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    The Messenger Of The Lord Speaks Out On Tax Exemption and Grants and Favors

    (Note: The letter from S. N. Haskell to W. C. White written January 1 from Claremont (Capetown) South Africa enquiring if Ellen G. White had light on the question of the acceptance of the land in Mashonaland, was received in Australia on January 30, 1895. It, with other letters relating to this matter, was read to Mrs. White that day. Before the day closed she began a 14-page communication which after several interruptions she completed the next day. This was addressed to Elder Haskell, but like so many of her communications giving counsel on important phases of the work, she intended it for the eyes of others as well.SPCCSR 164.1

    The first half of the letter deals with the question of unkind and sharp thrusts in our papers. (See pp. 148-9 and 150.) The last seven pages are devoted to the question of the land grant and sweep back to the 1893 discussion and actions on tax exemption.SPCCSR 164.2

    A copy of this testimony was sent to Elder O. A. Olsen, president of the General Conference and reached him in Battle Creek in late March, some two or three weeks after the close of the General Conference session. He makes mention of this in his letter to W. C. White bearing date of March 28. The actions taken by the Foreign Mission Board on March 29 reflect the tempering influence of this testimony. (See p. 163.)SPCCSR 164.3

    Elder Olsen on July 2, 1895, published a number of communications from Ellen G. White in a 62-page pamphlet entitled Special Instruction to Ministers and Workers Number 3. The entire January 30-31 letter to Elder Haskell, except for two or three paragraphs of a local or personal character, was published in pages 24-35 of this pamphlet. Elder Olsen divided the material into three parts, giving these the titles (1) “Christian Courtesy,” (2) “Receiving Gifts,” and (3) “Solemn Times.” The last two of these were included in Testimonies to Ministers, published in 1923: “Receiving Gifts” on pages 197-200; and “Solemn Times” on pages 200-203.SPCCSR 164.4

    At some time subsequent to sending this testimony to Battle Creek Mrs. White, it would appear, reread it, and at that time inscribed with her pen on the file copy certain interlineations. These seem to add a touch of color and emphasis significant to the statement as a whole. The White Trustees consider that these should come to the attention of the committee for which this compilation is prepared.SPCCSR 164.5

    The testimony dealing with tax exemption and grants and favors is presented now from published sources with the interlineations added in parenthesis. Some paragraphs in the first published record not relevant to tax exemption and grants and favors are not included.—A. L. White)SPCCSR 164.6

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