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    Who Are The Angels?

    Psalm 8:4, 5; Hebrews 2:2, 7. Man was made lower than the angels; therefore, angels are not men.BHB 31.2

    Hebrews 1:7. Angels were made spirits.BHB 31.3

    1 Corinthians 15:44-46. Because they are made spirits, it does not mean that they do not have bodies.BHB 31.4

    Ezekiel 10:12, margin. Angels have flesh, backs, and hands. They are real, tangible bodies.BHB 31.5

    Genesis 19:1-3. They ate and drank with Lot in Sodom.BHB 31.6

    Genesis 3:22-24. They were sent to guard the way of the tree of life before the first man died; therefore, they are an entirely different order of beings from man.BHB 31.7

    Numbers 22:22-27. While they are invisible to the naked eye, yet God has opened the eyes of even animals to see them.BHB 31.8

    Numbers 22:31-35. When God opens the eyes of men they can see the angels.BHB 31.9

    Revelation 1:1. Angels are sent to communicate God’s messages to prophets.BHB 31.10

    Revelation 19:10. Could men see and sense the sacredness of these messengers of God, they would worship them.BHB 31.11

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