- Preface
- Chapter 7—My First Vision
- Chapter 9—Answers to Prayer
- Chapter 12—The Sabbath of the Lord
- Chapter 16—A View of the Sealing
- Chapter 30—Traveling the Narrow Way
- Chapter 31—Burden Bearers
- Chapter 32—A Solemn Dream
- Chapter 33—Missionary Work
- Chapter 34—Broader Plans
- Chapter 36—Circulating the Printed Page
- Chapter 41—The Death of Elder James White
- Chapter 43—Restoration of Health
- Chapter 48—Danger in Adopting Worldly Policy in the Work of God
- Chapter 50—The First Australian Camp Meeting
- Work and Education
- Looking for a Suitable Property
- An Industrial Experiment
- A Beautiful Dream
- Help from Friends in Africa
- Putting Up the First Buildings
- Another Test of Faith
- Aims and Objects
- Missionary Labor the Highest Training
- Fields White Unto the Harvest
- A Training Ground for Mission Fields
- After Many Years
- Chapter 54—In Southern California
- Chapter 58—Last Sickness
- Chapter 59—The “Elmshaven” Funeral Service
- Chapter 60—The Memorial Service at Richmond
Warnings and Exhortations
As regards her teachings and warnings concerning the necessity of earnest endeavor in proclaiming the third angel's message in the cities, in view of the calamities that were to befall populous centers as the end of the world draws nigh, Mrs. White has written thus:LS 411.1
“Since the San Francisco earthquake, many rumors have been current regarding statements I have made. Some have reported that while in Los Angeles, I claimed that I had predicted the San Francisco earthquake and fire, and that Los Angeles would be the next city to suffer. This is not true. The morning after the earthquake, I said no more than that ‘the earthquakes will come; the floods will come;’ and that the Lord's message to us is that we shall ‘not establish ourselves in the wicked cities.’LS 411.2
“Not many years ago, a brother laboring in New York City published some very startling notices regarding the destruction of that city. I wrote immediately to the ones in charge of the work there, saying that it was not wise to publish such notices; that thus an excitement might be aroused which would result in a fanatical movement, hurting the cause of God. It is enough to present the truth of the word of God to the people. Startling notices are detrimental to the progress of the work.” The Review and Herald, July 5, 1906.LS 411.3
Under date of August 3, 1903, Mrs. White further wrote regarding this sensational report:LS 411.4
“Now comes the word that I have declared that New York is to be swept away by a tidal wave. This I have never said. I have said, as I looked at the great buildings going up there, story after story: ‘What terrible scenes will take place when the Lord shall arise to shake terribly the earth! Then the words of Revelation 18:1-3 will be fulfilled.’ The whole of the eighteenth chapter of Revelation is a warning of what is coming on the earth. But I have no light in particular in regard to what is coming on New York, only I know that one day the great buildings there will be thrown down by the turning and overturning of God's power. From the light given me, I know that destruction is in the world. One word from the Lord, one touch of His mighty power, and these massive structures will fall. Scenes will take place the fearfulness of which we cannot imagine.”LS 411.5
On September 1, 1902, Mrs. White wrote:LS 412.1
“Well equipped tent meetings should be held in the large cities, such as San Francisco; for not long hence these cities will suffer under the judgments of God. San Francisco and Oakland are becoming as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Lord will visit them in wrath.”LS 412.2
June 20, 1903: “The judgments of God are in our land. The Lord is soon to come. In fire and flood and earthquake, He is warning the inhabitants of this earth of His soon approach. O that the people may know the time of their visitation! We have no time to lose. We must make more determined efforts to lead the people of the world to see that the day of judgment is at hand.”LS 412.3
June 3, 1903: “There are many with whom the Spirit of God is striving. The time of God's destructive judgments is the time of mercy for those who have no opportunity to learn what is truth. Tenderly will the Lord look upon them. His heart of mercy is touched; His hand is still stretched out to save.”LS 412.4
November 12, 1902: “The time is nearing when the great crisis in the history of the world will have come, when every movement in the government of God will be watched with intense interest and inexpressible apprehension. In quick succession the judgments of God will follow one another,—fire and flood and earthquakes, with war and bloodshed. Something great and decisive will soon of necessity take place.” [These and several other extracts of like nature were published in an article by Mrs. White in the Review bearing date of July 5, 1906.]LS 413.1
February 15, 1904: “When I was last in New York, I was in the night season called upon to behold buildings rising story after story toward heaven. These buildings were warranted to be fireproof, and they were erected to glorify the owners. Higher and still higher these buildings rose, and in them the most costly material was used....LS 413.2
“As these lofty buildings went up, the owners rejoiced with ambitious pride that they had money to use in glorifying self.... Much of the money that they thus invested had been obtained through exaction, through grinding the faces of the poor. In the books of heaven, an account of every business transaction is kept. There every unjust deal, every fraudulent act, is recorded. The time is coming when in their fraud and insolence men will reach a point that the Lord will not permit them to pass, and they will learn that there is a limit to the forbearance of Jehovah.LS 413.3
“The scene that next passed before me was an alarm of fire. Men looked at lofty and supposedly fireproof buildings, and said, ‘They are perfectly safe.’ But these buildings were consumed as if made of pitch. The fire engines could do nothing to stay the destruction. The firemen were unable to operate the engines.LS 413.4
“I am instructed that when the Lord's time comes, should no change have taken place in the hearts of proud, ambitious human beings, men will find that the hand that has been strong to save will be strong to destroy. No earthly power can stay the hand of God. No material can be used in the erection of buildings that will preserve them from destruction when God's appointed time comes to send retribution on men for their insolence and their disregard of His law.” [Quoted in The Review and Herald, April 26, 1906.]LS 414.1