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Ellen G. White: The Early Elmshaven Years: 1900-1905 (vol. 5) - Contents
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    Truths Received Under the Demonstration of the Holy Spirit

    Elmshaven, January 30, 1906 the truths given us after the passing of the time in 1844 are just as certain and unchangeable as when the Lord gave them to us in answer to our urgent prayers. The visions that the Lord have given me are so remarkable that we know that what we have accepted is the truth. This was demonstrated by the holy spirit. Light, precious light from God, established the main points of our faith as we hold them today. And these truths are to be kept before the mind....5BIO 427.1

    We are in conflict with the errors and delusions that have to be swept away from the minds of those who have not acted upon the light they already have. Bible truth is our only safety. I know and understand that we are to be established in the faith, in the light of the truth given us in our early experience....5BIO 427.2

    We accepted the truth point by point, under the demonstration of the Holy Spirit. I would be taken off in vision, and explanations would be given me. I was given illustrations of heavenly things and of the sanctuary, so that we were placed where light was shining on us in clear, distinct rays.5BIO 427.3

    All these truths are immortalized in my writings. The Lord never denies his word. Men may get up scheme after scheme, and the enemy will seek to seduce souls from the truth, but all who believe that the Lord has spoken through Sister White, and has given her a message, will be safe from the many delusions that will come in these last days.5BIO 427.4

    We have had a plain and decided testimony to bear for half a century. The positions taken in my books are truth. The truth was revealed to us by the holy spirit, and we know that brother Ballenger's position is not according to the word of God. His theory is a deceiving theory, and he misapplies scriptures. Theories of the kind that he has been presenting, we have had to meet again and again.5BIO 427.5

    I am thankful that the instruction contained in my books establishes Present Truth for this Time. These books were written under the demonstration of the holy spirit. I praise the Lord with heart and soul and voice, and I pray that he will lead into all truth those who will be led. I praise him that he has so wonderfully spared my life up to this time, to bear the same message upon the important points of our faith that I have borne for half a century.—Letter 50, 1906 (Gospel Workers, 302). (Italics supplied.)5BIO 427.6

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