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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 12 (1897) - Contents
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    Ms 93, 1897

    The Arrest


    August 16, 1897

    Previously unpublished.

    When Judas gave the precaution, “Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he; hold him fast” [Matthew 26:48], he fully believed that Christ would manifest His power and escape out of their hands. Then when they would blame him, he could say, “Did I not tell you to hold him fast?” But Judas beheld the captors of Christ, acting upon his own words, binding him firmly that He should not escape or be rescued. And by their cords they caused Christ much pain.12LtMs, Ms 93, 1897, par. 1

    The official dignity and restraint of the leading priests and elders did not withhold them from joining the responsible officials in their march to Gethsemane as if to take a culprit or a thief. Jesus turned to these dignitaries who so far had violated their office as to lead in a mob. With dignity He said, “You come out against me with swords and clubs, as you would against a robber or a thief. Day by day I sat teaching opening in the temple. You had every opportunity of laying hands on me, and you did nothing. The hour of darkness suited your purpose better; the night is better fitted for your work. This is your hour, and the power of darkness.” [Matthew 26:55; Luke 22:53.]12LtMs, Ms 93, 1897, par. 2

    When the disciples saw their Master arrested, they did that which they had all declared they would never do—they all forsook Him and fled.12LtMs, Ms 93, 1897, par. 3

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