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    Only in Christ

    Those who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ, and are therefore one in Him. So when it is said that Christ is the seed of Abraham, to whom the promises were made, all who are in Christ are included. But nothing outside of Christ is included in the promise. To say that the inheritance promised to the seed ofEVCO 49.3

    Abraham could be possessed by any except those who were Christ’s through faith in Him, is to ignore the Gospel, and to deny the word of God. “If any man be in Christ he is a new creature.” 12 Corinthians 5:17.EVCO 50.1

    Therefore since the promise of the land was to Abraham and His seed, which is Christ and those who have put Him on by baptism, and who are therefore new creatures, it follows that the promise of the land was only to those who were new creatures in Christ—children of God through faith in Christ Jesus.EVCO 50.2

    This again is additional evidence that all the promises of God are in Christ, and that the promises to Abraham can be shared only through the cross of Christ.EVCO 50.3

    Let this principle, therefore, never for a moment be forgotten in reading about Abraham and the promise to him and his seed—thatEVCO 50.4

    The seed is Christ and those who are in Him. This and nothing besides.EVCO 50.5

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