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Life Sketches of Ellen G. White - Contents
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    Writing and Traveling

    Soon after our return to Rochester, N. Y., my husband engaged in writing the book “Signs of the Times.” He was still feeble, and could sleep but little, but the Lord was his support. When his mind was in a confused, suffering state, we would bow before God, and in our distress cry unto Him. He heard our earnest prayers, and often blessed my husband so that with refreshed spirits he went on with the work. Many times in the day did we thus go before the Lord in earnest prayer. That book was not written in his own strength.LS 150.3

    In the fall of 1853 we attended conferences at Buck's Bridge, N. Y.; Stowe, Vt.; Boston, Dartmouth, and Springfield, Mass.; Washington, N. H.; and New Haven, Vt. This was a laborious and rather discouraging journey. Many had embraced the truth who were unsanctified in heart and life; the elements of strife and rebellion were at work, and it was necessary that a movement should take place to purify the church.LS 150.4

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