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Selected Messages Book 3 - Contents
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    Independence a Delusion of Satan

    It is a delusion of the enemy for anyone to feel that he can disconnect from agencies which God has appointed and work on an independent line of his own, in his own supposed wisdom, and yet be successful. Although he may flatter himself that he is doing God's work, he will not prosper in the end. We are one body, and every member is to be united to the body, each person working in his respective capacity.—Letter 104, 1894.3SM 25.4

    It is not a good sign when men will not unite with their brethren, but prefer to act alone, when they will not take in their brethren because they do not just exactly meet their mind. If men will wear the yoke of Christ, they cannot pull apart. They will wear Christ's yoke, they will draw with Christ.—Manuscript 56, 1898.3SM 26.1

    As we near the final crisis, instead of feeling that there is less need of order and harmony of action, we should be more systematic than heretofore. All our work should be conducted according to well-defined plans.3SM 26.2

    I am receiving light from the Lord that there should be wise generalship at this time more than at any former period of our history.—Letter 27a, 1892.3SM 26.3

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