- Foreword
- Ellen G. White A Brief Biographical Sketch
- Faith in God
- Parental Responsibility
- Treasure in Heaven
- The Shaking
- God's Proving
- Houses of Worship
- Surety for Unbelievers
- Oath Taking
- Our Denominational Name
- The Future
- The Prayer of David
- Proper Observance of the Sabbath
- Life Insurance
- Health and Religion
- Wiles of Satan
- Christian Zeal
- Responsibilities of the Young
- Why God Reproves His Own People
- Christian Recreation
- Unbalanced Minds
- Faithfulness in Home Duties
- Vain Thoughts
- Consideration for the Erring
- The Health Reform
- Danger of Applause
- Labor for the Erring
- Love and Duty
- The Power of Prayer in Temptation
- Worldly Interests and Heavenly Treasures
- The Galling Yoke of Selfishness
- The Parable of the Talents
- Self-Denial and Sacrifice
- The Tithing System
- Co-workers With God
- From the Days of Adam
- A Tenth of the Increase
- No Irksome Burden
- Treasure on Earth
- For Man's Benefit
- Accountability of the Poor
- A Caution to the Wealthy
- Undivided Allegiance
- The Blessing of Benevolence
- Into All the World
- The Efficacy of Christ's Blood
- Grafted Into Christ
- A Lesson in Humility
- Duty of Parents to the College
- College Students
- Faithful Workers
- Into the Maze of Skepticism
- Simplicity in Dress
- The Wedding Ring
- Forming Character
Found Wanting
The words spoken to these were most solemn: “You are weighed in the balances, and found wanting. You have neglected spiritual responsibilities because of busy activity in temporal matters, while your very position of trust made it necessary that you should have more than human wisdom and greater than finite judgment. This you needed in order to perform even the mechanical part of your labor; and when you disconnected God and His glory from your business, you turned from His blessing.”1TT 520.3
The question was then asked: “Why have you not washed your robes of character and made them white in the blood of the Lamb? God sent His Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that through Him it might be saved. My love for you has been more self-denying than a mother's love. It was that I might blot out your dark record of iniquity, and put the cup of salvation to your lips, that I suffered the death of the cross, bearing the weight and curse of your guilt. The pangs of death, and the horrors of the darkness of the tomb, I endured, that I might conquer him who had the power of death, unbar the prison house, and open for you the gates of life. I submitted to shame and agony because I loved you with an infinite love, and would bring back my wayward, wandering sheep to the paradise of God, to the tree of life. That life of bliss which I purchased for you at such a cost, you have disregarded. Shame, reproach, and ignominy, such as your Master bore for you, you have shunned. The privileges He died to bring within your reach have not been appreciated. You would not be partaker of His sufferings, and you cannot now be partaker with Him of His glory.” Then were uttered these solemn words: “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” The book then closed, and the mantle fell from the Person on the throne, revealing the terrible glory of the Son of God.1TT 521.1
The scene then passed away, and I found myself still upon the earth, inexpressibly grateful that the day of God had not yet come, and that precious probationary time is still granted us in which to prepare for eternity.1TT 521.2
Every hour's work passes in review before God and is registered for faithfulness or unfaithfulness. The record of wasted moments and unimproved opportunities must be met when the judgment shall sit and the books shall be opened and everyone shall be judged according to the things written in the books. Selfishness, envy, pride, jealousy, idleness, or any other sin which is cherished in the heart, will exclude one from the blessedness of heaven. “To whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are.”—1880, Testimonies for the Church 4:453.1TT 522.1