idlers — Israel, modern
Those who are lazy and who accomplish little or nothing. “Bible religion never makes men idlers” (MH 195).EGWD idlers.2
Without limits or an end. Ellen G. White described how at the close of the *great controversy sin will be no more and that “from Him who created all, flow life and light and gladness, throughout the realms of illimitable space” (GC 678).EGWD illimitable.2
A term Ellen G. White used nineteen times in her published writings and consistently used it as an adverb to indicate scarcely or poorly. Examples include “illy prepared” or “illy harmonizes” (3SG 19; 4T 250).EGWD illy.2
An adjective meaning persistent to the point of annoyance or intrusion. Ellen G. White describes Jacob’s trial as a model for God’s people at the end of time as they will need to partake of “importunate prayer” (GC 621).EGWD importunate.2
Lacking foresight or thoughtless (DA 560).EGWD improviden.2
To impress upon by frequent admonitions or to urge upon the mind (PP 717).EGWD inculcate.2
Avoiding activity or exertion, laziness. Ellen G. White stated, “We can never be saved in indolence and in-activity” (COL 280).EGWD indolence.2
The idea that the *Bible and Ellen G. White’s writings are free of any error(s). Ellen G. White made it clear that both the Bible and her writings have minor discrepancies in details that do not pertain to the focal message of *revelation that was transmitted by the human messenger (see 1SM 38, 39). See revelation and inspiration.EGWD inerrancy.2
Ings, William (1835—1897)
Ings, William (1835—1897) and Jeannis “Jenny” “Jennie” L. (1841—1921). Early church workers; Jenny served as a literary assistant to Ellen G. White. In 1876, William was sentEGWD Ings, William.2
See revelation and inspiration.EGWD inspiration.2
The ability of the mind to think. “Human intellect is not omnipotent” (CE 37), yet God “can sharpen the intellect” (COL 146). The “great teachers” of the world, with “giant intellect and extensive research,” are subservient before “One who stands higher than they. . . . Every gleam of thought, every flash of the intellect, is f om the Light of the world” (Ed 13).EGWD intellect.2
A *Victorian term used to describe commerce, trade, or conversation. When Ellen G. White described the importance of having “intercourse with our heavenly Father,” she meant that people should communicate with God as a friend (SC 93). Similarly, she noted how the ancient Israelites had intercourse (dialogue) with idolaters—the Edomites and I other nations—who caused the Israelites to backslide (PP 363, 424, 435, 454). Similarly, Saul had intercourse with Satan through evil spirits (PP 638, 684). She also wrote of the “familiar intercourse [conversations] of the home circle” (AA 250) and how important it is that all “social intercourse” of a Christian should be “profitable ” (DA 641).EGWD intercourse.2
In the modern sense, irradiate typically refers to being exposed to radiation; but in antebellum America, it meant to illuminate something, often by shining a light on it. Ellen G. White wrote that the Old Testament is “irradiated with the glory of the Son of God” (DA 211).EGWD irradiate.2
Irwin, George A (1844—1913)
Minister and administrator. Irwin fought in the American Civil War; while imprisoned at the Confederates’ Andersonville prison-of-war camp, he was converted. In 1885, he accepted the *Sabbath and soon afterward began denominational employment. He served as the president of the Ohio Conference (1889-1895), super-vised the General Conference District no. 2 (the southern United States), and as the General Conference president (1897-1901). After the reorganization of the *church, Irwin served as a missionary to Australia, returned to serve as the vice president for North America (1909-1910), and as the president of the Pacific nion Conference (1910-1912).EGWD Irwin, George A.2
Israel, modern
In Ellen G. White’s first vision in December 1844, she described herself as someone who, like the biblical Caleb and Joshua, was sent to encourage people to *go for-ward to the heavenly Canaan land. Seventh-day Adventists should learn from the story of the ancient Israelites, especially from the curse of *Meroz, because God’s people are indeed “His modern Israel” (2T 109; cf. 3T 396). Her allusions to *James White fulfilling a similar role to that of Moses was the basis for some of the earliest *criticism of their leadership by early dissidents, such as the *Marion Party.EGWD Israel, modern.2