Off to New York
So, with a telegram sent to W. C. White to meet her in Chicago on Sunday morning, November 10, Ellen White with Sara McEnterfer went to Oakland, where they could catch the transcontinental train.5BIO 138.2
Thursday morning, November 7, they left fog-shrouded California bound for New York City. By eleven that morning the weather had cleared, and that night she slept longer than she had any time during the previous year. The decision to go to New York had been an agonizing one, and having made it, she was greatly relieved.5BIO 138.3
The next day as the train clicked past the Great Salt Lake and she looked out on miles and miles of sagebrush and dry sandy plains, her heart was at rest. She was quite sure she was doing the right thing. She wrote to the folks at home:5BIO 138.4
I am well, and am resting. My heart is drawn out in prayer to God, that He will give me a fitness by His Holy Spirit for the work before me.... I shall not be left to confusion while I put my trust in Him. I praise His holy name. I feel that I am indeed in the line of duty, that the Lord is guiding me.—Letter 174, 1901.5BIO 138.5
The next two days of travel were not too pleasant, but on Sunday morning at nine-thirty they were met at the Chicago station by W. C. White, along with Elder A. G. Daniells, Homer Salisbury, and Alan Moon. Salisbury had been planning to go to England. In a hurried and brief conference they discussed these plans. And then, with Willie joining the party, they caught the next train out to New York City (Letter 183, 1901).5BIO 138.6
Monday morning the White party was in New York at Elder Haskell's city mission and Bible training school. It was situated at 400 West 57th Street, a couple of blocks from the southern end of Central Park. Fortunately there was an elevator in the apartment building to take them up the six stories to the room occupied by the city mission family.5BIO 138.7
Monday and Tuesday were spent in discussion with Stephen and Hetty Haskell about their work. Ellen White joined in the daily round of activities at the school—up at six, Bible study at six-thirty to seven-thirty, breakfast, classes through the morning, et cetera.5BIO 139.1
On Wednesday there were interviews with Elder Franke and his wife and a visit to Elder J. E. Jayne, the conference president. On Thursday she and Willie took the streetcar over to Brooklyn to see the vegetarian restaurant on the corner of Fulton and Cranberry streets and to pay a visit to George A. King and Carl Rasmussen, who operated the restaurant. The families of both men lived above the restaurant.5BIO 139.2
The Rasmussens had several children and a sister-in-law living with them. The latter had lived in Battle Creek years before and had met Ellen White there. She had thoroughly prepared her nephews, the Rasmussen boys, to dread the visit of the prophet. Her philosophy was that it was a sin for children to play with toys or laugh, and claimed that Sister White backed up her cheerless views.5BIO 139.3
The boys were amazed when Ellen White on meeting them, turned to her son and asked, “Willie, where are those things for the boys?” Willie produced two packages, each containing a toy train. The boys were delighted, and no doubt were careful to display them for their aunt's benefit! Ellen and Willie enjoyed a good meal at the Rasmussens’ and Kings’, topped off with one of Mrs. Rasmussen's Danish Christmas cakes, which Willie enjoyed so much that he asked for the recipe. He spiced the meal with a few interesting and humorous stories. At first the Rasmussen boys were afraid to laugh, but when they saw Ellen White smile and heard Elder White laugh at his own stories, they soon joined in. Sister White had no objection to a little sensible humor. Loud, hilarious laughter she detested.5BIO 139.4
The several churches in the New York area joined on the weekend in the mass meeting in Elder Haskell's 59th Street Hall. The hall was packed, and Ellen White spoke to about seven hundred on Christ's prayer for unity as set forth in John 17. At a later meeting she spoke there again to an audience of about the same size comprised of many non-Adventists. Her text was the first chapter of Second Peter and she spoke on a favorite subject,“Peter's Ladder.” Looking back on the experience, she noted that the meetings were a “grand success” (Letter 183, 1901).5BIO 139.5
The following Sabbath Ellen White made a three-hour trip by boat and train to Trenton, New Jersey, to speak to Elder Franke's church. She witnessed a baptism in the morning at the Delaware River and was favorably impressed. She wrote:5BIO 140.1
I was much pleased with the neat, plain robes that were worn, prepared for men and women; and the administrator also had a becoming garment, a surplice that covered the rubber baptismal suit, which was everything it should be.— Ibid.5BIO 140.2
In the afternoon she climbed a long flight of stairs to reach the hall where the Trenton members worshiped. Between two hundred and three hundred people were present, some baptized, some anticipating baptism, and some interested. The rather phenomenal response to Franke's evangelistic preaching seemed to augur a new day in city evangelism. Trenton, she maintained, should have a “plain, neat, substantial meeting house” (Manuscript 127, 1901). She wrote:5BIO 140.3
The Lord gave me my work on the Sabbath, to present the fourteenth chapter of John.... The blessing of the Lord attended the word spoken. Many testimonies of courage and of faith and hope were borne.—Letter 183, 1901.5BIO 140.4
By the time the meeting was over, night had come and rain was falling. It had been a happy and busy day, but the speaking in the crowded, stuffy room was soon to take its toll.5BIO 140.5
Sunday evening she spoke again in New York, her last appointment there. The discussions that took place while she was in New York City seemed to ease the tensions. What she observed broadened her concept of what might be done in the large metropolitan areas. She called for the purchase of a hall where the people in New York and the surrounding areas could be called together. As she closed her work, she left this admonition:5BIO 140.6
The mission established in New York by Elder Haskell must be sustained.5BIO 140.7
Elder Haskell must be assisted to locate himself and his workers in a more retired place.... Elder Haskell's strength must not be drawn on too heavily. He needs more prayer and less criticism. Let those who in the past have cherished the spirit of criticism take themselves in hand, and keep careful watch over every thought and word.—Manuscript 127, 1901.5BIO 140.8
And to Elder Franke, she added:5BIO 141.1
I have been asked, “Shall Elder Franke take up the work in the various cities, as invited?”
I answer, “Leave this matter with the Lord. Let Elder Franke follow his best judgment.”5BIO 141.2
From the light God has given, it seems that now is the time to plan for work in Greater New York. When wise plans have been laid for this work, let these plans be decidedly and thoroughly carried out. God has a people in New York City.5BIO 141.3
We say to Elder Franke, Do all in your power to reach the people of New York, and let all who can sustain you in the work.... For Christ's sake, Elder Franke, lift the standard of the cross. Seek to diffuse light to those who are in darkness. In the name of the Lord, go forward.— Ibid.5BIO 141.4