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    The Gospel Preached In the Great Universal Kingdoms of the Earth

    Each kingdom had a knowledge of the true God, proclaimed not only by faithful living but by individuals who loved the truth more than life.BHB 116.2

    Daniel 1:1-20; 2:48, 49. Faithful living in Babylon.BHB 116.3

    Daniel 3:16-26. Love God more than life. Prophets and Kings, 508, 509.BHB 116.4

    Daniel 3:2, 3, 27-29. World-wide proclamation of the truth. Prophets and Kings, 510, 511.BHB 116.5

    Daniel 5:1-4. Light rejected.BHB 116.6

    Daniel 5:5-9, 24-28. God vindicated. Prophets and Kings, 524-533.BHB 116.7

    Daniel 10:20. Angel left Babylon.BHB 116.8

    Daniel 6:1-5. Faithful living in Medo-Persia. Prophets and Kings, 539, 542.BHB 116.9

    Daniel 6:16-23. Loved God more than life. Prophets and Kings, 543, 544, 556, 557.BHB 116.10

    Daniel 6:25-27. World-wide proclamation of the truth.BHB 116.11

    Esther 3:7-15. God rejected in Medo-Persia. Prophets and Kings, 502.BHB 116.12

    Esther 4:1-17. Esther loved God more than life.BHB 116.13

    Esther 8:15-17. World-wide proclamation of the truth.BHB 116.14

    We have little Bible history of the period of Grecian supremacy. Josephus tells us that Alexander the Great was shown the prophecies of Daniel relating to himself. Daniel 8:20; 10:20.BHB 116.15

    Luke 2:1-7. Christ born during “Agustian Age” of Rome.BHB 117.1

    John 19:30-55; Acts 7:59; 12:2; 2 Corinthians 11:25-27; Philippians 3:8. Witnesses before Rome who loved God more than life. The Acts of the Apostles, 597, 103, 509-511.BHB 117.2

    Romans 1:7, 8; Colossians 1:6, 23. World-wide proclamation of the truth.BHB 117.3

    Matthew 24:14. Message again to go to all the world.BHB 117.4

    Ecclesiastes 1:9. As in the past, the work will be done by those who love God more than life.BHB 117.5

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