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    Put On Christ

    There is not among us that simplicity that there should be. We should come to the Lord just as we are, humbling ourselves before Him, and wrestling earnestly until we receive the Holy Spirit. Why should we not do as the disciples did just before the Day of Pentecost? They sought the Lord earnestly, and when the Day of Pentecost was fully come, they were “all with one accord.” Notwithstanding the opposition of the powers of darkness was so great that persecution arose, some even being put to death, the disciples witnessed for Christ, and large numbers were converted....MM 201.3

    Will you not all put on Christ, not to lay Him off again, but to let His Spirit stamp your mind and character? When all in this institution are truly converted, there will be just as surely a wonderful work done as when on the Day of Pentecost the disciples received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Lord Himself will be with you, to teach and to lead and to guide. You will see of the salvation of God. You may be disheartened at times. Discouragements will arise, but it is your privilege at all times to lay hold of the hope set before you in the gospel. Watch unto prayer. Believe that God will help you to speak words that will cheer and encourage and increase the faith of those with whom you associate....MM 201.4

    No Haphazard Work

    We cannot expect the blessing of God to rest upon us, if we serve God at will and let Him alone at pleasure. It is not necessary that we should cater to the world's demands for pleasure. There are other places in the world where people may find amusement. We need here substantial men and women; we need those who will reveal the simplicity of true godliness. We need men and women who are solid Christians, who will not feel that if they have had some experience they must therefore be highly honored. You may have a rich and living experience here; but the Lord cannot be honored by you while you think that it does not matter whether or not you are subdued in spirit, or whether you are really converted. If the work here is to be sustained, we must have those who will carry responsibilities in the fear of God. A preparation for the kingdom of God is no haphazard work. You cannot be religious at times and at other times irreligious.—Manuscript 57, 1909.MM 202.1

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