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    Counsel to Husbands and Wives on Matters of Money

    All should learn how to keep accounts. Some neglect this work as non-essential, but this is wrong. All expenses should be accurately stated.210The Adventist Home, 374CCh 156.8

    The means you have earned has not been wisely and economically expended so as to leave a margin should you be sick and your family deprived of the means you bring to sustain them. Your family should have something to rely upon if you should be brought into straitened places.211The Adventist Home, 395, 396CCh 157.1

    You must help each other. Do not look upon it as a virtue to hold fast the purse strings, refusing to give your wife money.CCh 157.2

    You should allow your wife a certain sum weekly and should let her do what she please with this money. You have not given her opportunity to exercise her tact or her taste because you have not a proper realization of the position that a wife should occupy. Your wife has an excellent and a well-balanced mind.CCh 157.3

    Give your wife a share of the money that you receive. Let her have this as her own, and let her use it as she desires. She should have been allowed to use the means that she earned as she in her judgment deemed best. If she had had a certain sum to use as her own, without being criticized, a great weight would have been lifted from her mind.212The Adventist Home, 378CCh 157.4

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