Warned That Heresies Will Be Brought In
Takoma Park, Washington, D.C., May, 19055BIO 425.2
We need to walk humbly before the Lord. His truth is to be substantiated and magnified. We are warned that heresy of every kind will be brought in among the people of God in these last days. One heresy leads to many other heresies in the explanation of the word of God....5BIO 425.3
the Lord would have us at this time bring in the testimony written by those who are now dead, to speak in behalf of heavenly things. The holy spirit has given instruction for us in these last days. We are to repeat the testimonies that God has given his people, the testimonies that present clear conceptions of the truths of the sanctuary, and that show the relation of Christ to the truths of the sanctuary so clearly brought to view.5BIO 425.4
If we are the Lord's appointed messengers, we shall not spring up with new ideas and theories to contradict the message that God has given through his servants since 1844. At that time many sought the Lord with heart and soul and voice. The men whom God raised up were diligent searchers of the scriptures.5BIO 425.5
And those who today claim to have light, and who contradict the teaching of God's ordained messengers, who were working under the holy spirit's guidance, those who get up new theories, which remove the pillars of our faith, are not doing the will of God, but are bringing in fallacies of their own invention, which, if received, will cut the Church away from the anchorage of truth, and set them drifting, drifting, to where they will receive any sophistries that may arise.—Manuscript 75, 1905. (Italics supplied.)5BIO 425.6