- A Word to the Reader
- Introduction
- Chapter 4—The Primacy of the Word
- Chapter 5—Experiences in Receiving the Visions
- Chapter 6—Glimpses of How the Light Came to Ellen White
- Chapter 7—Presenting the Divinely Revealed Message
- Chapter 8—The Question of Influence
- Introduction
- Chapter 15—A Running Account of Ellen G. White's Experience in Writing on the Life of Christ in 1876
- Introduction
- The Completeness of Christ's Humanity
- Christ Descended to the Level of Fallen Humanity
- Was Christ Capable of Yielding to Temptation?
- God Sent a Sinless Being to This World
- Man Created With Sinless Moral Nature
- Sickness of Others Carried Vicariously
- Christ's Sinlessness Disturbed Satan
- Our Fallen Human Nature Connected With Christ's Divinity
- Tempted as Children Today Are
- What the Incarnation Accomplishes
- Satan Declared That Man Could Not Keep God's Law
- Real Meaning of the Incarnation
- Introduction
- A Statement Presenting the Historical Backgrounds
- Precious Promises Versus Gloomy Pictures
- Ellen White's Appraisal on the Closing Day
- Two Excerpts From Minneapolis Sermons
- Three Months After Minneapolis
- The Reception in the Field of the Message of Righteousness by Faith
- Need for a Proper Concept of Righteousness by Faith
- Chapter 22—Emphasis on Salvation Theme—1890-1908
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Chapter 42—Renting Our Churches to Other Denominations
- Chapter 45—Balanced Counsel on Picture-making and Idolatry
- Chapter 49—Can All Have the Gift of Prophecy?
- Introduction
- Misleading Messages Will Be Accepted by Many
- Steadfastness, but No Defiance
- Backsliding SDA's Unite With Unbelievers
- A Science of the Devil
- The Time of Apostasy is Here
- Angels Will Hold Four Winds Until After Sealing
- Satan and his Angels Mingle With Apostates
- The Work of Independent Teachers
- Evil Angels in the Form of Believers Will Work in Our Ranks
- Apostasies That Will Surprise Us
- Apostates Will Use Hypnotism
- “Unify, Unify”
- The Trouble Ahead
- A Law of Nations That Will Cause Men to Violate God's Law
- The World in Rebellion
- Many Children Will Be Taken Away
- The Final Conflict Will Be Short but Terrible
- When Persecuted Flee to Another Place
- Martyrdom God's Means of Bringing Many Into Truth
- Christ Stands by the Side of Persecuted Saints
- Merchants and Princes Will Take Their Stand
- Every Human Being Will Be Either in Christ's Army or Satan's Army
- Christ Mingles in the Ranks in the Last Conflict
- Our Lives and the Final Preparation
- A Vivid View of Coming Events
A Few Sabbaths With the White Family
[Battle Creek, Michigan] Sabbath, January 1, 1859—Attended Preaching, a Baptism, and the Ordinances—It is the commencement of the new year. The Lord gave James liberty Sabbath afternoon in preaching upon the necessary preparation for baptism, and to partake of the Lord's Supper. There was much feeling in the congregation. At intermission, all repaired to the water, where seven followed their Lord in baptism. It was a powerful season and of the deepest interest. Two little sisters about eleven years old were baptized. One, Cornelia C., prayed in the water to be kept unspotted from the world.3SM 261.1
In the eve the church followed the example of their Lord and washed one another's feet, and then partook of the Lord's Supper. There was rejoicing and weeping in that house. The place was awful, and yet glorious, on account of the presence of the Lord.—Manuscript 5, 1859.3SM 261.2
[Otsego, Michigan] Sabbath, January 8, 1859—Traveled to Meeting by Sleigh and Spoke Some—It is the holy Sabbath. May we honor and glorify God today. We went with Brother Leighton in his sleigh to Otsego, four miles. It was very cold; could hardly keep comfortable. Found the meetinghouse not very warm. All were so cold. Must take time to get warm. Brother Loughborough preached upon the judgment. Then I said a few words. Not very free. Then the church readily gave in their testimonies.—Manuscript 5, 1859.3SM 261.3
[Battle Creek] Sabbath, March 5, 1859—Stayed Home to Nurse James White—Did not attend meeting today. My husband was sick. Have remained with him to wait upon him. The Lord met with us and blessed us this morn. I had unusual liberty in prayer. Brother John Andrews preached twice today. He spent the eve and night with us. We enjoyed the visit much.—Manuscript 5, 1859.3SM 262.1
[Battle Creek] Sabbath, March 19, 1859—Attended Meeting and Read to the Children—Attended meeting in the forenoon. Brother Loughborough preached with great liberty upon the sleep of the dead and the inheritance of the saints. Tarried at home in the afternoon. Read to my children, [Adelia Patten, for several years an assistant in the White home in Battle Creek, in her “Narrative of the Life, Experience, and Last Illness of Henry N. White,” who died in December, 1863, made the following statement in regard to Ellen White's dealing with her children:
For a number of years past their mother has spent much time in reading to them on the Sabbath from her large amount of choice selections of moral and religious matter, a portion of which she has recently published in the work entitled, Sabbath Readings. Reading to them before they could readily read themselves, gave them a love for useful reading, and they have spent many leisure hours, especially the Sabbath hours, when not at Sabbath School and meeting, in perusing good books, with which they were well supplied.—An Appeal to the Youth, 19.] wrote a letter to Brother Newton and wife, encouraging them in spiritual things. In the evening attended meeting for communion and washing feet. Was not as free as I wished to be on such occasions.—Manuscript 5, 1859.3SM 262.2
[Convis, Michigan] Sabbath, April 9, 1859—Watched and Ministered at Convis—Rose early and rode about twelve miles to Convis to meet with the saints there. The ride was refreshing. Called at Brother Brackett's. They accompanied us to the place of meeting, about two miles distant from his house. A little company of Sabbathkeepers were collected in a large, commodious schoolhouse. James had great freedom speaking to the people. I said a few words. Meeting held until about two o'clock. Nearly all bore testimony to the truth. After supper as the hours of holy time were closing, we had a refreshing season of prayer. James talked with the children before bowing to pray.—Manuscript 6, 1859.3SM 262.3
[Battle Creek] Sabbath, April 23, 1859—Attended Meeting and Entertained Company—Sister Brackett, Sister Lane and her daughter, Sister Scott, and Sister Smith came from Convis to the meeting at Battle Creek. They took dinner at our house. [Sabbath meals in the White home in later years are described by her daughter-in-law in a statement dated October 16, 1949:
“As Mrs. E. G. White's daughter-in-law, I was a member of her household for a little more than a year, and was often in her home and travelled with her over a period of twenty years. I have been asked concerning the Sabbath meals in the White home.
“As full preparation as was possible was made on Friday, the preparation day, for the Sabbath meals. On Sabbath the food for both breakfast and dinner was served hot, it having been heated immediately preceding the meal. All unnecessary work was avoided on the Sabbath but at no time did Mrs. White consider it a violation of proper Sabbath observance to provide for the ordinary comforts of life such as the building of a fire for the heating of the house or the heating of the food for the meals.”—(Signed) Mrs. W. C. White.] Meeting was interesting through the day. Brother Waggoner preached in the forenoon. His discourse was appropriate. At intermission four were baptized—Sisters Hide, Scott, and Agnes Irving, and Brother Pratt. Our afternoon meeting was very interesting. My husband never had greater liberty. The Lord's Spirit was in the meeting. The Lord gave me freedom in exhortation. In the eve the ordinances of the Lord's house were attended to. It was a solemn, interesting occasion. I was unable to attend, being much exhausted.—Manuscript 6, 1859.3SM 263.1
[Denver] Sabbath, July 20, 1872—Took a Walk, Wrote, and Read—It is a beautiful morning. This is the Lord's rest day and we desire to keep the Sabbath that God may accept our efforts and that our own souls may be refreshed. We walked out, seeking a retired place in a grove where we could pray and read, but we were not successful. We spent the day in conversing upon religious subjects, writing, and reading.—Manuscript 4, 1872.3SM 263.2
[Battle Creek] Sabbath, April 12, 1873—Made Many Missionary Visits—My husband spoke to the people in the forenoon. I remained at home because I did not feel able to attend. In the afternoon I attended meeting....3SM 264.1
After the meeting closed I visited Ella Belden. Had a sweet season of prayer with her. I then visited Brother and Sister W. Salisbury. We had a precious season of prayer with the family. Brother and Sister Salisbury united their prayers with mine. We all felt that the Lord blessed us. I then called upon aged Brother and Sister Morse.... I visited Brother and Sister Gardner. He is nearing the close of his journey. Disease has made him very weak. He was overjoyed to see me. We united our prayers together and the hearts of these afflicted ones were comforted and blessed.—Manuscript 6, 1873.3SM 264.2
[Battle Creek] Sabbath, May 17, 1873—Rode a Few Miles, Slept Some—We rode out a few miles in the oak grove. Rested about an hour. We slept some. We had a season of prayer before returning home. In the afternoon we went to the meeting.—Manuscript 7, 1873.3SM 264.3
[Washington, Iowa] Saturday, June 21, 1873—Wrote on Sufferings of Christ—A beautiful day; rather warm. Took a pack. Felt better. Wrote fifteen pages on sufferings of Christ. I became much interested in my subject. Brother Wheeler, Hester, and Brother Van Ostrand went to the meeting. We had some prospect of rain. Called the family together and read the matter I had written. All seemed interested.—Manuscript 8, 1873.3SM 264.4
[Walling's Mills] Friday, September 12, 1873—Entertained a Non-Adventist—We arrived home a little before sundown. Received letters from Brother Canright, also Mary Gaskill and Daniel Bourdeau, giving us an account of camp meeting. When we reached home we found John Cranson there. We felt sorry that he should come to see us on the Sabbath. We do not like to have visitors to entertain upon the Sabbath who have no respect for God or His holy day.—Manuscript 11, 1873.3SM 264.5
[En route from Colorado to Battle Creek] Sabbath, November 8, 1873. Traveled on Sabbath, Regretfully. [See Testimonies for the Church 6:360.]—We rested well on the car during the night. We were unwilling to report ourselves on the cars this morning, but circumstances connected with the cause and work of God demand our presence at the General Conference. We could not delay. If we were doing our own business we should feel it a breach of the fourth commandment to travel on the Sabbath. We engaged in no common conversation. We endeavored to keep our minds in a devotional frame and we enjoyed some of the presence of God while we deeply regretted the necessity of traveling upon the Sabbath.—Manuscript 13, 1873.3SM 265.1
[Sydney, N.S.W., Australia] February 4, 1893—Spoke in the Morning, Boarded Ship in the Afternoon—We rode in the cab to the church in Sydney, and I spoke from Hebrews 11 upon faith. The Lord strengthened me by His grace. I felt much strengthened and blessed. The Holy Spirit was upon me. Strength, both physical and spiritual, was given me in large measure....3SM 265.2
In the afternoon at two o'clock we stepped on board the steamer to take the journey we long dreaded. All our luggage had been stored away on Friday. We dislike very much to travel on the Sabbath but the work must be done in giving the message to the world and we can keep our minds and hearts uplifted to God and can hide in Jesus. When we cannot control these matters we must leave all with our heavenly Father. If our trust be in God He will help us.—Manuscript 76, 1893.3SM 265.3