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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 16 (1901) - Contents
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    Lt 160, 1901

    Haskell, Brother and Sister

    St. Helena, California

    November 3, 1901

    Portions of this letter are published in Ev 489; 4MR 298; 7MR 393-394. +NoteOne or more typed copies of this document contain additional Ellen White handwritten interlineations which may be viewed at the main office of the Ellen G. White Estate.

    Dear Brother and Sister Haskell,—

    I have just signed my name on the back of the check which I received today. The money is due you from me. <I have used it in Australia to open work in new fields. I have hired this to help you in New York.> You need it. And you cannot tell how pleased I am to secure this money, giving my note for it. I wish you had the five thousand. As soon as you enter into any arrangements for the purchase of the hall, I can send an appeal to some persons who I think will help.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 1

    I received your last letter, also the enclosed paper. I hope you will not be troubled in reference to the matters of which you speak in your notes on the margin. This, my dear Brother, you need not worry about at all. You should never speak of such things, because it leaves a wrong impression concerning you in the minds of others. They would think you were envious and suspicious. Do not look to men. I have not a thought that anyone has any such feelings as you mention. Such things will occur, but keep your eye single to the glory of God. The Lord will be your Helper and your God. You must not allow yourself to cherish any discouraging thoughts. You should recognize the keeping power of God. The work is the Lord’s, not yours. You are His servant, to keep the way of the Lord, and to do justice and mercy, blending them in your work.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 2

    I have no longer any doubt but that Brother Franke is appointed of God to give a warning message in the large cities. His work is not your work, neither is your work his work. I hope that at this time he will not speak words of condemnation; for the people in our large cities have not had the light. They are <not> a class who have once known the way of the Lord, who have known the truth, who have had the Bible <opened to them>, but who have departed from righteousness. Awful sins are being committed. Great wickedness and corruption exist in our world. Startling testimonies are to be borne in messages of warning in our cities. Forbid them not. We have very few men who have a message that will stir up the people.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 3

    I telegraphed for Elder Franke to labor elsewhere. In no way is he to bring confusion to your work. New York is a large city. Should he speak Sunday evenings in a large hall close by the hall in which Elder Haskell is working, confusion would be the result. But cannot you talk the question over together? While setting the situation before Elder Franke, do not use any words of which anyone could take advantage.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 4

    If you cannot in any way unite without awakening a spirit of strife, then let the work which Elder Franke may undertake be done in another place. Thus you would keep away elements which might hinder the spiritual advancement of those who have just accepted the truth under the labors of Brother and Sister Haskell and Brother Brunson. God is giving these workers standing room. If Elder Franke should begin Sunday evening meetings within a short distance of the hall in which Elder Haskell is carrying on his effort, an improper representation would thus be given to the people, and this condition of things would result in counterworking the good which the Lord desires to see accomplished. Inconsistency and confusion would result from getting out notices of meetings to be held in a larger hall so near the one in which meetings are now held. Such an action has not been taken by us as a people. Those in the city would attend where there is the largest crowd and the greatest excitement.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 5

    There is now need of moving carefully and cautiously, and of making no disagreeable impression on the ones who are moving toward the truth.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 6

    You invite me to come to New York City. I have had all the variance and discord that I care to pass through. I must now have repose. I have been on the eve of saying, “I will come.” But when I look at the writings that have been neglected for years and years, and realize how much the people need these messages of light from the Lord, I feel that I must not visit New York City unless the Lord should say, “Go.”16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 7

    Since I came to America, I have had only a few nights’ full rest. Until one o’clock, and often only until twelve o’clock, is usually as late as I can sleep. Just a few nights ago, after hearing about the preparation Elder Franke was making to hold an enthusiastic mass meeting only a few blocks away from the place where you have been holding meetings, I had to leave my bed at eight o’clock in the evening <and pray and write until after twelve o’clock>. This plan regarding Elder Franke’s proposed meeting was not consistent and should not be carried out. The work that Elder Haskell is doing bears the Lord’s signature as the right work. No one should do anything to break up this work. It would not be pleasing to the Lord if anyone should seem to ignore the work which Elder Haskell has been doing, and to make it appear that the work which they were carrying forward in a different way is the great work, towering above the work which has been done by Elder Haskell.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 8

    If it is possible to create an interest which will bring people to the hall where Elder Haskell is laboring, many will accept the truth. There should be the most careful management of this matter of parties. If the workers labor in straightforward lines, presenting the truth in all its importance, those persons who are now on the point of deciding will not become confused over any movements of Elder Franke. And if you continue the work as you have been working in New York, souls who accept the truth will not come in on a wave of enthusiasm or excitement, but with a faith founded on the Word of God.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 9

    At a later period there will be decided advance work. Now every step should be taken with the greatest consideration and wisdom. If all the workers hide self in Jesus, large additions will be made to the church. Let not one thread of self-exaltation be woven into the web. Let no furor of excitement be aroused by those who are giving the message at the present time. In every effort made, let the Holy Spirit do its work of molding and fashioning the minds of those who hear the Word. Let strong reasons for our faith be presented from the Word of God, and let the truth in its sanctifying power melt its way to the hearts and minds of those who are under conviction. As the helpers give Bible readings in the homes of the people, the Lord just as surely works on minds as He does in the public services.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 10

    “Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is My footstool: where is the house that ye build unto Me? and where is the place of My rest? For all those things hath Mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at My Word.” [Isaiah 66:1, 2.]16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 11

    This is to be the message that is to fall from sanctified lips. Let no one manifest a denunciatory spirit. Let the words reveal that in the heart is the melting love of Jesus for a lost world. Scathing rebuke and words of condemnation should not be given at the present time. Let everything be done in as quiet a manner as possible. The Holy Spirit will work upon human hearts, and the gospel message will be received by those who allow God to strengthen them by His grace. As the claims of God’s law are brought to bear upon human hearts, many will be convicted of transgression. When they learn that repentance means pardon, they will have the sweet spirit of religious fellowship in the hope of the gospel.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 12

    The strife of tongues must cease. The efforts continually being made under the dictation of the Holy Spirit will strengthen and unite the cause in New York City. The good work begun should by faith be carried forward with much prayer and deep humility. The men whom God has employed in this work of soul-saving, and who by His grace are to carry it forward, will be instant in season and out of season, laboring most earnestly with an intensity of desire to instruct the people in Bible truth, and in true medical missionary work which is being accomplished in our sanitariums in the relief of suffering bodies and sin-sick souls.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 13

    Teach the people that they can act as God’s helping hand, by co-operating with the great Master worker to restore physical and spiritual health. This work bears the signature of heaven and will open doors for the entrance of truth, saving many souls ready to perish. There is room for every one that can intelligently take hold of this work.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 14

    The great ignorance on Bible subjects makes it very essential that house-to-house labor be done. An increase of the knowledge of God among the people, and the heartfelt, humble prayers that they send to heaven, are of more value than public discourses. This is a work that is precious in the sight of God and in the estimation of the people. The good example set in words and deeds will tell to the glory of God.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 15

    In much love.16LtMs, Lt 160, 1901, par. 16

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