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The Church: Its Organization, Order and Discipline - Contents
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    Action of the Apostolic Council

    Concerning their action, we quote from “Spirit of Prophecy” these words: “The matter resulted in much discussion and want of harmony in the church, until finally the church at Antioch, apprehending that a division among them would occur from any further discussion of the question, decided to send Paul and Barnabas, together with some responsible men of Antioch, to Jerusalem; and lay the matter before the apostles and elders.COOD 70.2

    “The council which decided this case was composed of the founders of the Jewish and Gentile Christian churches. Elders from Jerusalem, and deputies from Antioch, were present; and the most influential churches were represented. The council did not claim infallibility in their deliberations, but moved from the dictates of enlightened judgment, and with the dignity of a church established by the divine will. They saw that God himself had decided that question by favoring the Gentiles with the Holy Ghost; and it was left for them to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.COOD 70.3

    “The entire body of Christians were not called to vote upon the question. The apostles and elders-men of influence and judgment-framed and issued the decree, which was thereupon generally accepted by the Christian churches.”-The Spirit of Prophecy 3:369, 376, Edition of 1878.COOD 71.1

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