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    In order to accomplish the desired object, which has already been set forth, the conductors of the Reformer have adopted this as a fundamental principle of action: Physical reform is the basis of all reform. The truth of this principle is evident when we consider, 1. The intimate relation of mind and matter, and the wonderful manner in which the mind is affected by the varying conditions of the body; so that whenever the body suffers from serious injury of any kind, the mind is correspondingly impaired, as is seen in the fever patient raving in the wildness of delirium. 2. The fact that the condition of a person’s moral organs depends so largely upon that of the body and mind; as is illustrated by the victim of despair who labors under the impression that his doom is sealed, when his only difficulty is a torpid liver; or the irritable, misanthropic dyspeptic, whose unhappy mental condition is wholly due to a disordered stomach.HBH 8a.1

    In view of these facts, it appears that the most important branch of the work of the Reformer is in the direction of physical improvement and reform, since the success of each of the other branches is contingent upon the success of this.HBH 9a.1

    But while constantly aiming at reform, and so contending against adverse and opposing influences, the conductors of the Reformer are careful to avoid those extremes into which so many reformers allow themselves, unwittingly, perhaps, to be led. They also ever seek to manifest that liberality of sentiment which is in harmony with the spirit of the present time, when every man is expected and urged to think and form opinions for himself. By so doing, they hope to incite a spirit of investigation, which, when pursued with candor and an unbiased judgment, can hardly fail to convince the reader of the truth of the positions taken.HBH 9a.2

    Those who conduct the Reformer endeavor to fill its columns with matter of practical importance and interest to every subscriber. Thorough instruction is given in regard to these two most important subjects,HBH 9a.3

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