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    A. T. Jones to E. G. White, Aug. 14, 1893

    Jones, A. T.
    Dallas, Texas
    Aug. 14, 1893
    Dear Sister White:

    Your communication—the Testimony—sent in April was received. I am glad to say, I accept it fully, and am thankful that the Lord is so careful of me that He points out dangers, and warns and cautions, to keep me in the right way. I do not want ever to be left to myself. It is so much better to be kept from sinning than to fall into sin and even be saved from it; as obedience is better than sacrifice. I desire only that my ears may ever be open to hear as the learned in the way of the Lord.MMM 270.1

    So again I say I accept fully all that was sent, and am thankful to God for His tender care, and caution to keep me and others from going into a course of disadvantage and danger. I have given copies to Brother Colcord and others of the brethren who are teaching in Institutes, Workers’ Meetings, and camp meetings, so that it will be spread through all the body and put us all upon the safe side. I well remember the statement read in the General Conference of 1891, on this subject of the Bible and the Public Schools, and ever since have made it a point to say as little as possible on that subject. I think the SENTINEL has never touched it since, though it may have done so. But the position had been taken, the literature was out, and of course the influence went on in that direction. This Testimony now makes the matter very much plainer and shows how to turn the influence the other way. So that is what we are doing now. I sent out copies of it at once when I got it, and its word is being followed. The printing of literature will be stopped and everything will be done to turn all into the course pointed out by the Lord. Am glad to follow in the way He so kindly points out.MMM 270.2

    The other part of the Testimony, that which corrects my own personal mistake in speaking this also is thankfully received and has been applied and is followed. I know that all my wish is to help the people to find Christ in truth as He is, and in His fulness, and that in the best way. So I thank the Lord for pointing out any defect in my manner of presenting the truth that would hinder rather than help the people to find Him.MMM 270.3

    Perhaps I should have thus responded immediately upon receiving the Testimony. But as I was just then starting into a series of camp meetings, I thought I would wait till that was past, so that I could give you some word about the meetings. I attended Iowa, Pennsylvania, New York, and Canada in the spring meetings. Iowa got a good start last year, good progress was made through the year, the camp meeting was excellent this year, the old order of things there is now completely broken up, and the Lord has a chance now, and so things are going on well. Brother Matthew Larsen made a complete surrender a little while before camp meeting and so was prepared to help and be helped on the right side in the meeting.MMM 270.4

    Pennsylvania has been greatly blessed in the past year. The great debt of past years was cleared away; the brethren were built up in the Lord and in the Message as it is now, and so we had an excellent meeting all through, and all went on their way rejoicing with the ministry in condition to help everywhere.MMM 270.5

    New York was not fully up with the times. New York and Canada were both considerably behind the West and Pennsylvania in the real life of the message. They took hold well however, and much progress was made. But not as much as should have been, especially in New York, because the State meeting, instead of being a meeting for all the State, was but little more than a local meeting for the part of the State in which it was held. Instead of having it a meeting for all the State, with the local meetings in addition following, the local meetings were made to take the place of the State meeting. It was so arranged beforehand, that brethren AND THE MINISTERS in the districts where the local meetings should not attend the State meeting at all. And they did not attend. So that although the meeting continued over two Sabbaths, there were no more than about 250 of our people present at any one time. By going and coming however, and thus exchanging places, there were probably as many as 300 altogether who attended the meeting.MMM 270.6

    Good interest was manifested on the part of those who did attend and considerable progress was made but they were too far behind to get ALL the good that was for them. Canada was much the same, though things are loosening up there and I think all will go on better than formerly.MMM 271.1

    I am now at the Texas camp meeting held here at Dallas 100 tents are pitched with about 50 covered wagons in which people lodge. This is the best meeting I have attended this year. We are now only in the FOURTH day—(Monday) and the meeting is to continue over next Sunday—six days yet. It began Thursday night, and on the Sabbath there was so much of the blessing and power of God to move the people, and such a willingness to seek the Lord, that on that, the SECOND day of the meeting, the work was carried to a point where it has seldom been seen before the last Sabbath of the meetings. No special effort was made to move the people. The plain truth had its effect, and the people voluntarily responded without any urging at all. It was a good day, and the same Spirit still abides in the camp and is leading the people still onward to greater blessing and deeper experience in the things of God. It is good to be here.MMM 271.2

    Brother Robert Kilgore is here and his visit is a great help to the brethren of the early days in Texas. He has words of courage and good cheer for all the brethren, and in his turn is made glad by them in their response to the Spirit of God. Elder Breed is also here, and is good help. Our earnest wish and effort is to keep all minds still in the channel of blessing each day so that there may be steady progress and growth up to the close of the meeting. And there is a readiness of mind in all to do so.MMM 271.3

    I am to attend Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Michigan and Oklahoma camp meetings yet. I only expect the Lord to do great things in all places. The message is opening more and more, and more wonderfully. And as it opens, it becomes more powerful. The Lord is in the lead; He is leading gloriously.MMM 271.4

    Wishing you much of the blessing of the Lord all the way as you go, giving you health, strength and peace in all you labors. Goodbye, this time. And I remain as ever,MMM 271.5

    (Signed) Alonzo T. Jones
    Typed from handwritten original
    Dec. 10, 1973

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