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    The Relation of God and His People on the Sabbath

    Exodus 20:10; Leviticus 23:3; Deuteronomy 5:14. It is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.BHB 76.13

    Exodus 31:15. The Sabbath of rest. Patriarchs and Prophets, 47.BHB 76.14

    Exodus 16:23. The rest of the holy Sabbath.BHB 76.15

    Isaiah 58:13. It is God’s holy day.BHB 77.1

    Revelation 1:10. It is the Lord’s day. The Acts of the Apostles, 581.BHB 77.2

    Genesis 2:2, 3. It is the rest day of the Lord. The Desire of Ages, 769.BHB 77.3

    Exodus 34:21. A rush of work is no excuse for breaking the Sabbath. Patriarchs and Prophets, 314.BHB 77.4

    Amos 8:5. Sabbath-breaking is classed with false balances and short measures.BHB 77.5

    Nehemiah 13:22. Saints observe the Sabbath.BHB 77.6

    Psalm 118:24; Isaiah 58:13. Saints rejoice in the Sabbath.BHB 77.7

    Nehemiah 13:15, 20, 21. Testify against those who desecrate the Sabbath.BHB 77.8

    Isaiah 58:13, 14. There is a blessedness in honoring it. The Desire of Ages, 207.BHB 77.9

    Isaiah 56:2-6. There is a blessing in keeping the Sabbath. Patriarchs and Prophets, 48.BHB 77.10

    Isaiah 66:22, 23. The Sabbath will be kept throughout eternity.BHB 77.11

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