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    S., Brother1EGWLM 969.40

    EGW escapes arrest at house of S., 763-764 and n111EGWLM 969.41

    Sabbath, see also Shut door/Open door1EGWLM 969.42

    contradictions among those who oppose the Sabbath, 278-279 and n31EGWLM 969.43

    end-time persecution of Sabbathkeepers1EGWLM 969.44

    involvement of mainline churches, 245 and n121EGWLM 969.45

    halo of glory around fourth commandment in heavenly sanctuary, 1131EGWLM 969.46

    Joseph Bates explores connection between Sabbath observance and end-time persecution, 114 n101EGWLM 969.47

    lot of those in end-times who “once kept the Sabbath, and have given it up,” 142, 148, 1841EGWLM 969.48

    mark of the beast, 1151EGWLM 969.49

    not nailed to the cross, 1131EGWLM 969.50

    pope changed from seventh to first day, 113, 1851EGWLM 969.51

    relation to seal of God, 135 n3, 146, 1531EGWLM 969.52

    Sabbathkeepers blamed for end-time troubles and pursued, 1141EGWLM 969.53

    some Christians will unite with Sabbathkeepers during time of trouble, 114 and n91EGWLM 969.54

    test for Christians since 1844, 161, 1671EGWLM 969.55

    Sacrifice, financial, see Stewardship, financial1EGWLM 969.56

    Salem, Massachusetts, 645-647, 7051EGWLM 970.1

    Lyceum Hall, 706 and n81EGWLM 970.2

    Salutation, see Holy kiss1EGWLM 970.3

    Salvation, 300 and n5, 6961EGWLM 970.4

    Sanctuary, heavenly1EGWLM 970.5

    Christ enters Holy of Holies as high priest in 1844, 98 and n9, 106, 121 and n81EGWLM 970.6

    counters extreme shut door views, 98 and n9, 121 and n81EGWLM 970.7

    Christ leaves the Holy of Holies1EGWLM 970.8

    confesses sins of Israel on head of scapegoat, 244, 2451EGWLM 970.9

    no mediator between God and man, 2451EGWLM 970.10

    puts on kingly garments/garments of vengeance, 100, 107, 121, 244, 2451EGWLM 970.11

    cleansing of1EGWLM 970.12

    Crozier “had true light on,” 121 and n101EGWLM 970.13

    description of holy place and Holy of Holies, 112-113, 2461EGWLM 970.14

    halo of glory around fourth commandment, 1131EGWLM 970.15

    Saratoga, New York1EGWLM 970.16

    Review published in, 293, 2971EGWLM 970.17

    Saratoga Springs, New York, 265 n13, 299, 305, 308 n1, 317, 3191EGWLM 970.18

    Whites settle in, 293 and n5, 297 and n2, 299 and n31EGWLM 970.19

    Satan1EGWLM 970.20

    intrigues of, 224, 2811EGWLM 970.21

    power of, 209, 2351EGWLM 970.22

    limits of his power, 2331EGWLM 970.23

    Saxby, Euphemia (wife of William), 646 and n431EGWLM 970.24

    Saxby, John, 735 and n3, 736, 7381EGWLM 970.25

    Saxby, William L., 646, 647, 705 and n5, 707 and n91EGWLM 970.26

    Saxby, William L. and Euphemia, 6471EGWLM 970.27

    Scapegoat, 179 and n15, 245, 2461EGWLM 970.28

    “Scattering time”/“Gathering time,” 240, 242-243 and n31EGWLM 970.29

    Schools1EGWLM 970.30

    Battle Creek, Michigan, 598 n791EGWLM 970.31

    John Fletcher Byington's school 1858, 739 n41EGWLM 970.32

    Scott, Mary A., 623 and n37, 6241EGWLM 970.33

    Seal of God, 99 and n13, 102, 105, 155, 168, 169, 178, 182, 193, 224, 2291EGWLM 970.34

    “angel ascending from the east” (Rev. 7:2)1EGWLM 970.35

    EGW versus Joseph Bates interpretation, 135 n31EGWLM 970.36

    “four angels … holding the four winds” (Rev. 7:1)1EGWLM 970.37

    EGW versus Joseph Bates interpretation, 135 n3, 136-1371EGWLM 970.38

    relation to Sabbath, 146, 1531EGWLM 970.39

    sealing accomplished, 1681EGWLM 970.40

    sealing time, 1681EGWLM 970.41

    sealing work, 1781EGWLM 970.42

    Seal of the Living God, A Hundred Forty-four Thousand of the Servants of God Sealed, A, 1341EGWLM 970.43

    Seaman, Jane, 598 and n781EGWLM 970.44

    Second Advent, 89, 100, 102-103, 1071EGWLM 970.45

    great white cloud appears, 1161EGWLM 970.46

    righteous dead resurrected, 1161EGWLM 970.47

    saints caught up in cloudy chariot, 1161EGWLM 970.48

    shortness of the time before, 153 and n81EGWLM 970.49

    time of revealed in vision, 87, 100, 102, 1071EGWLM 970.50

    no remembrance of, 87 n81EGWLM 970.51

    Second Advent, nearness of1EGWLM 970.52

    “Time is almost finished,” 153 and n8, 2641EGWLM 970.53

    Seeley, David, 435 n71EGWLM 970.54

    Seeley, Laura (wife of David), 435 and n7, 641 and n211EGWLM 970.55

    Seven last plagues, see Time of trouble1EGWLM 970.56

    Shaking, the, 1941EGWLM 970.57

    Sharp, William D., 556 and n31EGWLM 970.58

    “Shut door” of Matt. 25:10 as representing events of Oct. 22, 18441EGWLM 970.59

    discussion of key passages1EGWLM 970.60

    “all the wicked world which God had rejected,” 86 n7, 1021EGWLM 970.61

    “baptized in the faith of the shut door and keeping the commandments of God,” 205 and n121EGWLM 970.62

    early conversions from non-Millerite ranks, 190 and n4, 198 n71EGWLM 970.63

    EGW sees future Sabbath converts—“they came out and endured the persecution with us,” 114 and n91EGWLM 970.64

    “I beheld Jesus … a great High Priest,” 98 and n9, 1061EGWLM 970.65

    “I saw Jesus still interceding for Israel,” 140 and n11EGWLM 970.66

    “most of them received the vision and were settled upon the shut door,” 127 and n16, 128 and n171EGWLM 970.67

    “no more proclamation; every case is fixed,” 178 and n81EGWLM 971.1

    “others who had not heard the Advent doctrine and rejected it would embrace the truth,” 206 and n141EGWLM 971.2

    “Satan's object was to keep them deceived,” 99 and n101EGWLM 971.3

    “they were left in perfect darkness,” 86, 97 and n71EGWLM 971.4

    “the time of their salvation is passed,” 163 and n13, 1681EGWLM 971.5

    “we all received the seal of the living God,” 99 and n131EGWLM 971.6

    early non-Millerite converts, 190 and n41EGWLM 971.7

    former believers who subsequently attribute the first and second angels’ messages to the devil “and will not hear the third” “will be shut out,” 374 and n81EGWLM 971.8

    Joseph Bates's position on, in 1847, 117 n161EGWLM 971.9

    William Miller initially endorsed a limited close of probation, 87 n71EGWLM 971.10

    “Shut door/Open door” of Rev. 3:7, 8 as representing events of Oct. 22, 18441EGWLM 971.11

    imagery used to describe Christ's transition from holy place to Most Holy Place in 1844, 160 and n4, 166-167 and n131EGWLM 971.12

    opening of the door into the Most Holy Place in 1844 revealed the ark with the Ten Commandments, including the Sabbath commandment, 160 and n4, 166-167 and n131EGWLM 971.13

    adversaries of Sabbath trying, so to speak, to “close the door” to the Most Holy Place in order to distract Christians from the demands of the Ten Commandments, 161 and n5, 1671EGWLM 971.14

    provides an allegory for the emergence of Sabbatarian Adventism since 1844, 160 and n4, 166-1671EGWLM 971.15

    6661EGWLM 971.16

    number of the Image Beast, 115 and n111EGWLM 971.17

    Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White, A, 293, 298 and n71EGWLM 971.18

    Slavery, 116 and n131EGWLM 971.19

    Smith, Annie R.1EGWLM 971.20

    editorial assistant at Review, 316, 321 and n6, 382 n31EGWLM 971.21

    possible romantic feelings toward John N. Andrews, 452 n41EGWLM 971.22

    Smith, Brother, 504 and n4, 585, 6141EGWLM 971.23

    Smith, Brother and Sister, 437, 6891EGWLM 971.24

    Smith, Cyrenius, 380 and n10, 581 n2, 6241EGWLM 971.25

    Smith, Cyrenius and Louisa, 387-389, 584 n19, 637 and n1, 638 and n21EGWLM 971.26

    disbelieve EGW testimony, 683-6851EGWLM 971.27

    generosity toward church, 684 n51EGWLM 971.28

    lack of care for plight of Czechowski and Cranson families, 684-685 and n5, 686 n31EGWLM 971.29

    Smith, Harriet Newall (wife of Uriah), 421-422 and n1, 599 and n90, see also Stevens, Harriet Newall1EGWLM 971.30

    cautioned over passing on the negative attitudes of J. N. Andrews to her husband, 536 and nn11, 121EGWLM 971.31

    opposition to EGW visions, 425 n11EGWLM 971.32

    Smith, Mary (daughter of William and Laura), 619 n151EGWLM 971.33

    Smith, Mary Lettece (daughter of Cyrenius)1EGWLM 971.34

    baptized by James White, 581 n21EGWLM 971.35

    Smith, P. A.1EGWLM 971.36

    Adventist (“First Day”) minister, claimed to heal people by mesmerism, 162 and n8, 167-168 and n171EGWLM 971.37

    Smith, Sister, 584, 6231EGWLM 971.38

    Smith, Stephen, 3081EGWLM 971.39

    for a time becomes a “Spiritualizer,” 572 and n141EGWLM 971.40

    rejects EGW vision concerning his case, 5731EGWLM 971.41

    supports 1854 time-setting of the World's Crisis, 573 and n151EGWLM 971.42

    Smith, Stephen (son of William and Laura), 619 n151EGWLM 971.43

    Smith, Uriah, 382 n3, 502 and n4, 534, 6111EGWLM 971.44

    appointed resident editor of Review at age 23, 469 n5, 472 n61EGWLM 971.45

    cautions about pursuing relationship with Harriet Stevens, 472-473 and n51EGWLM 971.46

    encouragement from EGW about editorial role, 472-4731EGWLM 971.47

    his discouragements as a young editor, 465 and n5, 532 and n81EGWLM 971.48

    his reticence to correct negligent workers at the Review office, 532 and n71EGWLM 972.1

    pleasing to God that he had been appointed editor of Review, 4721EGWLM 972.2

    urged not to resign editor post, 534 and n5, 5351EGWLM 972.3

    urged to work in unity with James White, 536 and n91EGWLM 972.4

    urges church to adopt political neutrality in 1856 presidential election, 608 n1151EGWLM 972.5

    Smith, Uriah and Harriet, 535, 512 n4, 584 n19, 634 and n821EGWLM 972.6

    Harriet's problematic family background a challenge to Uriah's success as editor, 532 n61EGWLM 972.7

    urged to give top priority to “the work of God” above the romance of their recent marriage, 531-5321EGWLM 972.8

    Smith, William and Laura, 619 and n141EGWLM 972.9

    Smoking, see Tobacco1EGWLM 972.10

    Somerville, Massachusetts, 644-645, 647-648, 649, 695, 7011EGWLM 972.11

    Soul, immortality of, rejected, see Conditional immortality1EGWLM 972.12

    Speaking, public1EGWLM 972.13

    abusing vocal cords, 753 and n61EGWLM 972.14

    Sperry, Charles W., 643 and n29, 645 and n39, 772-775, see also Hutchins, Alfred S., and Sperry, Charles W.1EGWLM 972.15

    Sperry, Charles W. and Rachel Ann, 485, 643 and n29, 737 and n10, 772-7751EGWLM 972.16

    Sperry, J. Byron (son of Charles and Rachel), 643 and n291EGWLM 972.17

    Spiritual Gifts [vol. 2], 583 n141EGWLM 972.18

    EGW autobiography, 581 n1, 597 n77, 761 n11EGWLM 972.19

    Spiritual magnetism, see Mesmerism1EGWLM 972.20

    Spiritual wifery, 315 and n241EGWLM 972.21

    Spiritualism1EGWLM 972.22

    dangers of, 224-225 and nn9, 11, 2301EGWLM 972.23

    earliest warning against, 161 and n6, 167 and n151EGWLM 972.24

    “mysterious knocking would increase,” 163, 1681EGWLM 972.25

    rapid rise of, 203-204 and n5, 212 and n81EGWLM 972.26

    Spiritualizers1EGWLM 972.27

    defined, 572 n141EGWLM 972.28

    a short-lived phenomenon, 572 n141EGWLM 972.29

    Stephen Smith, 5721EGWLM 972.30

    Sprague, Brother, 6411EGWLM 972.31

    Springfield, Massachusetts, 643, 644, 7011EGWLM 972.32

    St. Albans, Vermont, 652, 7361EGWLM 972.33

    Stevens, Angeline Spaulding (daughter of Cyprian and Almira), 458 and n2, 461 and n17, see also Andrews, Angeline Spaulding1EGWLM 972.34

    Stevens, Cyprian, 283 and n71EGWLM 972.35

    counsel and reproof for family of, 284-2851EGWLM 972.36

    involved in religious creeping fanaticism in the mid-1840s, 285 n51EGWLM 972.37

    together with family, “in a dark place” spiritually, 301 and n81EGWLM 972.38

    together with family, skeptical of the visions of Ellen White and resentful of James White, 536 n121EGWLM 972.39

    apologize a decade later for their antagonism, 284 and nn2, 31EGWLM 972.40

    Stevens, Frances J. (daughter of Cyprian and Almira), 461 and n171EGWLM 972.41

    Stevens, Harriet Newall (daughter of Cyprian and Almira), 458, see also Smith, Harriet Newall1EGWLM 972.42

    divine guidance needed on whether she should rejoin the Review and Herald team, 514-515 and n111EGWLM 972.43

    her negative influence on spiritual life of Uriah Smith, Roxanna Bacheller, Harriet Hastings, 471-4751EGWLM 972.44

    literary ability of, employment at Review and Herald, 472 n51EGWLM 972.45

    marries Uriah Smith 1857, 471 n11EGWLM 972.46

    Stevens, Pauline (daughter of Cyprian and Almira), 458 and n21EGWLM 972.47

    apology to EGW for being unhelpful, 285 n41EGWLM 972.48

    Stewardship, financial1EGWLM 972.49

    general principles of, 691-6941EGWLM 972.50

    ill-advised urging that members sell their properties immediately and give to church, 146 n2, 236-237 and nn3-5, 352, 379 and nn8, 9, 3801EGWLM 972.51

    sacrifice, 1931EGWLM 972.52

    selling houses and lands to sustain the cause1EGWLM 972.53

    principles guiding, 145-146, 152, 193, 521 and nn1, 3, 540 and n9, 543-544 and n71EGWLM 972.54

    Systematic Benevolence, 589 n461EGWLM 972.55

    warning example of Elon Everts, 498 n7, 521 n31EGWLM 972.56

    Stockman, Levi, 91 and n18, 1031EGWLM 973.1

    Stone, Albert, 653 and n131EGWLM 973.2

    Stone, Sister, 5481EGWLM 973.3

    Stowe, Vermont, 3901EGWLM 973.4

    Stowell, Harriet Augusta (daughter of Lewis B.)1EGWLM 973.5

    EGW in vision places Bible on, 1831EGWLM 973.6

    Stowell, Lewis B.1EGWLM 973.7

    “wavering upon the shut door,” 1651EGWLM 973.8

    Stowell, Lewis Oswald1EGWLM 973.9

    EGW in vision places Bible on, 1841EGWLM 973.10

    Stowell, Marion Concordia (daughter of Lewis B.)1EGWLM 973.11

    EGW in vision places Bible on, 1831EGWLM 973.12

    Street, Sherman A., 5971EGWLM 973.13

    Suffering and sacrifice, 557-559, 6021EGWLM 973.14

    Christ “was the innocent Sufferer, and shall we dare to complain of any sacrifice we have made?” 4411EGWLM 973.15

    “Christians sometimes think … they have many sacrifices to make, when in reality they make no sacrifice at all,” 669-6701EGWLM 973.16

    “every trial well endured here will only make us rich in glory,” 319-3201EGWLM 973.17

    “heaven is cheap enough,” 91, 103, 195, 266, 300, 307, 3181EGWLM 973.18

    “if you think you have many trials … remember Calvary,” 4841EGWLM 973.19

    no cause for murmuring against God, 319-3201EGWLM 973.20

    Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White, 463 n41EGWLM 973.21

    Sutton, Vermont, 236 and n1, 264 n61EGWLM 973.22

    A Vision the Lord Gave Me at Sutton, Vermont, 2361EGWLM 973.23

    Swan, Samuel, sons of1EGWLM 973.24

    influenced by S. W. Rhodes's severity, 419 and n81EGWLM 973.25

    Sylvan, Michigan, 362 n26, 427, 434 n3, 462 n1, 4631EGWLM 973.26

    “Synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 3:9), 88 and n13, 100, 102, 107, 120 and n61EGWLM 973.27

    Syracuse, New York, 641, 643, 6901EGWLM 973.28

    Systematic Benevolence, see Stewardship, financial1EGWLM 973.29

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