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    Time,-about 323 A.D.-538 A.D.; meaning,-height, elevation.BHB 123.3

    Revelation 2:12-17. Leading sin,-holding doctrine of Ballam; brief study of the doctrine and character of Balaam, Patriarchs and Prophets, 438-452. True to God in the beginning, Numbers 22:18. Loved wages of unrighteousness, 2 Peter 2:14, 15. God gave him a free choice, Numbers 22:20. His way perverse, Numbers 22:32. Balaam reproved, 2 Peter 2:16. United Baal-, or sun-worship, with the worship of the true God. Numbers 23:1-3. Hired to work against God’s people, Deuteronomy 23:3, 4. United with the king to overthrow the people of God, Revelation 2:14. Honor and position offered him, Numbers 22:17. Balaam died a soothsayer, fighting against the people of God. Joshua 13:22.BHB 123.4

    Balaam’s history is parallel history with the church from about 323 to 538 A.D. The church entered this period a pure church, but united with the state, substituted “the venerable day of the sun” for the true Sabbath, and at the end was persecuting the people of God. Heathen customs were introduced into the church under the garb of Christianity. Remember the course of Balaam, Micah 6:5. A woe pronounced upon all who follow the errors of Balaam, Jude 11.BHB 124.1

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