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Spirit of Prophecy Counsels Relating To Church-State Relationships - Contents
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    Deplorable State Of Society

    “In all our great cities there will be a binding up in bundles by the confederacies and unions formed. Men will rule other men and demand much of them. The lives of those who refuse to unite with these unions, will be in peril. Everything is being prepared for the last great work to be done by the One mighty to save and mighty to destroy....SPCCSR 193.3

    “The condition of things before the flood has been presented to me. The same binding up in unions that exists today existed in Noah’s day. But never before have such transactions taken place as are now carried on in the selection of officers to govern the people. Those who occupy the highest positions in governments reveal how little confidence God can place in their rulership.SPCCSR 194.1

    “This is a wonderful age in which we are living. God is beholding the deplorable state of society. He requires those who believe His gospel to come out from the world. ‘Be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing.’”—Manuscript 145, 1902. (Written Sept. 2, 1902.)SPCCSR 194.2

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