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    Section 4—The Incarnation


    The plan of salvation, of which the incarnation is the very heart, is an exhaustless theme into which we may now look, and that will be the prime topic of study through the ceaseless ages of eternity. Again and again through the years Ellen White, in sermons preached, in letters written, in periodical articles and books, touched feelingly on this sublime topic of God and man becoming one. This is particularly so in The Desire of Ages.3SM 126.1

    A number of enlightening statements appear in The Youth's Instructor. Excerpts from many of these and from like materials from other sources have already appeared in Selected Messages 1:242-289; the 1965 devotional book, “That I May Know Him”; and Ellen G. White releases in The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 5:1126-1131; and The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7A:443-456, the latter being a reprint of Appendix B of Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine.3SM 126.2

    Yet, from time to time further choice items come to the front from sources not commonly available. Several of these have been drawn together here to make up this section, “The Incarnation.”3SM 126.3

    As we review these beautiful, and at times seemingly unfathomable, truths, we are reminded of this Ellen G. White statement: “The incarnation of Christ has ever been, and will ever remain a mystery.”—Letter 8, 1895 (published in The SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 5, p. 1129).3SM 126.4

    But these great truths, as we can grasp them by faith, are for us.3SM 126.5

    White Trustees.

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