- Foreword
- Preparing to Meet Christ
- The Vision of the Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan
- How the Light Came to the Prophet
- The Life and Work of Mrs. E. G. White
- Mrs. E. G. White as Others Knew Her
- Messages that Changed Lives
- The Vision that Could not Be Told
- The Testimonies and the Reader
- Practical Test of a Good Prophet
- Chapter 2—The Time of The End
- Chapter 3—Prepare to Meet the Lord
- Chapter 5—Christ Our Righteousness
- Chapter 9—The Publications of the Church
- Chapter 32—Music
- Parents Must Agree
- The Danger of Too Severe Training
- To Allow Children to Grow Up in Ignorance Is a Sin
- The Evil of Idleness
- Parents, Lead Your Children to Christ
- Do Not Neglect the Wants of the Mind
- Never Correct a Child When Angry
- The Importance of Strict Honesty With Children
- The Importance of Character Development
- A Personal Experience in Counseling Children
- Parents’ Need of More Divine Guidance
- Teach Respect and Courtesy
- The Church's Responsibility
- Moral Support of Our Institutions
- Teachers Under God
- Qualifications of a School Teacher
- The Bible in Christian Education
- Dangers in Sending Children to School Too Young
- Importance of Training in Duties of Practical Life
- The Dignity of Labor
- One's Mother Tongue Should Not Be Ignored
- The Works of Skeptics Forbidden by God
- The Results of Christian Education
- Student's Responsibility to Uphold His School
- Chapter 39—The Importance of Cleanliness
- “Of Every Man That Giveth It Willingly”
- Tithing Is Ordained by God
- The Privilege of Being a Co-laborer With God
- God Asks for One-tenth of the Increase He Gives
- God Evaluates Gifts by the Love Which Prompts the Sacrifice
- The Proper Disposition of Property
- “If Riches Increase, Set Not Your Heart Upon Them”
- A Pledge Made to God Is Binding and Sacred
- Offerings of Thanksgiving to Be Set Aside for the Poor
- Our Property and the Support of God's Work
- The Spirit of Self-denial and Sacrifice
- Chapter 64—Christ Our Great High Priest
As the Seventh-day Adventist movement has grown in all parts of the world, members who speak and read the various languages have yearned for the Testimonies for the Church, which, in full or in part, have edified and blessed the church throughout the world. It is not possible to publish in each language the full content of the nine Testimony volumes and the many other spirit of prophecy books. There is presented in this volume, however, a selection of general counsels drawn from these sources which will prove of great service and practical help to the church.CCh 5.1
The selection of materials, which have been conveniently grouped in the sixty-six chapters of this volume, is the work of the trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate, who are responsible for the care of Mrs. White's writings at the world headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Silver Spring, Maryland, in the United States of America. It has been a painstaking task to gather, arrange, translate, and publish in this book a comprehensive selection of materials from the many E. G. White books. Because of the limitation of space, only the more essential counsels on vital themes could be included. Even this presents a wide range of subjects. In some cases the selection is confined to a few paragraphs at a time taken from scattered sources. Reference to the books from which the selections have been drawn are found in abbreviated form at the close of each chapter. By reference to the Key to Abbreviations you can easily find the books to which the letters refer. No attempt has been made to indicate by ellipsis marks that paragraphs or sentences have been deleted.CCh 5.2
Do not confuse the introduction, written by the Trustees, with the writings of Mrs. White herself, which commence with chapter 1.CCh 5.3
It is with satisfaction and joy that this book is now made available to those who have waited so long for its appearance. That the precious counsel and instructions that fills these pages may deepen the conviction of each reader in the truths of the advent message, broaden his Christian experience, and heighten his expectation of victory in the final day when our Lord shall return, is the sincere prayer ofCCh 5.4
The Trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate.
Counsels for the Church Study Guide. A complete chapter by chapter guide with questions to aid in your reading and understanding of the book.CCh 5.5