city, not merely as a meeting place for the local church here, who, from the number and convenience of the public halls are now, and for an indefinite period can be, quite comfortably accommodated in this particular, but to serve as an established and conspicuous center from which may be advocated, before the nation’s law-makers and the world at large, the cause of present truth in all its branches, and especially that phase of it which has to do with the vindication of religious freedom.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.8
Negotiations are already in progress for the purchase of a suitable lot of ground, to cost about $6,000, upon which a building of the character required can be constructed, it is estimated, at a cost of $25,000. This building can be made both convenient and imposing, and may be so arranged as to serve not only as a place for worship and lectures, but also as a depository for the various publications, and a habitation in common for those who may be as signed to duty here.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.9
The following is a plan we would suggest for raising the necessary funds. Let the General Conference recommend, in due manner and form, that every Seventh-day Adventist in the United States do pledge him or herself to the amount of $1, payable at once, or within a period of twenty months in monthly payments of five cents or more each, into the hands of his or her local church treasurer, by whom the money so collected may be remitted monthly or quarterly to your general treasurer, and by him held and disbursed as you in your wisdom may direct. The reason for making individual contributions so small is, First, to afford each Seventh-day Adventist throughout the land a part in this enterprise of more than national importance, and, Secondly, to avoid imposing undue burdens upon our local churches, by far the larger portion of whose membership is not to be found among the wealthy and influential classes. Of course donations of greater amounts can, and will, be solicited from all persons interested in the principles of our faith, or at any rate in the rights of conscience.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.10
Most earnestly we petition for your prompt and active co-operation in this or any similar scheme that may commend itself to your better judgment and broader field of observation, for effecting the end in view.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.11
The memorial was referred to the Committee on Finances, with the instruction that the representatives from Washington be invited to be present when the matter is considered.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 35.12
The general canvassing agent, L. C. Chadwick, was called on, and presented the following report:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 36.1
In preparing a report for this meeting, of the canvassing work done since the last session of the Conference, my mind has gone back to the General Conference held in this place in the fall of 1886. At that time, as many will remember, a few of us worked hard against a great deal of opposition, to secure the adoption of certain resolutions which were intended to make a beginning of a more systematic organization of this branch of the work. Those who were the most sanguine of success at that time, could hardly have hoped for the results in four years, which we have seen.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 36.2
At the close of that Conference there were only a very few States which had sufficient confidence in the plans that were there recommended to put a State agent in the field to have charge of the canvassing work, while now the State can hardly be found which does not have one. Then a few thousand dollars’ worth of books were being sold in a year; now the sum reaches into hundreds of thousands. Then a few score of canvassers were all that could be counted, and they almost entirely in America; now they are numbered, by the hundreds, and are found in almost every part of the civilized earth. While this marked contrast is easily discernible between the work four years ago and now, there is also a very perceptible improvement during the last sixteen months since our last General Conference was held. Since that time we have held two very successful State agents’ conventions.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 36.3
The first one, held Jan. 30 to Feb. 7, 1890, was an experiment in which many had but little faith. But the results which have been seen from it during the year, have convinced the most skeptical that it was a move in the right direction. The second one has just closed; and many of you have been witnesses to the importance that has attached to its deliberations. These conventions have been the means of binding the interests of the canvassing work more closely together. The delegates from different parts of the field have become acquainted with each other; and as they have listened to the reports of the work in other parts of the great field, and have learned more of the circumstances which govern the work so differently in different localities, their minds have been enlarged to take in the magnitude of the work, and the necessity of having broad plans, that cover in a general way the wants of the entire field. It has led them to feel that the work is one, and will tend to stimulate a more liberal spirit in supplying canvassers from such fields as are reasonably well supplied, for those portions that are destitute.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 36.4
Perhaps one of the most important advance moves in the canvassing work during the last year, has been the improvement in the course of instruction that is now considered necessary for any person to receive before entering the work. We can all remember when many of our canvassers were started out with perhaps only a day or two of study or preparation, and in many cases not even that much. Now two or three weeks of solid study and training is considered to be indispensable, and to this thorough instruction, is due much of the uniform success which has attended the work during the last year.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 36.5
The plan of appointing and keeping in the field district agents was a wise one, and has resulted well. I see but one chance for improvement in this plan, and that is to have the district agents relieved from responsibility as State agents, so that their time can be given entirely to their district work.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 36.6
Institute work has been a great help to our canvassers the last year. Those who heard the brief outlines given by our district agents of their methods of conducting institutes, at our recent convention, must have been impressed with the value that attaches to that class of instruction. If ministers’ schools for ministers, Bible schools for Bible workers, and colleges for our young people are necessary, how much more so these institutes for those who leave their farms, their workshops and trades, to enter the work as Christian canvassers, going, as they do, into the homes of the people with the sacred truth of God. We cannot overestimate the value of this method of instruction.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 36.7
Another encouraging feature of the work during the past year, is the increase of confidence which our Conference officers in nearly every State are showing in it. I noticed in the reports of the district agents, that nearly every one of them reported that he had the president of the Conference or some other good minister with him in his institutes to assist in giving religious instruction to those who were to enter the work, and also to lend his moral support in favor of the canvassing work. This is right.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 36.8
The work has prospered not only in America but in foreign fields as well. The work of Brother E. M. Morrison in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, has been a great help to the work there. Europe, too, has furnished its canvassers with more instruction, and is seeing much better results both in Great Britain and on the Continent. I will not undertake to give a detailed report from any part of the field, as one meeting of the International Tract Society will be devoted to reports from the district agents in America, also from the representatives from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Central Europe, Great Britain, and Scandinavia.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.1
One important feature of the canvassing work which should and must receive some attention from this Conference, is the question of supplying laborers for the destitute fields. It may be thought best to refer the definite selection of individuals to go to such fields to the General Conference Committee and General Canvassing Agent, as was done last year; but the need of canvassers in England, in the South and other portions of the field, should be considered by this body. Only consecrated men should be sent. To use the words of one of the southern delegates in our recent convention, “we want men who will come because the field needs them.”GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.2
I do not anticipate that there will need to be much done in this Conference by way of plans for the canvassing work, unless it may be to endorse some of the newly developed plans that were made by the convention just closed. Our present plan in nearly every feature of it is a good one. The canvassing work is in a good condition; but like every other branch of the Lord’s work, it needs the earnest support of all, and needs to have plans developed to meet the changing circumstances with which we are constantly being brought in contact.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.3
My report would be incomplete if I did not refer to the assistance which the Home Missionary has been to the canvassers in the field during the last year. Instead of starting a new paper for the canvassers, it was decided to devote six pages of the Home Missionary to instruction for and reports from the canvassers. This department has been edited by the general canvassing agent, and, as all who have read it are aware, has been a means of furnishing much valuable information and instruction to the workers in the field.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.4
The paper has been furnished free to every canvasser by the publishing houses, so that they have not only received the benefit of the Canvassers’ Department but of the instruction which the whole paper has contained. We have received many letters of appreciation of this medium of communication that has thus been provided. Then the statistical reports that have appeared from month to month, showing the monthly reports from each portion of the entire field have been very valuable.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.5
During the year a general agent has been appointed to take charge of the Scandinavian subscription book work. This was a good move, and our recent convention has recommended that a similar selection be made for the German work. We trust this will be done, as we are constantly bringing out new subscription books in these languages that need thoroughly instructed canvassers to sell them. The French work seems to meet with more difficulties on account of the difficulties in reaching the French Catholics. The Holland field should be considered, and if possible supplied with laborers. I hope that God will greatly bless the work the coming year, and inspire each of us with willing minds to assist and support it.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.6
Captain Eldridge, the former general canvassing agent, gave some interesting facts and statistics relating to the canvassing work, of which a synopsis is given below. The figures represent the retail value of books sold by canvassers during the year as furnished by different publishing houses and repositories in different countries. The amount really falls short of actual sales, as it was impossible to furnish a complete report. The following are the figures at hand:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.7
It would be entirely safe to place the amount at $750,000. The sales for the year before were $500,000. Thus there has been a gain this year of $250,000 over the preceding year. The success of our organization of canvassers has been a marvel to other publishers, who look at the matter from a purely financial standpoint.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.8
The canvassing organization is really a self-supporting missionary work. It furnishes employment to the canvasser, brings the truth to the knowledge of the people, fits workers for foreign fields, and hastens the coming of the Lord. A score of students might be pointed out in the College, who could not have attended this year had it not been for the means earned in the canvassing field. Our denomination is selling more books than any other in the country, with the exception of the Methodist, whose Book Concern has been established for a century.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.9
Our people should pray for the canvasser, and encourage him in every way. We may expect the time to come when the entire denomination will be resolved into ministers, Bible workers, book makers, and book sellers.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.10
Following Captain Eldridge, Elder Haskell spoke for the canvassing work in foreign countries. He said:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 37.11
There is Calcutta, with its 20,000 European citizens. Bombay has about the same. Madras is called a European city. Then there are the Eurasians and Parsees, many of whom understand English, and are anxious for information. In China, a gentleman who publishes scientific literature in Chinese, and sells in connection with it much missionary and other literature, said that China was a most promising field for the canvasser if the books were properly prepared. There is a strong movement on foot, that is developing a system which enables the foreigner to learn to speak the Chinese language sufficiently to converse, in a comparatively short time. The way is opening for the canvasser, all over the world.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.1
Conference adjourned to 10:30 A. M.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.2
THE Conference was again called to order at 10:30 A. M., after an intermission of twenty minutes. The divine blessing was invoked by Elder S. N. Haskell. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was waved.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.3
The following cablegram, addressed to the Conference by the brethren in Sweden, was read by the president:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.4
STOCKHOLM, March 6, 1891
To General Conference.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.5
Salvete Ebenezer.
(Signed) SWEDEN.
The president interpreted the message as signifying “Hail! God save you. Hitherto hath God been with us,” and remarked that others in different parts of the world are intensely interested in this Conference and the work which it is doing, which should make us realize more fully the responsibility resting upon us.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.6
Prof. W. W. Prescott, the educational secretary, then gave a report of his work, which somewhat condensed, follows:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.7
At the last session of the General Conference, two projects for the extension of the educational work were already under consideration, - the English Bible school for ministers, and the establishment of another college between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. The first session of the English Bible school continued twenty weeks with an average attendance of about fifty. The good results attending this effort encouraged the committee to make provisions for another session, which closed just before the opening of this Conference.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.8
The attendance during the past year reached nearly one hundred and twenty-five. The wisdom of providing this means for the education of public laborers has been abundantly shown by the excellent results attained. The proposed college, since designated as Union College, has been, after due consideration, located at Lincoln, Neb. The work of locating and building has been under progress for nearly a year, and at the present time there are two large buildings, - a main college building and the ladies’ dormitory, which are well along toward completion. Excavation has been made for the third building which will be used as a dormitory for the Scandinavian and German departments.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.9
The educational secretary has made from six to ten visits to Lincoln, in the interest of this work; and, as a member of the locating committee and the board of managers, has given considerable time to it. There is every reason to expect that the institution will be opened next September, and the outlook is promising for a large attendance from the first. The report of the financial agent, A. R. Henry, will give further particulars concerning the raising and expenditure of means used in this enterprise.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.10
In March, 1890, the secretary made a visit to South Lancaster Academy, attending the council held with special reference to the financial needs of the institution. In harmony with the advice then given, the Academy has been somewhat relieved by the sale of property which was not yielding a revenue. Immediately following this, a visit was made to the Pacific Coast, including a call at the Conference school at Minneapolis, Minn., and a visit of three days at Lincoln. Visits were made at Milton and Portland, Or., Healdsburg, Oakland, and Fresno, Cal. Both schools in Oregon were closed before the arrival of the secretary, the one at Milton on account of sickness, and the one at Portland for special local reasons.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.11
The general object of this visit was to become acquainted, from personal observation, with the needs of the work, without any expectation of suggesting any immediate or radical changes. On the occasion of this visit, the propriety of uniting the educational interests in the northwest was suggested with the purpose to establish one centrally located well equipped, institution. This matter has received further consideration during the year, and the Conferences interested have voted to enter upon this plan.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.12
Last January, the secretary made a visit to Oregon to meet with representatives from the North Pacific and Upper Columbia Conferences, and the mission fields of Idaho and Montana, to select a suitable place for the location of the proposed institution. A lively interest was manifested in various towns and cities to secure the location of the college, but the contest narrowed down to the cities of Walla Walla and Spokane Falls, Wash. Each city has made a liberal offer to the committee, and the matter will doubtless be definitely decided within a very short time.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 38.13
The Conferences interested, desire to place this institution under the supervision of the General Conference, and to have all titles of property vested in the General Conference Association. The interests of this enterprise demanded another visit to the Coast by the secretary, from which he returned just before the opening of this Conference. It is hoped that this new institution may be ready to open by September, 1892.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.1
It may be interesting to take a brief glance at the present condition of the educational interests. The work at South Lancaster Academy, during the past year, has been attended by a marked degree of prosperity. The number of students in attendance has been larger than at any previous time, and the management has been greatly embarrassed for lack of proper facilities. They are compelled, by the circumstances of the case, to consider the question of providing further facilities, in order to properly carry forward the work.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.2
The past year at Battle Creek College has been one of reasonable prosperity. The attendance has been about the same as it was last year. It was thought that the immediate prospect of opening another institution in the West might decrease the attendance at this institution, but this fear has not been realized. An effort is now being made to relieve the College from its debt of nearly $40,000.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.3
At the last session of the Michigan Conference, it was voted to raise $15,000 for this purpose, and an invitation extended to neighboring Conferences to join in this effort. It seems to be a favorable time for this move, and it is earnestly hoped that these Conferences will deem it a privilege to render all the assistance possible, looking toward this result.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.4
It has been a cause of much encouragement to those directly connected with the management of the College, to know that so many of the last graduating class, numbering thirty (the largest in the history of the institution), have either entered directly upon our denominational work, or are taking further training with special reference to it. Out of this class, two are employed at the College; two at South Lancaster Academy; two at the Review Office;- one in the editorial department and one in the business office;- three are in the employment of the International Tract and Missionary Society; two in charge of Conference schools; three employed as assistant teachers; one is engaged in Bible work; one in ministerial work; one as State secretary in the missionary work; and seven are engaged in further study preparatory to some special lines of work.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.5
The Chicago Bible school has had a smaller number than usual in attendance, but a good work has been done for such as were present.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.6
The number of students at Milton (Oregon) Academy, has risen to nearly one hundred and seventy. The school has been a factor of importance in the work of the Conference, and has furnished a large number of teachers for surrounding schools. This institution will probably be discontinued after the coming year in view of the opening of the new college in that vicinity.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.7
The North Pacific Academy was discontinued at the close of the last school year, and the property sold in the interest of uniting in the establishment of a new college.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.8
At Healdsburg College improvements have been made during the past year, involving an expenditure of about $5,000. The primary department has been discontinued for the lack of proper support, and the department in ancient languages for the same reason. The secretary has no direct report from the institution, but is informed that the work is prospering.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.9
The Conference schools have been continued in Minnesota, at Minneapolis, with an attendance of about seventy-five; in Kansas, at Ottawa, with an attendance of about sixty. The school in Texas has had an attendance reaching as high as 115. A school at Coquille City, Oregon, has an attendance at present of about 140. Only a few of this number are the children of Adventists.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.10
There is an earnest call for the establishment of a school at some convenient point in District No. 2 of the General Conference field. A strong plea is made for an institution in which laborers can be trained for the home work; and so strong is the sectional feeling, that laborers who have received their education in the North are seriously hindered in their work.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.11
A request also comes in for the opening of a school in Australia. The growth of work in that field, the great expense involved in sending students to this country for an education in one of our schools, and the great advantage arising from the education of the laborers for their home work, in their home field, are some of the reasons urged in support of this request. Both of these calls should receive serious consideration, and will doubtless be brought before this Conference for action. The many openings for consecrated teachers in schools already established in foreign countries, especially in South Africa, India, China, and Japan, are in themselves a most urgent plea for laborers of this class.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.12
Plans for the further education of our ministers, by establishing ministerial institutes; for developing Bible teachers; for holding summer Bible institutes, and for some changes in the course of Bible study in some of various schools, have already received thought and attention, and recommendations covering these points will doubtless be made to this body.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 39.13
The rapid development of our educational work during the past two or three years, and the many evidences that God’s providence is opening the way, are causes of much encouragement to those who have this work in charge.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.1
Brother A. R. Henry gave a report of the work done on Union College at Lincoln, Nebraska, and the present condition of the institution. He said:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.2
In January, 1890, the citizens of Lincoln, Nebraska, made a proposition to the General Conference Association to donate to the denomination 280 acres of land near the city, as a subsidy toward the erection of a college, which proposition was accepted, and a bond of $100,000 was given by the Association for the erection of a college and two dormitories, at an expense of at least $70,000, before July 1, 1891.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.3
The work, according to the stipulation of this bond, was to commence by April 1, 1890. Some time in March ground was broken, and the work commenced, and has been progressing favorably since that time. The main college building has been erected and enclosed; also one of the dormitories, and work is going forward at the present time on the finishing of the inside of the buildings. Excavating has also been done for the second dormitory, and part of the material is now on the ground.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.4
Without any doubt our contract with the citizens can easily be filled; but it will take a great deal more money to complete the buildings ready for opening by September next. At least $45,000 more will have to be raised in order to be able to open the college in such a manner as we desire.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.5
About one third of the real estate donated to us has been sold. We hope to make sale of a large portion of the remainder during the coming year; but as our sales are only one fourth cash in hand, we must look to other sources for a large portion of the money necessary to meet our expenses.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.6
We have paid our bills as fast as they have become due, thereby maintaining a good credit among the business men in the city of Lincoln. No doubt several thousand dollars have been saved in the construction of the buildings, by taking this course.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.7
While we have not been able to carry forward the work as rapidly as we would like, on account of not having sufficient means, we have believed it better to contract no bills without having some means in sight of paying them. It is much harder to raise money to pay old debts than it is to carry forward an enterprise which is new and fully before the people.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.8
I would urge the necessity of laying plans to carry forward the work to completion by the time specified. In order to do this, provision must be made for fully $45,000, to be expended between now and September 1. It will take $25,000 to complete the Scandinavian dormitory; $10,000 to build a boiler-house and complete our steam heating; and $10,000 to finish the buildings already put up. Besides this the buildings will have to be furnished, which will cost two or three thousand dollars.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.9
From the statement which we present below, it will be seen that several States are considerably in arrears on their subscription; in fact, only one or two States have paid their allotted amount.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.10
The subjoined statement will show the amount of money received from all sources, and the amount on hand. About $40,000 worth of real estate has been sold, a little over one fourth of which has been paid in cash. The balance is held by the Association in notes, not yet matured. The money borrowed has been in anticipation of the payments on these.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.11
Amount of money received:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.12
Elder Olsen referred to the German and Scandinavian schools which will be opened in connection with Union College next fall. Each of these schools will be complete in itself, having a principal and a full corps of teachers.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.13
At the close of the Scandinavian school last spring, a company of students was sent to Europe to continue their studies, that they may be prepared for teaching, when the school opens, at Lincoln next fall. They are doing well, and will be prepared for work when the time comes. Arrangements are also being made for teachers for the German school.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.14
A committee consisting of A. Moon, S. H. Lane and J. H. Morrison, was appointed to arrange for the seating of the Conference by States. The hour of 12:30 having arrived, the Conference adjourned.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.15
In his report of District No. 5, the superintendent gave the book sales $20,322.03. It should have been $60,000.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 40.16
THE first meeting of the annual session of the Association was held Sunday, March 8, at 3 P. M. Prayer was offered by Elder D. T. Jones. The reading of the minutes of the last annual session was waived. Elder W. H. Wakeham then read a report from the recording secretary, reporting the work done by the State associations during the year. Following this the president of the Association, Dr. J. H. Kellogg, delivered an address on -GCDB March 9, 1891, page 41.1
The American Health and Temperance Association, or, as it is now called, the International Health and Temperance Association, was organized a little more than twelve years ago, and I am glad to be able to announce to-day that it is still alive, and threatens to continue to live for some time to come in spite of the many dangers which have threatened it and the many obstacles which it has encountered.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 41.2
The time when this association was organized, was an opportune one. Something more than a dozen years before, there had been a very active and earnest agitation of health and temperance principles among our people, which had resulted in the adoption, by the majority of those who at that time constituted the denomination, of many very important reforms. Intoxicating drinks and tobacco had been practically excluded from the denomination. Elder White wrote, in 1870: -GCDB March 9, 1891, page 41.3
“As a people, we have discarded the use of tobacco in all its forms. Thank God for so glorious a victory over perverted appetite! In the annual assemblies of the leading men of our denomination, not the least taint of the filthy weed can be discovered by sight or smell. Our people have also discontinued the use of tea and coffee, as unnecessary, expensive, and injurious to health. Here another victory has been gained.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 41.4
“But the reform among us does not stop here. Our people have put away the use of swine’s flesh, and, to a great extent, of flesh meats generally. This they have done from a conviction that flesh is not the most nutritious or the most healthful food for man. While flesh-meats stimulate, they do not build up the system, as other foods do. This was once an experiment with our people; now it is demonstrated.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 41.5
“Seventh-day Adventists have adopted two meals a day, instead of three. But this is not a denominational law with them, as their church organization and discipline have nothing to do with regulating such matters. Yet in most cases they discard flesh-meats, and partake of food but twice each day. These facts we have learned from personal observation in holding camp-meetings with them from Maine to Kansas, during the past summer. Our ministers preach hygiene reform, and live it wherever they go. And our many publications carry it to the doors of all our people. Thousands have testified to the benefits of the changes they have made. They report better health, and an increase of physical strength. Ask them if they can perform as much labor without meat and without the third meal as they could before they made the changes, and they will tell you that since their present habits have become fully established, they can endure more labor, and that they enjoy life much better. This is the experience of all, whether professional or laboring men.”GCDB March 9, 1891, page 41.6
Unfortunately, the good work of reform had, by the end of another decade, not only ceased its onward progress, but there had been a very marked retrograde; other issues, coming before the people, had attracted their attention, and the promulgation of health principles had ceased to receive the influence necessary to keep them before the people.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 41.7
No regular means had been provided for systematic consideration of these principles, and as a consequence new converts to the faith received little or no instruction in them. Large numbers of young ministers and licentiates had entered the field as preachers who had never received adequate instruction in health principles, and who consequently were not prepared either to appreciate their importance or to instruct the people in their precepts.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 41.8
In consequence a great backsliding had begun and had progressed to an extent which was not fully comprehended until the circulation of the teetotal pledge at the camp-meetings held during 1879, developed the fact that hundreds among us were addicted to the habitual use of tea and coffee, and that it could no longer be said, “Not the least taint of the filthy weed would be discovered,” for in some instances leading members of churches, in a few cases even officers of churches, were found to be habitual users of the filthy weed. There were found among the ministers even, not a few who complained that the pledge was too strong, a criticism which from their standpoint was eminently proper, since the pledge evidently prohibited the strong tea to which such critics were almost universally found to be addicted.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 41.9
Unquestionably the organization of the American Health and Temperance Association exerted a great influence in checking, to some degree at least, the course of emigration in the direction of the Egypt from which the grand principles of health and temperance reform, given to our people by the Lord through the Testimonies of Sister White, had but a few years ago so gloriously emancipated a whole denomination.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 41.10
The backward movement continued, however, until it seemed almost like a stampede. Men and women who had for years testified to the great benefits received from the adoption of health principles, suddenly discovered that health reform did not agree with them; that two meals a day were insufficient to support a working man, especially brain workers, who need more nourishment than those who use their muscles only; that good beef steak was necessary for good health; that good cheese was essential to good digestion, and a cup of strong tea, now and then, to relieve sick headache, not particularly objectionable, and possibly of service as a preventive.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 42.1
The provision stands, and boarding-tents at camp-meetings ceased to be object lessons for our people and those not of our faith, in healthful dietetics. The camp-meeting provision stand in the last decade has rarely failed to include in its stock a good supply of lard crackers, ginger snaps, baker’s pies and cakes of various sorts, dried beef, smoked halibut, sale codfish, smoked herring, painted candies and unwholesome knick-knacks of various sorts, a good supply of cheese, ripe enough to be buried and lively enough to move on if not kept in a cage, and in the background might usually be seen, arranged in a picturesque manner, sundry coils of sausage, warranted, however, to be bologna, as I have frequently been told, which is a guarantee that the article is not Simon pure swine’s flesh, but a miscellaneous assortment of all manner of beasts.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 42.2
Two or three years ago I spent a few unhappy hours upon a camp-ground, the main entrance of which was flanked upon one side by a huge sign, “Ice-cream,” and upon the other side “Hot Peanuts.” The book tent bore no sign at all, which was perhaps just as well under the circumstances. The ground was well carpeted with peanut shells, the constant snapping of which furnished punctuation marks for the discourses of the ministers from the speaker’s stand.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 42.3
With such examples to the flock at camp-meetings, the annual gatherings which our people are earnestly exhorted by the ministers to attend for the purpose of “drawing near to the Lord and seeking a more complete consecration of soul and body to the service of God,” it cannot be considered a matter of wonderment that in their home life our people have for some years back not been making progress in the reforms which God so graciously placed in our hands more than a quarter of a century ago, for us to cherish and practice for our own good, and to develop and promulgate for the benefit of our fellow-men; and it is not a matter of astonishment that even beneath the shadow of the Sanitarium, which in the providence of God was established to be a means by which these reforms should be fostered and encouraged, there should be found tea bibbers and coffee topers, while among the families of the denomination there are probably to be found few indeed who do not daily gather about the flesh pots, and, to use the graphic words of a vegetarian heathen, “Chaw with bloody teeth the bleeding bread.”GCDB March 9, 1891, page 42.4
With this state of things, the description of which I assure you is not overdrawn, it should be a matter of surprise to us that the American Health and Temperance Association has not been in a very flourishing state as an organization, or that it has been difficult to maintain a lively interest in its State and local organizations. Nevertheless something has been accomplished. The officers of the society having recognized the impossibility of doing much more than maintain an existence, have sought to at least keep the association alive, and have earnestly endeavored to accomplish what they could in the promotion of its principles, particularly in the education of our people. A brief review of some of the things which have been accomplished since the last meeting of this association may be encouraging.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 42.5
At the last annual meeting of this association, a wise move was made in the addition of the office of field secretary to the corps of general officers, and the selection of Elder W. H. Wakeham to fill the position. Since his appointment, Elder Wakeham has been most earnestly and efficiently engaged in the duties of his office, visiting many different States, giving lectures to our people and to the public, at camp-meetings, conventions, and various special gatherings, and has besides maintained constantly a large correspondence with those who have become more or less interested in the work.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 42.6
We need not say more respecting the work which has been done, as it would only be an anticipation of the report which the field secretary will himself make of his labors, but wish to add that the results of the work have been most excellent, and have given good grounds for the belief that the great cause for the widespread and indifferent opposition to health principles is ignorance concerning them, and a lack of appreciation which is the necessary result of lack of knowledge.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 42.7
We are glad to report as a matter of great encouragement, the fact that during the last year the executive officers of the International Tract and Missionary Society have taken a deep interest in the work of this association, and have done much to forward its interests.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 42.8
In response to a request of our executive Committee, the International Tract and Missionary Society have appointed, and for several months have maintained, a Health and Temperance secretary, the chief part of whose work has been the dissemination of our health literature and the correspondence elicited thereby. The earnest and efficient labors of Sister D. T. Jones in this capacity, as well as in the performance of her duties as secretary of this Association, have accomplished more in this line of work than has ever been accomplished before in a single year. The definite results of this work you will learn from the reports of this association and the International Tract and Missionary Society.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 43.1
After much deliberation, the executive officers of the association determined to undertake the organization and conduct of a school for Health and Temperance workers, or Medical Missionaries. The managers of the Sanitarium readily entered into the plan, and as the result we are now conducting the second session of this school with a membership of forty-three. The first year the enrollment of persons who came expressly for the purpose of attending this school was only seven. There is a very encouraging increase in the attendance the present year, but the number of those who are willing to devote themselves to this line of work is still discouragingly small.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 43.2
Since the last annual meeting of this association, the Sanitarium managers have been induced to convert their popular Training School for Nurses into a Training School for Missionary Nurses. Previously, any qualified person of good moral character was received into this school, but at the present time, as has been the case for some months back, only such persons are received into the Training School for Nurses as are considered fit persons to engage in Medical Missionary work, and each is required to sign a pledge to engage in this line of work for not less than five years, including the two years’ course of training.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 43.3
As the result of this action on the part of the Sanitarium Board, there are now in training in the classes of the Sanitarium Training School for Nurses ninety-four persons who are obliged to engage in medical missionary work under the direction of the Sanitarium. These persons represent twenty States besides Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, and Italy, each of which has one representative, with the exception of Switzerland, which is represented by four. A few of them have been sent, or encouraged to come, by the Conference presidents of the States from which they come.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 43.4
As the result of the medical missionary school held one year ago, a number of young men and women spent several months last spring and summer in the missionary canvass for Good Health. We have not space here to explain in full the plan of carrying on a missionary canvass, but are glad to report that most excellent results have attended the efforts which have been made in this direction.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 43.5
One of the important features of the Medical Missionary Training school is the cooking school conducted by Mrs. Kellogg. The students of this school are given a most thorough training in the principles of healthful and scientific cookery. Several of those who attended the school one year ago have since conducted each a number of cooking schools, the attendance at which varied from a dozen or more to nearly two hundred. Several cooking schools were held in connection with camp-meetings. As the result of this work, healthful cookery, and in consequence healthful diet, has been introduced into probably not less than two thousand families within the last year. This is certainly a grand work for a beginning.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 43.6
There has been some prejudice manifested against the holding of cooking schools in connection with camp-meetings - some have apparently thought a cooking school a matter of too worldly a character to be properly connected with a camp-meeting. Such have evidently an imperfect appreciation of the value of this important branch of domestic economy as a reformatory agency, and perhaps do not appreciate properly the relation of diet to good religion.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 43.7
It has often been said that “there is religion in a loaf of bread.” Of course the bread referred to must be good bread; and if there is religion in a good loaf, it is quite possible there may be perdition in a bad one. At any rate, it is incontestable that any amount of irreligion, sinning, despair, and skepticism, has its origin in bad cookery and an unwholesome dietary. If it is necessary and proper to eat at a camp-meeting, it certainly must be proper to give some attention to the wholesome preparation of food. And as the camp-meeting provision stand and boarding-tent have so long been setting a bad example before our people in matters pertaining to diet, it is certainly not unfair to urge that the same agencies should be used, for a time at least, in the promotion of dietetic reform.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 43.8
As conducted, our cooking schools have not partaken in the slightest degree of the nature of a peanut stand or an ice-cream counter, both of which have more than once been tolerated upon our camp-grounds without rebuke, and patronized by ministers as well as people. So far as I have been able to learn, no one has yet been able to bring against one of our cooking schools the charge that it has been a source of any mischief, or that it has in the slightest degree detracted from any of the good influences which should prevail at a camp-meeting, or any other religious gathering.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 43.9
Within a few weeks the Executive Board of this association has perfected and put in operation plans which have for a long time been in contemplation, for the publication of a journal devoted to the promulgation of our Health and Temperance principles. This journal, the Medical Missionary, the first two numbers of which have been published, has doubtless been seen by most of you. The purposes of the publication of this journal are fully set forth in the journal itself. It may be said, briefly, that the chief purpose of the journal is the education of our own people and the awaking among them of a genuine missionary spirit.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 44.1
A great difficulty which the officers of this association have met in their efforts to maintain an interest in the work of this association, and the promulgation of the principles represented by it, has been the want of suitable means of reaching the people. Whenever an opportunity has offered for bringing these principles directly to the people, there has seemed to be a hearty and almost universal response which indicated an appreciation of the value of this branch of present truth.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 44.2
A great embarrassment has been experienced by the fact that the usual means of reaching the people has been through ministers, Conference authorities, and others who had little appreciation of the work, and in many cases an actual opposition to it. The Medical Missionary will be sent to every Sabbath-keeping family whose address can be obtained. The first two numbers were mailed respectively to the entire list of subscribers to the Review and Herald and the Home Missionary list, requiring an edition of nearly 20,000 copies for the two numbers.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 44.3
Already many indications have appeared that the journal is well received, and it is hoped that the low price at which it is published, twenty-five cents a year, will lead our people to subscribe for it generally, so that we may through this medium have a means of reaching the homes of the people, and thus carrying to every fireside the precious truths of Health and Temperance reform of which our own people at the present time seem to stand almost as much in need as the members of other denominations which have never received the great light which has been given to us as a people upon this subject.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 44.4
The Doctor supplemented his address by observations regarding mortality among our people, presenting some statistics gathered from the obituary columns of the Review for the past five years. The accompanying table shows the total deaths reported, the number caused by preventable diseases, and by accidents, and the number in which the cause of death was not stated; as also the number of orphans, in whole or in part:-GCDB March 9, 1891, page 44.5
Considering the proportion of preventable cases the same among the unknown as among the known cases, that is, one-twelfth, we have twenty to be added to the list of preventable cases, making 156 in all. And probably not more than half the deaths are reported. These figures illustrate the necessity for giving greater attention to instructing our people in health principles.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 44.6
The difficulties which attend the prosecution of the work of the association, are lack of funds, and lack of workers to devote themselves to the medical missionary work. A great change has come about in the attitude of the world at large and the medical profession, toward health reform; and now is the golden opportunity for carrying on our work. Cooking schools have been held, with eminent success, by those who have taken the course of training at the Sanitarium. In our work, physical culture and dress reform, and the cooking school and diet reform, must go together.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 44.7
The Chair was empowered to appoint the usual committees, and also to appoint a committee of five, himself to be chairman, on Constitution and Future Work. The Chair stated he would announce committees at future meeting. Meeting then adjourned.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 44.8
FRIDAY, March 6, at 9 A. M., Elder Haskell spoke of the education of laborers for foreign fields, as the subject had presented itself to his mind, especially, during his tour among the missions in Africa, India, and other countries. He read the eighth chapter of 1 Corinthians, as bringing out the principle which must be instilled into our hearts if we would reach individuals where they are in foreign mission fields. We may have knowledge (verse 1), but it is not knowledge that edifies; it is love.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.1
Verse 2 shows that if we think that mere learning will enable us to reach the people, we know nothing. The winning of the heart does not depend upon what has been learned, as scientific education. There must be the principle in the heart that will enable us to make such use of the knowledge as to reach hearts.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.2
In verses 3 to 7, the apostle must refer to some who had received rays of light, and whom the Lord accepted, and Paul speaks as though the church had knowledge to know there was nothing to their ideas; yet every man had not this knowledge, and some had conscience about eating things offered to idols, etc. Verse 8 shows that this amounts to nothing; but some think otherwise, and we should regard their consciences.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.3
Verses 9 to 13 bring out the principle of adaptation to the circumstances of others. He says, Take heed lest the liberty of conscience which enlightenment has brought to you should be a stumbling block to one not so enlightened. We must meet those who have not the light God has so wondrously given us, and in this principle of meeting them in the circumstances and conditions in which we find them, lies the secret of success.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.4
In this ninth chapter, and the fourteenth of Romans, compared with the reproof of Peter in the second of Galatians, there is a lesson worthy of much study. God meets men where they are. Christ’s sympathy is especially drawn out toward those who in the darkness are struggling to get rays of light. God would have his people feel for them. Paul became all things to all men that he might win some, and with the principle of the love of Christ in the soul, nothing that does not compromise moral principle will be allowed to be a barrier between the Christian and those whom he is trying to lead to Christ.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.5
In such fields as India, China, etc., we find customs which to us appear as nonsense, but not so to the natives. And when they see in the foreigner a disposition to conform as far as possible to their ways, disarms prejudice, and awakens a feeling of friendliness in their hearts. Many of the disasters which came upon the first efforts of missionaries were due to the failure to appreciate this principle.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.6
We told an experienced missionary in India that we were interested in the education of missionaries in this country, that perhaps some would go to India, and asked what advice he would give as to the kind of education required. He replied, “First, adaptation; second, adaptation; third, adaptation; and fourth, adaptation. When they get that learned, let them come here, and I will find them work.”GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.7
In stopping with Dr. Stewart, who has a mission school in Africa, we noticed that he took even greater pains to show deference and respect to the natives than to the Europeans whom he came in contact with. When we saw him taking off his hat and bowing to every native who spoke to him, we thought of the spirit of Christ.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.8
Those who conduct mission schools find that the only successful plan is to educate the native teachers on the ground, instead of sending them to England or America to put on the ways of foreigners, and to lose touch with the customs and feelings of their brethren. The natives have no respect for one of their own number who comes back to them with foreign tastes and manners.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.9
We should have our schools right where we want our workers, and every missionary should be an educator. It affects my heart to see the spirit in which Bible study is being carried on here, and there are many fields open for us to go right in when we are prepared for the work ourselves. And when we go, we shall meet the very things which the apostle describes in this eighth of Corinthians. The natives of other countries may, to us, talk backwards, reason backwards, begin writing a book where we write finis, and put the notes at the top of the page instead of at the bottom; but they are no further from us than we are from them, and we have to learn by the love of Christ to adapt ourselves to them. What affinity was there between Christ on his throne, surrounded by the glory of heaven, and his work as the carpenter of Nazareth? The first principle of Christianity is adaptation to those for whom we labor, and everything that is not a violation of moral requirement should sink into eternal oblivion. When we get this principle in the soul, God will go before us with a power we have not seen in the past.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.10
The first chapter of Romans, after its introduction, can be summarized as the condition of man without God, and how he gets in that condition. The cause of this condition can be stated in one word - unbelief.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.11
Coupled with unbelief is self-exaltation; with faith, humility. They lost God, “because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” Verse 21. They attributed everything to themselves, and as self was advanced, faith in God decreased, till they were in the darkness of idolatry.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 45.12
Men, in the days of Plato, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius, taught what they called moral science; Confucius taught moral precepts. But what they all lacked was to tell men how to do what they taught to be right. Even these men who taught moral science and virtue were themselves practicing the things they condemned, and coming far short of doing what they set forth as moral duty.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.1
While those teachers tell us what to do, but fail to give us power to do it, the religion of Jesus Christ not only makes known what is right, but gives us ability to perform that which is good. Thus when Christ is not woven into the teaching, the very effort to teach morals is simply the old pagan science of morals, which is immorality.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.2
All admit that the State should not teach Christianity; but some say we must teach morals without it. Moral science aside from Jesus Christ is immorality; it is sin.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.3
The works of the flesh are clearly stated in the last part of chapter one. These are found in every individual that has not been converted to Christ; we denounce the heathen for doing these things, but “there is no respect of persons with God” (Romans 2:11), and he condemns those things in us just the same and shows us that we are no better than they.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.4
“Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.” Romans 2:1. Whoever knows enough to condemn the evils of the heathen is condemned himself, for he does the same things.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.5
The first part of Romans 2 may be summed up in, God is no respecter of persons. He will render to every man according to his deeds. In the judgment nothing is taken into account but a man’s works. “Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Revelation 22:12. “For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.” Matthew 16:27.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.6
The character of the works shows the amount of faith in Christ. A simple profession will not do. “Thinkest thou, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?” God does not respect our person or profession. We may call ourselves Christians, and pretend to keep the law, and pity the poor heathen; but God classes all together, who fail to have good works.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.7
“As many as have sinned without law shall also perish without the law; and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law.” Verse 12. This with the verses following shows that the law is the standard by which every man in the world will be judged.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.8
But what is it to keep the law? It is to keep all its precepts; our righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees, which was only an outward form. If we hate, it is murder (Matthew 5:22); if we have impure thoughts it is adultery (Matthew 5:25); if we have an impure heart, we violate all the rest of the law. We may be ever so strict in outward Sabbath observance and adhere closely to the outward obligations of all the rest of the law, but an impure heart renders every act sinful.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.9
“When the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law are a law unto themselves.” Verse 14.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.10
God has by various agencies placed enough light in the heart of every man to lead him to know the true God. Even nature itself reveals the God of nature. And if a man in the darkest heathenism has a desire to know the true God, he will, if necessary, send a man around the world to give him the light of truth.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.11
So every man that is finally lost will have rejected light that, if cherished, would have led him to God.GCDB March 9, 1891, page 46.12