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Spirit of Prophecy Counsels Relating To Church-State Relationships - Contents
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    A. T. Jones’ Response To Testimony Contributes To The Background

    Dallas, Texas

    August 14, 1893

    “Dear Sister White:

    “Your communication—the Testimony—sent in April was received. I am glad to say, I accept it fully, and am thankful that the Lord is so careful of me that He points out dangers, and warns and cautions, to keep me in the right way.... I accept fully all that was sent, and am thankful to God for His tender care, and caution to keep me and others from going in a course of disadvantage and danger. I have given copies to Brother Colcord and others of the brethren who are teaching in Institutes, workers meetings, and camp meetings, so that it will be spread through all the body and put us all upon the safe side.SPCCSR 179.1

    “I well remember the statement read in the General Conference of 1891, on this subject of the Bible and the Public Schools, 2Note: This statement cannot be found.—A. L. White and ever since have made it a point to say as little as possible on that subject. I think the Sentinel has never touched it since, though it may have done so. But the position had been taken, the literature was out, and of course the influence went on in that direction.SPCCSR 179.2

    “This Testimony now makes the matter very much plainer and shows how to turn the influence the other way. So that is what we are doing now. I sent out copies of it at once when I got it, and its word is being followed. The printing of literature will be stopped and everything will be done to turn all into the course pointed out by the Lord. Am glad to follow in the way He so kindly points out.” A. T. JonesSPCCSR 179.3

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