N. B. The numbers used in this index refer to the number of the question, and not to the page, unless so specified with the number.HBH 206.1
ANATOMY, use of the term, 5; how treated in this work, 6.
Adam’s apple, 314.
Atlas, what, and why so called, 51, 52.
Appetite, how to treat the loss of, 424, 425.
Arteries, description of, 168-171; muscular coat of, and its
use, 171; number of, 172; where placed, 173; how to
know when one is cut, 174; how to check blood from, 174;
course of in the system, 175; illustration of, 177, Fig. X,
p.71;.71; more branches of than main tubes, 178; connection
between them, and why, 179; pulmonary, and their use,
180, 181; termination of, 182.
Air, impure, 327.
Acids, organic, 411; vinegar, 412.
Aliment, canal of, 334; the mouth, as a part of, 335; description
of alimentary tube, 351; how this tube is lubricated
and preserved from injury, 352.
Animal structures, formation of, 22.
Auricles of heart, 154; necessity of two sets, 160.
Alcohol, how produced, and how it affects the body, 387.
Arbor vitae, 261.
Absorbent vessels, 219, 223; action of, 224.
Abdominal cavity, its contents, 24, 331, 332; Fig. XIX, p.
159; viscera of, 330.
BATHING, benefit of, and rules for, 305, 306.
Brain, where situated, 247; size and construction of, 248,
249; compared with size in other animals, 249; two in
man, and reason why, 250; illustrated, Fig. XIV, p. 105;
explanation of Figure, 251; not all in the head, 252; coverings
of, 255; parts of, 256, 257; function of, 265; effect
when injured, 266; inactive in sleep, 267; strengthened by
proper use, 271; how protected from jars, 272; surface of
brain, 273.
Breathing, process of described, 320.
Bile, its use in the system, 360.
Bones, how formed, 32, 34; marrow of, 33; strength of, 86;
how weakened, 37; how injured, 38, 44; position and number
of, 40, 41, 47; kinds of, 42; in old persons, 45; first
one hardened, 43; illustrated, 45, Fig. I, p.24; weight of,
46; of face, 60; of ear, and use of, 61; of tongue, 62; of
upper extremities, 95; of lower extremities, 98; sesamoid,
99; in pairs, 100; why mostly cylindrical, 111; dislocations
of, 113.
Body, how composed, 25; cubical size of, 26; water principal
element of, 26; how often undergoes a change, 39.
Blood, what formed from it, 16; composition and color of,
200-202; amount of in the body, 203; quality dependent
upon the food, 208; how carried through the veins, 197;
amount passing through the heart per hour, 166; purification
of, 325; illustrated, Fig. XVIII, p.153.
Bowels, habits injuring action of, 372; when should be evacuated,
CARPUS, 96; illustrated, Fig. III, p.37.
Cartilages, where placed, 109.
Capillaries, where placed, 183, 187; size and number of, 184;
function accomplished in, 185; how blood is circulated in,
Caul, 370.
Carbonic-acid gas, destroys life, feeds vegetation, 21.
Chest, 88.
Chemical elements of body, 29.
Circulation, organs of, 151; central point of, 152; when, how,
and by whom, discovered, 194; how to help, 197; time of,
in the system, 204, 205; health is a healthy circulation,
206; how to secure good, 207.
Cold, who endure best, 429.
Colds, cause and cure of common, 307, 308.
Clothing, rules for, 309, 372.
Chyle, what produced from, 15; how produces various structures,
22; what it is, 221.
Chyme, how produced in the stomach, 346, 347; what essential to good, 366.
DIAPHRAGM, action of, 322; illustrated, Fig. XVII, p.151.
Diet, effects of change, and why weakening, 397; care necessary
in change of, 397.
Digestion, time required for food in the stomach, 348; of air
in lungs, 323; how accomplished, 323.
Duodenum, 353; appendages of, 354; office and action of,
Drinking, with food, 339, 427; wholesome and unwholesome,
426; best habits in regard to, 427.
Disease, what it is, 439; the most fruitful source of, 441; condition
of body when in, 441; how to cure, 443; effect of
medicine in, 444.
EAR, construction of, 291; action of, 292; use of, 293; diseases
of, 294.
Enamel of teeth, use of, 69; evil of breaking it, 70.
Excretions of the body, 28.
Exercise, muscular, 144; healthful kinds of, 145; position of
body in, 146; time of, 282, 434; necessary, 433; how to
take, 435; inactivity compared with, 436; for children,
437; for aged people, 438.
Eye, described, 287; how moistened, 288; tears of, how
caused, 288; illustration of action of, 289; care of, 290.
Elements, of food, 377, 378; number of, found in human
bodies, 373; number that are constituents of the body,
380, 381; proximate of the body, 386.
Employment essential to health, 283.
FASCIE, position of, 148; two kinds of, 149, 150.
Fat, no excess of in health, 24.
Fasting, how proceed after, 425.
Faculties of living bodies, compared with those of vegetables, 14.
Flesh, not necessary as food, 384, 385; not the most nourishing
food, 393, 394; cause and effect of increase of in the
human body, 398.
Felons, where originate, and how to serve, 113.
Fever-sores, where seated, 113.
Fluids of the body, 28.
Fruits, kinds wholesome, 413; best condition to be eaten, 415.
Food, good, essential to good blood, 208; how acted upon by
stomach, 344; change in, effected in stomach, 346; what
proper, 377; natural for man, 383; arguments of flesh-eaters
on, 384, 385; must not be all nutrition or too concentrated,
387-390; stimulating not necessary, 391; flesh-meat
not the most nourishing, but stimulating, 394, 395;
vegetable, its benefits, 396; diseased, 399; most objectionable
kinds of, 400; why butter, animal oils and fats are
objectionable as food, 401; what kind of butter used, if
any, 408; of milk or cream as food, 402-404; cheese and
Dutch cheese as food, 405, 406; of soups, 407; of fish, 408;
of eggs, 409; of salt, 410; of organic acids, 411; proper
amount of, 418; how to eat, 419; time of eating, 420, 421;
for nursing children, 422, 423.
GANGLIA of the brain, 262.
Glands, salivary, their position, office and action, 335, 336;
Bruner’s, Lieberkuhn’s and Peyer’s, and their office, 354, 361.
Gastric juice, properties of, 338.
Gall bladder, where found, 357.
HAIR, description and care of, 302.
Happiness, true, how secured, 8-10, 13, 276.
Head, number of bones in, 58.
Heart, the central point of circulation, 152; described, 153;
a double organ, 154; auricles of, 155; ventricles of, 156;
valves of, 157, 158; course of blood through, 159; contractions
of, how caused, 161; acts continually, 162; how it
rests, 163; number of beats per minute, 164; power of the
heart, 165; amount of blood passing through it per hour,
166; illustration, Fig. IX, p.67, explained, 167; diseases
of, 209.
Heat of body, how produced, 428-430; who endure cold the
best, 429; fire heat, how to be used, 431.
Hygiene, meaning of term, 4.
Hunger, when manifested in healthy state of the stomach,
347, 427.
INSANITY, causes of, 280.
Intestine, small, 351; large, and course of, 368; what essential
to health of, 371.
JEJUNUM and ileum, description of, 364; their action, 365.
Joints, position of, 101; number in the body, 102; motions
of, 103; construction of, 104; how held together, 105, 106;
kinds of, 110.
KIDNEYS, description and use of, 374, 375; capsules of, 376.
LACTEALS, description and action of, 215, 216.
Larynx, its construction and action, 313, 314.
Life a forced state, a battle against causes of death, 19.
Ligaments, 105; position of, 106, 107; consistency of in different
periods of life, 108.
Liver, description of, 357, 358; office of, 359; indications of
inactive, 359.
Lungs, structure of, 318, 321; mucous membrane of, 318;
arteries and veins of, 318; capacity of, 321; care of, 326;
exercise of for students and in-door laborers, 326; diseases
of, 329.
Lymphatics, description of, 210; office of, 211; origin and
course of, 212; glands of, 213; construction of, 214; number and kinds of, 217; center of the system of, 218; how
related to the venous system, 220.
MASTICATION, evils of improper enumerated, 337.
Mesentery, description of, 215, note, and 367; office of, 333.
Mesocolon, description and use of, 369.
Medulla oblongata described, 260.
Medicines, effect of on the system, 444.
Mind affected by body, and how, 10, 277; what it is, 274;
despondency of, 277, 280; comparison of, in vegetable and
flesh-eaters,-eaters, 398.
Morals, correct depend on health, 10.
Mouth, office of in alimentation, 335.
Mucous membrane, in lungs, 318.
Muscles, only element of motion in the body, 23; how act,
144; how composed, and shape of, 115-117, 122; number
of, 118; how much of the body is, 119; how moved, 120,
121; appearance of fibers of, 123; number of kinds of, 124;
never restored when destroyed, 125; muscles of head and
face, 126; illustrated, Fig. V., p.47; different groups of in
the body, and their use, 127-132; muscles at terminus of
bowels, 133; of leg, foot, arm and fingers, 134, 135; contraction
of, 136; illustrated, Fig. VII., p.53; vessels nourishing,
138; pairs of, or antagonists, 139; decomposition
of, how supplied, 139; of alimentary canal, 140; how alimentary
act, 140; how to strengthen, 140; disadvantageous
action of, 141; illustrated, Fig. VIII., p.56; force
used in action of, 141; rapidity of movement, 142; how to
keep healthy, 143; exercise of, 144; use of the system of,
NAILS, growth, use, and care of, 303.
Nerves, system of, what it is, 225; the man, 225; vitality of,
226; in all organized bodies, 227; of trees, plants, etc.,
227; number of systems of, 228; structure of, 229; size of
component parts of, 230; center of energy of, in the body,
231, 232; solar plexus of, 232; branches of solar plexus,
233; organic nerves with their plexuses, or presiding centers,
235, 237; effect of suspending the action of organic
and animal, 238; orders of organic, and their use, 239;
distribution of, 240; nourishment of, 241; when the mind
is conscious of the action of organic, 242; ganglionic system
of, 243; illustrated, Fig. XIII., p.100; sympathy of stomach with organic, 244, 245; cerebro-spinal, 246;
largest in the body, 253; use of, 254; order of cerebro-spinal,
258; cranial, 260-263; illustrated, Fig. XV., p.
109; description of nine pairs of cranial, 263; description of thirty-one pairs of spinal, 264; connecting link of the
two systems of, 278; derangement of organic system of,
first affects the stomach, 279; consistency of, 281.
NITROGEN, proportion in air, and in what proportion supplied
to the system in the lungs, 323.
Nourished, how plants and bodies are, 14.
Nutrition, nature requires innutritious food with, and why,
OESOPHAGUS, description and use of, 341.
ORGANS, thoracic, 311; of voice, 312.
Omentum, office and position of, 333, 370.
Ourselves, how benefited by the study of, 8.
Oxygen, principle that nourishes life, 21.
PAIN, not always where the disease is seated, 442.
Passions, effect of on health of the body, 445.
Pancreas, structure and office of, 355, 356.
Periosteum, description of, 112; its use, 112; seat of felons
and fever-sores, 112.
Pelvis, position and use of, 97.
Pleura, what is the, 24, 319.
Position, evils of wrong, in sitting, walking, etc., 146.
Phrenological divisions of brain, 373; organs not alone an
index to character, 275.
Physiology, analysis of the word, 1; of what it treats, 2;
animal, vegetable and human, 3.
Pyloric orifice of stomach, and its use, 345.
RADICLES, description, position and action of, 191.
Rattle-snake, blood harmless, same blood secretes poison, 15.
Relation of man by his faculties, 7; how that should be maintained, 12, 13.
Recreation, necessity of periods of, 283.
Ribs, form of, 90-92; use of, 93; care of, 94.
SALIVA, glands of, and their position, 335; office and action
of, 336.
Swallowing, how effected, 342.
Security of parts of body, 24.
Sternum, how formed, 89.
Sesamoid bones, 99.
Spleen, construction and use of, 373.
Senses, external organs of, 284; of smell, 285; what essential
to healthy action of smelling, 286; of sight, 287; of
hearing, 291, 292; of taste, 295, 297; of touch, 298-301.
Sleeping, apartments, 270; who require least, 268; cases of
Wesley and Webster, 268; proper amount of, 267; best
time for, 269; in morning, and after meals, effect of, 269.
Sweating, excessive, injurious, 304.
Spine, how injured, 55; marrow of, 253; branches of marrow
of, 254; construction of marrow of, 259.
Skin, structure of, 299; appendages of, 302; action of the
internal, 302; office of internal, 304; care of, 305.
Sigmoid flexure, description of, 351, 368.
Stimulants, admissible, and inadmissible, 391, 392.
Solids of the body, 28, 31.
Stomach, description of, 343; how acts upon food, 344; why,
and how kept healthy, 349, 350; how affected by organic
nerve derangement, 279; disease, or disturbance of, affects
the mind, 280.
Substances of the body, 29, 30.
Skull, parts of, 56; cavities of, for the eyes, 57; bones of,
and how secured, 59.
Study, best time for, etc., 282.
Sugar, effect of on system, most wholesome kind of, 417.
System, human, described, 11.
Sympathy, strong between stomach and other organs, 349, 350.
TASTE, organ of 295; how affected, 296; healthy, 297; perverted, 297.
Transmutation of substances in the body, 382.
Trachea, description of, 317; how acts when food is swallowed, 317.
Tendon, Achilles, why so named, 187.
Teeth, of what composed, 29, 62; illustrated, Fig. II, p.29;
two sets, 63; reason of two sets, 74; difference in the two
sets, 75; number of, 64, 72; how formed, 65-68; vessels
and nerves of, 71; care of in a child, 73; different kinds
of, 76; use of, 77-79, 81; preservation of, 80; whose teeth
best, and why, 82, 87; how care for, 83, 85; toothache,
cause of, 84; cause of decay of, 86; when decay fastest, 86.
Temperature, of blood always the same, 20; of rooms, what
degree, 431; evils of uneven, 431; aids in regulating animal,
432; exercise essential to proper, in the body, 433.
Tonsils, description and use of, 340.
Thorax, its contents, 24; thoracic duct, 218.
Touch, sense of, where located, 298; where most acute, 301;
how acts, 301.
VERTEBRAE, their use, 50; column of, 48, 49; how constructed, 53, 54.
Veins, structure and position of, 189-191; course of, 192; difference between arteries and, 193; valves of, 194; three
classes of, 195; deep and superficial, 196; pulmonary, 198;
of the portal system, 199.
Vegetables, what kinds best, 414; benefits derived by those
living on, 416.
Ventilation, necessity of, 327; what essential to good, 328.
Ventricles, two sets of, 154; necessity of two sets, 160; of the
brain, 262.
Vital economy, powers of, 15, 16; vital force, or constitution,
17; cannot be increased, 18; may be wasted, 18.
Viscera, three cavities of, 310; illustrated, Fig. XVI, p.143;
abdominal, 330.
Vices, secret, destructive to the body, 445.
Vinegar, unwholesome, why, 412.
Vomer, 110, and note.
Vocal cords, 12; ligaments, 314.
Voice, how produced, 315; training of the, 316.
WATER, how absorbed in the stomach, 219.