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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 12 (1897) - Contents
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    Lt 215, 1897

    Farnsworth, Brother and Sister

    Sunnyside, Cooranbong, New South Wales

    August 18, 1897

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Brother and Sister Farnsworth:

    We are doing well here in Cooranbong. Students have come in until there is not space for one more that can be lodged in the schoolrooms. But if there should more come, they would have to be lodged in the families somewhere. We have taken care of several that have come up here, and will have to do so still.12LtMs, Lt 215, 1897, par. 1

    Brother Bond from Oakland was our guest last night. His wife and two children are in Sydney. Brother Bromatter and wife are at the Health Home. They came in the steamer that arrived on Monday from Auckland. Brother and Sister Nicholas, a missionary, and a young man that is traveling on his own account, came last evening, and it was a job to find a place for them. Brother Bond said he was anxious to see Cooranbong. He was wonderfully surprised to see the buildings already erected, and the location pleased them all much.12LtMs, Lt 215, 1897, par. 2

    One week ago Sara and I spent in Sydney. I spoke to the people in Ashfield in [the] forenoon, and we felt the Spirit of the Lord was in our midst. I also spoke in Newtown in the afternoon. It rained in quite heavy showers all day, but we were favored to get to and from the meetings without getting wet. We found a large number in Newtown. The hall was full, and we had an excellent testimony meeting after the discourse. Brethren Daniells and Baker have been visiting us in Cooranbong to arrange for camp meetings and in reference to erecting the third school building, a dormitory for gentlemen students. Our council meetings were good and harmonious in all but the subject of immediately erecting a meetinghouse.12LtMs, Lt 215, 1897, par. 3

    The room we have used in chamber of upper story of second building is full—about two hundred were convened in it last Sabbath. The school seats are used, and there is not a favorable chance to kneel down. It is impossible for them to kneel in occupying [i.e., since they are using] the school seats. But when we suggest the necessity of building a church at once, there is not much enthusiasm. We have not urged the matter because we know not where the money could be had, but more recently we have felt it must be done and means would come in to make it possible. Brother Daniells thought one hundred pounds could be appropriated to this purpose, and if the people in Cooranbong would help, a shell might be provided which would answer. I am assured we shall build and shall have more than a shell, a thoroughly good chapel and entirely finished and free from debt. This did not seem possible. Brother Hare is not in favor of building now. Brother Daniells has not given much encouragement, but the word comes to me in the night season, “Arise and build.” [Nehemiah 2:20.]12LtMs, Lt 215, 1897, par. 4

    I send you a copy of a letter to Willie, so I will not write more on this subject. We find the churches throughout Sydney and suburbs are in a _____ condition than they have been in while under the administration of McCullagh. These recent apostasies do not shake their faith, but establish them in the faith. We invite you and your wife to make us a visit in Cooranbong en route to Melbourne.12LtMs, Lt 215, 1897, par. 5

    In much love.12LtMs, Lt 215, 1897, par. 6

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