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    Chapter 6—Development of a Personal Support Group

    Happy the minister who has an Aaron and a Hur—Happy the minister who has a faithful Aaron and Hur to strengthen his hands when they become weary and to hold them up by faith and prayer. Such a support is a powerful aid to the servant of Christ in his work and will often make the cause of truth to triumph gloriously.—Testimonies for the Church 4:531.PaM 49.1

    Call others together to pray for you—I felt in my soul it would be a great privilege for me to call together a few of the old tried servants of God and engage in united prayer for the help and strength I so much needed. I followed out the earnest wish of my heart. All present, ministering brethren, united in prayer. The Lord indited those prayers. We were so glad Brother Butler was present to engage with us in prayer. I realized it was a most precious season, and I felt that Christ was present. A sweet fragrance was sensibly realized by me, and I am sure those present must have felt the deep influence of the Holy Spirit. I felt that the canopy of God was over me. I could say fully, Whether I live or die it is well, it is well, with my soul. My life is hid with Christ in God.—Manuscript Releases 18:125.PaM 49.2

    God's plan is for leaders to make use of counselorsGod gave to Moses special direction for the management of his work. He directed Moses to associate men with him as counselors, that his burdens might be lightened.—Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 340.PaM 49.3

    Groups should be praying for their minister—And let those who love the Lord and His truth unite by twos and threes to seek places of retirement and pray for God's blessing upon the minister who can hardly find time to pray because he is constantly engaged attending to so many requests, sitting in councils, answering inquiries, giving advice, writing important letters. Let the fervent, effectual prayer of the righteous ascend to God, that the word spoken may be a message of truth to reach the hearts of the hearers, and that souls may thereby be won to Christ.—The Review and Herald, July 24, 1883.PaM 49.4

    A minister's problems can sometimes be best dealt with in a small group—He was willing to go into the congregation at once and confess his sins, and his backsliding from God. He was advised that this was not wisdom, and would not result in glorifying God, but would give our enemies occasion to cast reflections upon the whole ministry. It is Satan's object to ensnare men who handle sacred things, that he may lead them to do things that will bring the ministry down on a level with common things, so that sinners may be furnished with an excuse for their own impenitence and sin. When the words and the deportment of the minister are not after the Christ's example, but are in imitation of the words and ways of the great deceiver, our enemies have occasion to blaspheme. We decided that it would meet the approval of God for a few, thirty or forty, who had heard the testimony given me of God, to be present and hear his acknowledgment of the reproof given, and hear his confession.—Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, 54.PaM 50.1

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