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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 12 (1897) - Contents
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    Lt 14, 1897


    “Sunnyside,” Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia

    March 30, 1897

    Portions of this letter are published in 3SM 74-75; 4Bio 281.

    Dear Brethren:

    My heart feels very sad that Brethren McCullagh and Hawkins have taken the position which they have. From the light which the Lord has been pleased to give me, I knew that unless Brother McCullagh could be enlightened by receiving the light given him of God, in regard to the influence of his wife in the home and in the church, unless she were converted heart and soul, the enemy would work through her to deceive her husband. Here is where his past usefulness has been, and his future usefulness will be, marred. I have spared them, and have been as tender of them as possible, hoping and praying that Sister McCullagh would be a transformed woman, that she would receive the warning given her of the Lord, and be a helpmeet to her husband. But she is not, and she has not brought herself into right relations with God. She is his ill-adviser.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 1

    The child Christabel needed altogether different management than she has had in order for the formation of a pure, modest, Christian character. But sorrow is before Brother and Sister McCullagh in the reaping of the harvest sown.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 2

    When the health of Brother McCullagh was so precarious in his last illness, I dared not keep silent. I had spoken upon general principles, plainly and decidedly, in accordance with the Word of God, in regard to the responsibilities resting upon parents, the home missionary work to be done, the treatment children should receive in their education and training. The atmosphere surrounding the soul of their daughter is malarious and is communicated to all the children with whom she associates. In order to save other children from being led into evil practices, I have had a duty to do, and have done this as gently and as carefully as I knew how to do the work. I shall continue to do the same, in order that children shall not be educated by the knowledge and ways and habits of this child. Here is where the present difficulty of Brother McCullagh and his wife lies. This is no sudden movement. The enemy has been at work for a long period of time.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 3

    I knew that Brother and Sister McCullagh would be strongly tempted in the very direction in which they are now. I knew that a crisis would come, that they would either see the defects in their home management, or else that Satan would blind their perception, so that the sin of Eli would become their sin.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 4

    These things must be kept before the people, whether men will hear or refuse the warnings. I have not to study the consequences, which may be the sure result, to me. I have put myself in the hands of God. If He shall permit the enemy to do to me as he did to my Saviour, shall I complain?12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 5

    I sincerely wish that all children were educated to possess the precious virtues possessed by Joseph. His life declares what children and youth may be under the discipline of God. The childhood and youth of Jesus is an example of that which all youth may be under the proper training and blessing of God. The inspired writing of Moses, who was moved by the Holy Spirit of God to make reference to Joseph’s excellent conduct, gives the glory to God. God’s presence and guardianship took Joseph in charge after he was separated from his father. And Joseph looked to the Lord as his friend and protector, and because he loved and feared the Lord, God made him a representative character. The origin of the borrowed luster which his character reflected was from God.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 6

    The righteousness which Joseph possessed was the righteousness of Jesus Christ. In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, as a stream is hidden in its fountain. These treasures were communicated to Joseph in the earthen vessel, and the excellency of the power was all of God. Joseph was the human agent, yet he drew his spiritual nourishment from God, and the good seed sown in good soil sprang up, and bare much fruit. The tenderness and virtue of Joseph’s character was constantly unfolding, and displaying the mind which was in Christ Jesus. That mind, full of compassion, participates in the sorrow of others.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 7

    The Lord would have all children mark the character of Joseph and be like Him. Yet the life of Joseph in its integrity, was not preserved from trial and grievous affliction. He wore not only the badge of a slave, but the inscription of a felon. Robbed of his liberty, his name and his character, he was, in the fear of God, strengthened to preserve his integrity. He was loaded with false charges of criminality, but the Lord’s eye was upon Joseph, watching his course of action, as critically as He watched the wicked course of action followed by the sons of Eli. Each was rewarded according to his deeds, even before the whole universe of heaven.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 8

    None of the followers of Christ are to despond, although, for the faithful discharge of their duty they may incur the unbelief, displeasure, and disaffection of those who ought to know better. Our Redeemer was never appreciated by the very people that He, by all His labor, was trying to bless and save. He was brought into abasement by the very ones He had pitied and had compassion upon, and tried to save. He stood at the bar of an unjust judge. He was condemned by the charges of poor, deceived, deluded men, who were following their own way, but supposing themselves to be highly exalted by the false charges they brought against our Redeemer. He was misinterpreted, misstated, falsified, and was numbered among the most flagrant malefactors who beheld His agonizing death. With a voice of triumph and exultation, they cried, “Come down from the cross, and we will believe on thee. He saved others; himself he cannot save.” [Matthew 27:42.]12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 9

    The followers of Jesus Christ will understand, in the great crisis which is before us, what dependence can be placed upon men who have turned from the warnings and entreaties of the Spirit of God, to follow their own imaginings. It becomes every soul now to stand on the sure rock, to build for time and for eternity, and to understand what voice they are following. Show us a sign, said the unbelieving Jews, but the Lord did not gratify their curiosity. Jesus gave them a statement, “They have Moses and the prophets. If they believe not these, neither will they believe although one rose from the dead, and should come to them with a message.” [Luke 16:29, 31.]12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 10

    I can say no more at present, but be assured, this is no more than I expected. I attempted to write out some precious things, to these brethren, but the word came, Write not; they will misinterpret and misapply whatever word you may send them. With his specious temptations, Satan is weaving his net about their feet. Brother McCullagh has been misleading, and the seed sown will produce its harvest that he will not care to garner.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 11

    The influence of his wife is not a pure, uncorrupting influence. He has had this atmosphere surrounding his soul until he is one with it, and if he fails of eternal life, the blood of his soul will be upon her garments, for she has not a living connection with God, and is not led or taught of God. She can speak very good things; she can make fair speeches, but she does not understand what a Christian experience is. I fear she will never know what her great need is. She must be born again. She needs, O so much, that transformation of character that will cause her to realize spiritual things. My heart is drawn out in a sincere pity and love for the family, I would do anything in my power to save them.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 12

    You may inquire, “What effect does this have upon you?” Sorrow only, sorrow of soul, but peace and perfect rest and trust in Jesus. To vindicate myself, my position, or my mission, I would not utter ten words. I would not seek to give evidence of my work. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” [Matthew 7:20.]12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 13

    We have never made meat eating a test of fellowship, never; but when the Lord presents before us the evil of eating the flesh of dead animals that are corrupted with disease—scrofula, cancer, tumors and these pulmonary diseases, it becomes every one who knows these things to speak decidedly against subsisting on such a diet. When, as in the case of Collins, who makes meat his principle article of food, the sure result is presented, and its effect upon the man, who is full of animal passions and lustful practices, then I shall speak. When, in the case of Brother McCullagh, the sure result of a meat eating diet is that it wars against the health and his life, I shall bear testimony. But he is unfortunate, for his wife is constantly leading away from health principles, which are so essential for him and for every member of his family. It is not merely meat eating; but the food that is daily prepared for the table is not of the best quality for his health and life.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 14

    Here I must stop.12LtMs, Lt 14, 1897, par. 15

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