- About the Author
- Abbreviations
- Here the Story Begins
- Harbingers of the Advent Awakening
- Carefree Childhood Days
- Early Experiences Recounted
- A “School Days” Experience
- The Family Moves to the City of Portland
- The Portland the Youthful Ellen Harmon Knew
- Hatmaking in the Harmon House
- Attending Brackett Street School
- The Textbooks She Read
- Robert Harmon's Trip to Georgia
- The Question of the Immortality of the Soul
- The Time of Expectation Passes
- A Test of True Character
- The Second Angel's Message
- October 22, 1844, The Day of Expectation
- The Great Disappointment of October 22, 1844
- The Failing Health of Ellen Harmon
- Ellen Harmon Given a Vision—Her First
- The First Vision as Published in the Day-Star
- The Vision Answered Many Pressing Questions
- The Otis Nichols Letter of April 20, 1846
- Ellen's Experience in Delivering the Message
- Early Arguments for the Spirit of Prophecy
- Some High Points of her Work in Eastern Maine
- Vision of Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
- Some Fanatical Positions She Met
- Wrestling With the Views of the Spiritualizers
- Ellen Leaves Suddenly for Home
- The Healing of Frances Howland and William Hyde
- Preserved from Fanaticism
- Visit to New Hampshire
- Contending with Spiritual Magnetism
- Called Back to Portland
- Vision of the New Earth
- Enabled to Write
- The Large Family Bible
- The Bible Held in Vision
- The Unenviable Position of the Prophet
- A Symbolic Warning
- “Another Angel, Father!”
- Who Could be Saved?
- The First Visit to Massachusetts
- The 1845 Expectancy of the Second Advent
- The Second Visit to Massachusetts
- Otis Nichols’ Eyewitness Account
- Meeting Joseph Bates at New Bedford
- The Publication of Her First Vision—January, 1846
- Publication of the Vision of the Heavenly Sanctuary
- The Place of the Vision in Confirming the Sanctuary Truth
- God's Leadings Clearly Manifest
- The Vision in a Sailboat
- Writing for the Press
- Ellen White described its reception:
- The Proclamation of the Third Angel's Message
- The Content of the Paper
- Birth of a Second Son, James Edson White
- The Paris, Maine, Conference
- Among the Believers in Maine and New York State
- A Hymnbook for the Sabbathkeeping Adventists
- The Little Paper Almost Died
- Death Invades the Camp
- Fruitage of Public Ministry in Oswego
- Vision of Future Events
- The Visit to Vermont and Maine
- The Gift of a Horse and Carriage
- Satan's Vicious Attacks
- Special Significance Disclosed by Vision
- The Third Angel's Message to be Made Plain by a Chart
- A Marked and Significant Change in the Tide
- Many Visions Giving Insights and Guidance
- A Summary of Other Important Visions
- A Time for Development of the Doctrinal Structure
- The Crucial Yet Productive Years of the “Scattering Time”
- Taking Up Residence in Maine
- Significant Conferences at Paris and Topsham
- Concerted Plan to Publish the Visions
- Ellen White's First Book
- Settling in Saratoga Springs, New York
- Moves Toward Order and Organization
- The Conference at Washington, New Hampshire
- The Bethel, Vermont, Conference
- The Conference at Johnson, Vermont
- The Conference at Vergennes, Vermont
- Testimony Concerning Using Tobacco
- The Midwinter Tour in Western New York
- Back Home in Saratoga Springs
- Ellen G. White Looks Back
- Positive Denial of the False Charge
- Explained Further as a Charge is Answered in 1883
- Developing Perception on Ellen White's Part
- A Term with a Changing Meaning
- Vision of the Open and Shut Door
- Labor for Sinners During the Shut-Door Period of 1845 to 1851
- Experience of Heman Churchill (July, 1850)
- J. H. Waggoner Recalls His Experience
- A Review of 1851 Developments
- Criticism of Deletions from the First Vision
- Why Were the Lines Omitted in 1851?
- Strict Economy Maintained
- Working in the Opening West
- First Visit of James and Ellen White to Michigan
- With the Believers in Jackson, Michigan
- The Strange Case of a Self-Appointed Woman Evangelist
- Lost on the Way to Vergennes
- The Vergennes Meeting and Mrs. Alcott
- Back Home in Rochester
- The Review and Herald to be Published Weekly
- The 1853 Eastern Tour
- The Vital Need for Church Organization
- James White Joins in Calling for Gospel Order
- The Tour of Northeastern New York State
- Sins Tolerated in the Camp
- Early Light on Basic Health Principles
- Ellen White's Battle With Disease
- Continuing the Evangelistic Thrust
- The Trip to Wisconsin
- Establishing the First “Adventist Book Center”
- Eyes on the Evangelistic Tent
- The Vision at Hillsdale, Michigan
- Visiting the Churches in Eastern Michigan
- The Concept of the Investigative Judgment Dawns
- A Power Press for the Review Office
- Plans for a Trip East
- Vision at Buck's Bridge, New York
- The August Vision at Monterey, Michigan
- The October Visit to Monterey and Another Important Vision
- The Battle Creek Conference
- The Vision of the Shaking
- Meetings in Ohio
- The Great Controversy Vision
- Counsels for New Believers
- A View of the Agelong Controversy in its Broad Sweep
- Ellen White Tells the Story at the General Conference in May
- The Choice of Title for the Forthcoming Book
- A Startling and Thought-Provoking Object Lesson
- M. B. Czechowski, the Converted Catholic Priest
- The Conference Address on Organizing Churches
- The Eight-Week Eastern Tour
- Vision at Roosevelt, New York
- The Battle Creek Church Sets the Pace in Organizing
- A Creed and the Spirit of Prophecy
- The Formation of the Michigan Conference
- Other States Organize
- Cautions Sounded
- M. E. Cornell to Go to Ohio
- Confessions of Negative Attitudes
- James White Surveys the Battle and Victory
- Vision at Parkville, Michigan
- Ellen White Examined While in Vision
- At Home and Writing Personal Testimonies
- The Inroads of Prevailing Fashion
- Letters to the Wife of a Minister
- Another Intimate Glimpse of the White Home Life
- A Second Vision of Civil War Involvement
- The New Publishing House
- The Five-Week Western Tour
- The War and the Threatening Draft of Recruits
- First Annual Session of the Michigan State Conference
- The Business Sessions of the Conference
- Matters for Conference Consideration
- Organization of the General Conference
- The Last Few Weeks of 1862
- A Burden for the Youth of the Church
- Victories at Wright and Orleans
- Triumphant Year-End Meetings at Battle Creek
- The Church Prepared for Development and Expansion
The Trip into Ohio and Iowa
The Review and Herald, November 6, 1856, the issue that carried the first responses to the Laodicean message, announced that “Brother and Sister White design spending several weeks in the West, and wish to be addressed at Round Grove, Whiteside County, Illinois.” Elon Everts and Josiah Hart, acquaintances from New England, were residing there. Soon after the Whites arrived, a conference was appointed by these two residents at “the Hiddleson*The original publication had the spelling “Hittleson.” schoolhouse on Sabbath and First-day, December 6 and 7.”—Ibid., November 27, 18561BIO 345.1
The invitation “Will all the Sabbath brethren in the State, as far as possible, attend?” was a broad one, and illustrates the extent to which the third angel's message had penetrated Illinois. It was a triumphant meeting; in his report, James White observed: “If the brethren in Illinois wake fully up to the work, we shall endeavor to join them with a tent next summer.”—Ibid., January 1, 18571BIO 345.2
This was a time when “the West” with its good farmland was opening up to settlers. This lured many families from their rocky New England farms to the promise of a more comfortable and easy life. The Everts and Harts, with whom the Whites had associated in Round Grove, were examples. Two other families with whom they were well acquainted—the Andrews and Stevens families of Paris, Maine—had moved to Waukon, Iowa, and the J. N. Loughborough family had joined them. This removed from the work two young and fruitful ministers. These and their close associates were dissatisfied with moving the Review office from Rochester to Battle Creek, and they did not join James White and others on the matter of the Laodicean message. While she was at Round Grove a vision was given to Ellen White on Tuesday, December 9. She wrote:1BIO 345.3
I was shown that the company of brethren at Waukon, Iowa, needed help; that Satan's snare must be broken, and these precious souls rescued. My mind could not be at ease until we had decided to visit them.—Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 160.1BIO 345.4
Ellen White was insistent. To reach Iowa, the Mississippi River had to be crossed, either by boat or on the ice, and it was now early winter. Observing Ellen White's convictions, Brethren Hart and Everts were impressed to take the Whites by sleigh. Ellen White picks up the story:1BIO 346.1
It was then good sleighing, and preparations were made to go with two horses and a sleigh; but as it rained for twenty-four hours, and the snow was fast disappearing, my husband thought the journey must be given up. Yet my mind could not rest; it was agitated concerning Waukon.1BIO 346.2
Brother Hart said to me, “Sister White, what about Waukon?” I said, “We shall go.” “Yes,” he replied, “if the Lord works a miracle.”1BIO 346.3
Many times that night I was at the window watching the weather, and about daybreak there was a change, and it commenced snowing. The next evening, about five o'clock, we started on our way to Waukon—Brethren Everts and Hart, my husband, and myself. Arriving at Green Vale, Illinois, we held meetings with the brethren there.—Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White (1888), 330.1BIO 346.4
At Green Vale a severe snowstorm struck, delaying the journey nearly a week. On Monday, December 15, James White reported, “We hope to be able to break through, and pursue our journey ... in a few days.”—The Review and Herald, January 1, 1857. In his next report he told of their continued journey as the roads opened, and how as they stopped at the hotels they held meetings introducing the third angel's message. But they had to turn down invitations to hold meetings in the villages. Their mission, he wrote, was “to visit brethren and sisters who had moved from Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, and New York, about thirty in number.”—Ibid., January 15, 18571BIO 346.5
Among these thirty, in addition to those named above, were the Butlers, Lindsays, Meads, and Lamsons. The young ministers in the group had found the work in the cause hard, the separation from family difficult, especially for the wife and mother, and there was no plan for regular financial support. It seemed that the enemy was stepping in to thwart the work of God just at a time when the outlook was most promising.1BIO 346.6
As they neared the Mississippi River they made many inquiries about crossing. No one thought it could be done. The horses were breaking through the crusted snow at almost every step. The ice on the river was mostly composed of snow, and there was about a foot of water flowing over it. Ellen White recounted the breathtaking experience:1BIO 346.7
When we came to the river, Brother Hart arose in the sleigh and said, “Is it Iowa, or back to Illinois?” ...1BIO 347.1
We answered, “Go forward, trusting in Israel's God.”1BIO 347.2
We ventured upon the ice, praying as we went, and were carried safely across. As we ascended the bank on the Iowa side of the river, we united in praising the Lord. A number of persons told us, after we had crossed, that no amount of money would have tempted them to venture upon the ice, and that several teams had broken through, the drivers barely escaping with their lives.—Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White (1888), 330, 331.1BIO 347.3
Dubuque was six miles from the crossing, and the travelers spent the Sabbath, December 20, there. In the evening Elon Everts hung up a chart and presented a short and appropriate message. Waukon was four days’ sleighing away, and they pressed on. “I never witnessed such cold weather,” exclaimed Ellen White. She wrote:1BIO 347.4
The brethren would watch each other to see if they were freezing; and we would often hear, “Brother, your face is freezing, you had better rub the frost out as soon as possible.” “Your ear is freezing“: or “Your nose is freezing.”—Ibid., 331.1BIO 347.5
Ellen found little time to write, but on Wednesday as they neared Waukon, she got off a little note addressed “Dear Friends at Home.”1BIO 347.6
Here we are fourteen miles this side of Waukon. We are all quite well. Have had rather tedious time getting thus far. Yesterday for miles there was no track. Our horses had to plow through snow, very deep, but on we came.1BIO 347.7
O such fare as we have had on this journey. Last Monday we could get no decent food and tasted not a morsel with the exception of a small apple from morn till night. We have most of the time kept very comfortable, but it is the bitterest cold weather we ever experienced....1BIO 347.8
Children, be thankful for your comfortable home. We often suffer with cold; and cannot keep warm sitting before the stove even. Their houses are so cold, and your mother suffers with cold in her head and teeth all the time. Wear two dresses all the time.... Last night we slept in an unfinished chamber where there was an opening for the stovepipe running through the top of the house—a large space, big enough for a couple of cats to jump out of.—Letter 4, 1856.1BIO 348.1
Of their reception in Waukon later that day she wrote:1BIO 348.2
We reached Waukon Wednesday night, and found nearly all the Sabbathkeepers sorry that we had come. Much prejudice existed against us, for much had been said concerning us calculated to injure our influence. We knew that the Lord had sent us, and that He would there take the work into His own hands.—Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White (1888), 331.
Years later Loughborough gave a vivid description of the meeting of the travelers with the believers in Waukon.1BIO 348.3
As Brother Hosea Mead and I were working on a store building in Waukon, a man looking up saw me, and inquired, “Do you know a carpenter around here by the name of Hosea Mead?”1BIO 348.4
I replied, “Yes, sir, he is up here working with me.”1BIO 348.5
Brother Mead said, “That is Elon Everts’ voice.” Then he came and looked down, and Brother Everts said, “Come down; Brother and Sister White and Brother Hart are out here in the sleigh.”1BIO 348.6
As I reached the sleigh, Sister White greeted me with the question “What doest thou here, Elijah?”1BIO 348.7
Astonished at such a question, I replied, “I am working with Brother Mead at carpenter work.”1BIO 348.8
The second time she repeated, “What doest thou here, Elijah?”1BIO 348.9
Now I was so embarrassed at such a question, and the connecting of my case with Elijah, that I did not know what to say. It was evident that there was something back of all this which I should hear more about.1BIO 348.10
The third time she repeated the question, “What doest thou here, Elijah?“1BIO 349.1
I was brought by these bare questions to very seriously consider the case of Elijah, away from the direct work of the Lord, hid in a cave.... The salutation most thoroughly convinced me that there was going to come a change, and a “go-back” from the labor in which I was then engaged.—Pacific Union Recorder, August 4, 1910 (see also WCW, in The Review and Herald, January 23, 1936).1BIO 349.2
Sabbath and Sunday they discussed the Laodicean message. All accepted the new light. Monday they discussed the move to Battle Creek, explaining the involvements. This reestablished confidence. At one of the meetings Ellen White was taken off in vision, and in vision solemnly repeated the words “Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord.” These words brought consolation and hope. Among those powerfully affected was Mary Loughborough, who in days past had been left at home alone while her husband was away preaching, and she was tempted to murmur. She confessed her bitterness of spirit in a powerful testimony and urged her husband to return to his ministry.1BIO 349.3
At another meeting John Andrews renewed his consecration to God and to service in the Lord's cause. The few days James and Ellen White spent in Waukon were not in vain, nor were they soon forgotten. White reported:1BIO 349.4
Should we undertake to give a full description of the triumphant meetings at Waukon, we should fall far short of doing justice to the subject. We close our remarks by adding that these meetings were the most powerful we had witnessed in years, and in many respects the most wonderful we ever witnessed.... We were ... many times paid for facing the prairie winds and storms on our long and tedious journey to northern Iowa.—Ibid., January 15, 18571BIO 349.5