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    Christ Coming For His People, or Coming From the Wedding

    Luke 19:15. After having received the kingdom Christ returns to the earth. Early Writings, 251, 280.BHB 23.9

    Luke 12:35-37. This is also called returning from the wedding.BHB 23.10

    Matthew 13:38-41. Having received the kingdom, He comes to set it in order, and remove all trace of sin. Early Writings, 55.BHB 23.11

    Revelation 19:16. Christ comes in kingly robes.BHB 23.12

    Revelation 20:1-9. It takes over 1000 years to destroy the last race of sin from the earth.BHB 23.13

    Revelation 20:4. During this time the saints are with Christ.BHB 23.14

    1 Thessalonians 4:16. When Christ comes for His people, He remains in the clouds. Early Writings, 286, 287.BHB 23.15

    Zechariah 14:4. At the end of 1000 years His feet will touch on the Mount of Olives, and the work of purifying the earth begins. Early Writings, 291.BHB 24.1

    Revelation 21:9, 10. The city descends.BHB 24.2

    Revelation 20:9. Fire from God devours the wicked. Early Writings, 294.BHB 24.3

    2 Peter 3:7-13. The same fire purifies the earth.BHB 24.4

    2 Peter 3:5-7. As the earth was once cleansed from sin by water, so it will again be cleansed by fire.BHB 24.5

    Nahum 1:9. Sin arose again after the flood; but after the fires have done their work, it will never rise up again a second time.BHB 24.6

    Isaiah 33:14, 15; Genesis 8:1. As Noah rode in safety on the waters of the flood, so the righteous in the city of God will dwell safely in the midst of the fire. The Great Controversy, 673.BHB 24.7

    Isaiah 35:1-10. Earth purified,-clad in wedding garments.BHB 24.8

    Revelation 19:9. Then will come the marriage supper. Early Writings, 19.BHB 24.9

    Luke 12:37. Christ Himself will serve.BHB 24.10

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