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Selected Messages Book 3 - Contents
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    Apostasies That Will Surprise Us

    We shall in the future, as we have in the past, see all kinds of character developed. We shall witness the apostasy of men in whom we have had confidence, in whom we trusted, who, we supposed, were as true as steel to principle.3SM 411.3

    Something comes to test them, and they are overthrown. If such men fall, some say, “Whom can we trust?” This is the temptation Satan brings to destroy the confidence of those who are striving to walk in the narrow way. Those who fall have evidently corrupted their way before the Lord, and they are beacons of warning, teaching those who profess to believe the truth that the Word of God alone can keep men steadfast in the way of holiness, or reclaim them from guilt....3SM 411.4

    Let every soul, whatever may be his sphere of action, make sure that the truth is implanted in the heart by the power of the Spirit of God. Unless this is made certain, those who preach the Word will betray holy trust.3SM 411.5

    Physicians will be tempted and make shipwreck of faith. Lawyers, judges, senators, will become corrupted, and, yielding to bribery, will allow themselves to be bought and sold.—Manuscript 154, 1898.3SM 411.6

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