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Ellen G. White: The Early Years: 1827-1862 (vol. 1) - Contents
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    Among the Believers in Maine and New York State

    The next eight or ten weeks were spent visiting believers in Maine and New York State. The records are filled with accounts of God's providences as they traveled, beginning with the instant healing of Ellen's mother, who was threatened with tetanus from stepping on a rusty nail, to the deliverance of Edson two months later, when it seemed that “an angel of God touched him.” Ellen White wrote about their working for a time in New York:1BIO 170.2

    We then decided that it was our duty to labor in the State of New York. My husband felt a burden upon him to write and publish. We rented a house in Oswego, borrowed furniture from our brethren, and commenced housekeeping. There my husband wrote, published, and preached.—Ibid., 265.1BIO 170.3

    He was able to arrange with R. Oliphant to print continuing numbers of the Present Truthnumbers 5 and 6, which came from the press in December, 1849.1BIO 170.4

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