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    Self-sent Laborers

    “Those men who are not called of God, are generally the very ones that are the most confident that they are so called, and that their labors are very important. They go into the field, and do not generally exert a good influence; yet in some places they have a measure of success, and this leads them and others to think that they are surely called of God. It is not a positive evidence that men are called of God because they have some success; for angels of God are now moving upon the hearts of his honest children to enlighten their understanding as to the present truth, that they may lay hold upon it and live. And even if self-sent men put themselves where God does not put them and profess to be teachers, and souls receive the truth by hearing them talk it, this is no evidence that they are called of God. The souls who receive the truth from them, receive it to be brought into trial and bondage, as they afterward find that these men were not standing in the counsel of God.”-Pages 13, 14.COOD 99.1

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