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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 12 (1897) - Contents
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    Lt 105, 1897

    Skinner, Brother

    “Sunnyside,” Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia

    March 19, 1897

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Brother Skinner:

    We received a letter from Brother Daniells today, and enclosed with it was yours to him. My brother, we except you to come to Cooranbong, not merely to serve as a cook, but as an educator. We need just the help you can give us. We want you to have a class, and the whole school, old and young, be in that class as learners. If the matters were merely to go through the cooking which women are accustomed to do, we might get that want supplied, but it is in altogether different lines. It is to educate those who have intelligence and perceptive faculties to understand how to cook upon healthful principles. Come right along. We have been expecting you for weeks. Brother Lacey cannot begin with the school, and we must all take hold together and make it a success. We must not be left now.12LtMs, Lt 105, 1897, par. 1

    I understand that Maude Camp and you are to be married. If so, why not have her come and have the advantages of the school, which she has desired so much. I would be very pleased with this union. Maude has proved herself to be a faithful, good-principled girl. You could both come. We really greatly desire to see Maude, who was, for a long time, a member of my family. She only left me because her mother desired her presence so much. I hope you will both come. I promised to help Maude in her expenses in attending school. I will do this. I want the dear, faithful girl to have the advantages she has so longed for.12LtMs, Lt 105, 1897, par. 2

    You must come, my brother, for we do not know what we could do unless you did come. We want the education in these lines to begin at once. It is one of the most essential in the school. Brother Lacey has been very sick, but he is now improving, although still very weak. Dr. Deck has watched this case of typhoid fever all the way through, while Brother Semmens has given hygienic treatment.12LtMs, Lt 105, 1897, par. 3

    Now, my brother, it is educators that we want, and we are under the necessity to [have you] come, come, come, as soon as possible, and help us in our necessity. We need you now, just now. Brother and Sister Lacey can do nothing to make plans, and you could help us. Brother Haskell will give Bible studies. The Lord has been restoring Brother Lacey. We hope you will not disappoint us. If I had thought you had any idea of not coming, I would have written sooner. There, I think I have said enough. The Lord lead and guide you to make right decisions.12LtMs, Lt 105, 1897, par. 4

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