- A Word to the Reader
- Introduction
- Chapter 4—The Primacy of the Word
- Chapter 5—Experiences in Receiving the Visions
- Chapter 6—Glimpses of How the Light Came to Ellen White
- Chapter 7—Presenting the Divinely Revealed Message
- Chapter 8—The Question of Influence
- Introduction
- Chapter 15—A Running Account of Ellen G. White's Experience in Writing on the Life of Christ in 1876
- Introduction
- The Completeness of Christ's Humanity
- Christ Descended to the Level of Fallen Humanity
- Was Christ Capable of Yielding to Temptation?
- God Sent a Sinless Being to This World
- Man Created With Sinless Moral Nature
- Sickness of Others Carried Vicariously
- Christ's Sinlessness Disturbed Satan
- Our Fallen Human Nature Connected With Christ's Divinity
- Tempted as Children Today Are
- What the Incarnation Accomplishes
- Satan Declared That Man Could Not Keep God's Law
- Real Meaning of the Incarnation
- Introduction
- A Statement Presenting the Historical Backgrounds
- Precious Promises Versus Gloomy Pictures
- Ellen White's Appraisal on the Closing Day
- Two Excerpts From Minneapolis Sermons
- Three Months After Minneapolis
- The Reception in the Field of the Message of Righteousness by Faith
- Need for a Proper Concept of Righteousness by Faith
- Chapter 22—Emphasis on Salvation Theme—1890-1908
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Chapter 42—Renting Our Churches to Other Denominations
- Chapter 45—Balanced Counsel on Picture-making and Idolatry
- Chapter 49—Can All Have the Gift of Prophecy?
- Introduction
- Misleading Messages Will Be Accepted by Many
- Steadfastness, but No Defiance
- Backsliding SDA's Unite With Unbelievers
- A Science of the Devil
- The Time of Apostasy is Here
- Angels Will Hold Four Winds Until After Sealing
- Satan and his Angels Mingle With Apostates
- The Work of Independent Teachers
- Evil Angels in the Form of Believers Will Work in Our Ranks
- Apostasies That Will Surprise Us
- Apostates Will Use Hypnotism
- “Unify, Unify”
- The Trouble Ahead
- A Law of Nations That Will Cause Men to Violate God's Law
- The World in Rebellion
- Many Children Will Be Taken Away
- The Final Conflict Will Be Short but Terrible
- When Persecuted Flee to Another Place
- Martyrdom God's Means of Bringing Many Into Truth
- Christ Stands by the Side of Persecuted Saints
- Merchants and Princes Will Take Their Stand
- Every Human Being Will Be Either in Christ's Army or Satan's Army
- Christ Mingles in the Ranks in the Last Conflict
- Our Lives and the Final Preparation
- A Vivid View of Coming Events
Was Christ Capable of Yielding to Temptation?
In your letter in regard to the temptations of Christ, you say: “If He was One with God He could not fall”....The point you inquire of me is, In our Lord's great scene of conflict in the wilderness, apparently under the power of Satan and his angels, was He capable, in His human nature, of yielding to these temptations?3SM 129.2
I will try to answer this important question: As God He could not be tempted: but as a man He could be tempted, and that strongly, and could yield to the temptations. His human nature must pass through the same test and trial Adam and Eve passed through. His human nature was created; it did not even possess the angelic powers. It was human, identical with our own. He was passing over the ground where Adam fell. He was now where, if He endured the test and trial in behalf of the fallen race, He would redeem Adam's disgraceful failure and fall, in our own humanity.3SM 129.3
Christ Had a Human Body and a Human Mind—A human body and a human mind were His. He was bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh. He was subjected to poverty from His first entrance into the world. He was subject to disappointment and trial in His own home, among His own brethren. He was not surrounded, as in the heavenly courts, with pure and lovely characters. He was compassed with difficulties. He came into our world to maintain a pure, sinless character, and to refute Satan's lie that it was not possible for human beings to keep the law of God. Christ came to live the law in His human character in just that way in which all may live the law in human nature if they will do as Christ was doing. He had inspired holy men of old to write for the benefit of man: “Let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; and he shall make peace with me” (Isaiah 27:5).3SM 129.4
Abundant provision has been made that finite, fallen man may so connect with God that, through the same Source by which Christ overcame in His human nature, he may stand firmly against every temptation, as did Christ. He was subject to inconveniences that human nature is subjected to. He breathed the air of the same world we breathe. He stood and traveled in the same world we inhabit, which, we have positive evidence, was no more friendly to grace and righteousness than it is today.3SM 130.1
His Attributes May Be Ours—The higher attributes of His being it is our privilege to have, if we will, through the provisions He has made, appropriate these blessings and diligently cultivate the good in the place of the evil. We have reason, conscience, memory, will, affections—all the attributes a human being can possess. Through the provision made when God and the Son of God made a covenant to rescue man from the bondage of Satan, every facility was provided that human nature should come into union with His divine nature. In such a nature was our Lord tempted. He could have yielded to Satan's lying suggestions as did Adam, but we should adore and glorify the Lamb of God that He did not in a single point yield one jot or one tittle.3SM 130.2
Two Natures Blended in Christ—Through being partakers of the divine nature we may stand pure and holy and undefiled. The Godhead was not made human, and the human was not deified by the blending together of the two natures. Christ did not possess the same sinful, corrupt, fallen disloyalty we possess, for then He could not be a perfect offering.—Manuscript 94, 1893.3SM 131.1
The Reality of Christ's Temptations—When the follower of Christ meets with trial and perplexity, he is not to become discouraged. He is not to cast away his confidence if he does not realize all his expectations. When buffeted by the enemy, he should remember the Saviour's life of trial and discouragement. Heavenly beings ministered to Christ in His need, yet this did not make the Saviour's life one of freedom from conflict and temptation. He was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. If His people will follow this example, they will be imbued with His Spirit, and heavenly angels will minister to them.3SM 131.2
The temptations to which Christ was subjected were a terrible reality. As a free agent He was placed on probation, with liberty to yield to Satan's temptations and work at cross-purposes with God. If this were not so, if it had not been possible for Him to fall, He could not have been tempted in all points as the human family is tempted.3SM 131.3
The temptations of Christ, and His sufferings under them, were proportionate to His exalted, sinless character. But in every time of distress, Christ turned to His Father. He “resisted unto blood” in that hour when the fear of moral failure was as the fear of death. As He bowed in Gethsemane, in His soul agony, drops of blood fell from His pores, and moistened the sods of the earth. He prayed with strong crying and tears, and He was heard in that He feared. God strengthened Him, as He will strengthen all who will humble themselves, and throw themselves, soul, body, and spirit, into the hands of a covenant-keeping God.3SM 131.4
Upon the cross Christ knew, as no other can know, the awful power of Satan's temptations, and His heart was poured out in pity and forgiveness for the dying thief, who had been ensnared by the enemy.—The Youth's Instructor, October 26, 1899.3SM 132.1
Christ's heart was pierced by a far sharper pain than that caused by the nails driven into His hands and feet. He was bearing the sins of the whole world, enduring our punishment—the wrath of God against transgression. His trial involved the fierce temptation of thinking that He was forsaken by God. His soul was tortured by the pressure of great darkness, lest He should swerve from His uprightness during the terrible ordeal.3SM 132.2
Unless there is a possibility of yielding, temptation is no temptation. Temptation is resisted when man is powerfully influenced to do a wrong action; and, knowing that he can do it, resists, by faith, with a firm hold upon divine power. This was the ordeal through which Christ passed.—The Youth's Instructor, July 20, 1899.3SM 132.3
We May Overcome as Christ Overcame—The love and justice of God, and also the immutability of His law, are made manifest by the Saviour's life, no less than by His death. He assumed human nature, with its infirmities, its liabilities, its temptations.... He was “in all points tempted like as we are” (Hebrews 4:15). He exercised in His own behalf no power which man cannot exercise. As man He met temptation, and overcame in the strength given Him of God. He gives us an example of perfect obedience. He has provided that we may become partakers of the divine nature, and assures us that we may overcome as He overcame. His life testified that by the aid of the same divine power which Christ received, it is possible for man to obey God's law.—Manuscript 141, 1901.3SM 132.4