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Selected Messages Book 3 - Contents
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    Two Typical Examples

    1. Personal Testimony Gratefully Received—We returned December 12 [1892]. On the evening of the next day, Brother Faulkhead called to see me. [See Selected Messages 2:125-140, for the message given to N. D. Faulkhead.] The burden of his case was upon my mind. I told him that I had a message for him and his wife, which I had several times prepared to send them, but I had felt forbidden by the Spirit of the Lord to do so. I asked him to appoint a time when I could see them.3SM 84.5

    He answered. “I am glad that you did not send me a written communication; I would rather have the message from your lips; had it come in another way I do not think it would have done me any good.” he then asked, “Why not give me the message now?” I said, “Can you remain to hear it?” he replied that he would do so.3SM 85.1

    I was very weary, for I had attended the closing exercises of the school that day; but I now arose from the bed where I was lying and read to him for three hours. His heart was softened, tears were in his eyes, and when I ceased reading, he said, “I accept every word; all of it belongs to me.”3SM 85.2

    Much of the matter I had read related to the [Australian] Echo Office and its management from the beginning. The Lord also revealed to me Brother Faulkhead's connection with the Free Masons, and I plainly stated that unless he severed every tie that bound him to these associations he would lose his soul.3SM 85.3

    He said, “I accept the light the Lord has sent me through you. I will act upon it. I am a member of five lodges, and three other lodges are under my control. I transact all of their business. Now I shall attend no more of their meetings, and shall close my business relations with them as fast as possible.”3SM 85.4

    I repeated to him the words spoken by my guide in reference to these associations. Giving a certain movement that was made by my guide, I said, “I cannot relate all that was given to me.” Brother Faulkhead told Elder Daniells and others that I gave the particular sign known only by the highest order of Masons, which he had just entered. He said that I did not know the sign, and that I was not aware that I was giving the sign to him. This was special evidence to him that the Lord was working through me to save his soul.—Letter 46, 1892.3SM 85.5

    2. A Brother and the Visitor on the Campground—I took some of our brethren aside in our tent [at the Milton, Washington, camp meeting] and read the matter I had written three years ago in regard to their course. They had pledged to the General Conference and taken it all back again. I read to them straight, clear, and pointed testimonies, but here was the trouble—they had felt no obligations to believe the Testimonies. Brother L had been one of the Marion Party [An offshoot movement that sprang up in Marion, Iowa, in the mid-1860's.] when he lived in LaPorte, Iowa, and what to do with these folks was a mystery. There was no minister or his message which they respected above their own judgment. How to bring anything to bear upon them was the question. We could only pray, and work for them as though they did believe every word of testimony, and yet be so cautious, as though they were unbelievers....3SM 85.6

    Early Sabbath morning [June 7, 1884] I went into meeting and the Lord gave me a testimony directly to them, all unexpected to me. I poured it out upon them, showing them that the Lord sent His ministers with a message and the message they brought was the very means God had ordained to reach them, but they felt at liberty to pick it in pieces and make of none effect the Word of God....3SM 86.1

    Sabbath, June 14 We had meetings long to be remembered. Sabbath forenoon Brother [J. N.] Loughborough talked. I talked in the afternoon. The Lord helped me. I then called them forward. Thirty-five responded. They were mostly young men and women, and old men and women. We had a most precious meeting. Some who had left the truth came back with repentance and confession. Many were starting for the first time. The Lord was there Himself. This seemed to break down the prejudice and melting testimonies were borne. We had a recess, and then began again, and the good work went on....3SM 86.2

    Friday afternoon I read important matter written three years ago. This was acknowledged to be of God. The testimonies were accepted heartily and confessions made of great value to the wrongdoer.—Letter 19, 1884.3SM 86.3

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