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Spirit of Prophecy Counsels Relating To Church-State Relationships - Contents
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    A Military Escort, Cautious Plains, Royal Letters, And A Royal Commission

    Nehemiah’s journey to Jerusalem was accomplished in safety. The royal letters to the governors of the provinces along his route, secured him honorable reception and prompt assistance. No enemy dared molest the official who was guarded by the power of the Persian king and treated with marked consideration by the provincial rulers. His arrival in Jerusalem, however, with a military escort, showing that he had come on some important mission, excited the jealousy of the heathen tribes living near the city, who had so often indulged their enmity against the Jews by heaping upon them injury and insult....SPCCSR 75.2

    Nehemiah continued to exercise the same caution and prudence that had hitherto marked his course. Knowing that bitter and determined enemies stood ready to oppose him, he concealed the nature of his mission from them until a study of the situation should enable him to form his plans. Thus he hoped to secure the cooperation of the people and set them at work before the opposition of his enemies should be aroused....SPCCSR 76.1

    Nehemiah bore a royal commission requiring the inhabitants to cooperate with him in rebuilding the walls of the city, but he did not depend upon the exercise of authority.—Prophets and Kings, 635-637.SPCCSR 76.2

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