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    For Further Study

    The Christian Physician:
    Counsels on Health, 321-386
    (Testimonies for the Church 6:229-234;
    Testimonies for the Church 4:566-569);
    The Ministry of Healing, 111-124;
    Testimonies for the Church 6:243-253.

    Better Qualified Than Minister Who Merely Preaches:
    Counsels on Health, 503, 504.

    A Messenger of Mercy:
    Counsels on Health, 351-354
    (Testimonies for the Church 7:72-75).

    Practical Results of Communion With God:
    The Ministry of Healing, 511, 512.

    Neglect of Religious Duties:
    Counsels on Health, 362;
    403, 404.

    Moral and Intellectual Culture:
    Counsels on Health, 257-260
    (Testimonies for the Church 4:545-549).

    Value of Trial, Danger of Self-Sufficiency:
    Testimonies for the Church 8:123-132.

    Habits of Temperance:
    Counsels on Health, 321-32;
    Testimonies for the Church 5:439-442).

    Patience and Sympathy for the Undeserving:
    Counsels on Health, 347-354
    (Testimonies for the Church 3:178-184;
    Testimonies for the Church 7:72-75).

    To Be Firm, Yet Courteous and Tender:
    Testimonies for the Church 3:170.

    Duty of Truthfulness:
    The Ministry of Healing, 245.

    To Teach Causes of Disease:
    Counsels on Health, 366.

    Appropriate Promises for the Dying:
    The Ministry of Healing, 121-124.

    Divinely Helped in Operations:
    Testimonies for the Church 8:187, 188.

    Praising God for Recovery:
    Counsels on Health, 334, 335;
    The Ministry of Healing, 119.

    No Place for Graduation:
    Counsels on Health, 405 (Testimonies for the Church 4:554-562).

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